"Hahahaha! I'm impressed! Your current power is comparable to that of the first Homunculus! However, while you are tremendously powerful, much more so than you were during our last encounter, you're nothing more than a mindless, berserk Monster!" Exclaimed the Undead King as his body regenerated, before stomping on the ground and triggering a shockwave towards Raven as he came barreling towards the Undead King with immense speed.
As the shockwave closed in on him, he took off into the air with a powerful flap of his wings, an intense gust of wind erupting below him before his eyes began glowing.
The Undead King swiftly raced away as the glow of Raven's eyes sharply intensified, before a pair of rapid, wide beams of purple energy erupted out towards the Undead King, who narrowly evaded one of them, which struck the ground and drilled in, as the other beam hit his left shoulder and tore his arm off.
His arm turned to black smoke as it fell off and hit the ground, the Undead King regenerating rapidly as he then reached and picked up a large chunk of rubble on the ground and flung it towards Raven with a rapid spin.
As the chunk of rubble zipped through the air and closed in on Raven, he opened his mouth and unleashed a forceful, deafening roar, shattering the rubble to pieces from the force of the roar.
"It's clear that you've grown stronger in your normal state since we last met, not to mention that you've got much more of your Magic Power under control, which in turn made your subconscious stronger as well, and that resulted in this form becoming much harder to control! Despite all that immense power, you're no threat to me! I just need to wait till you run out of time with this form and-...!" Declared the Undead King, before trailing off as Raven suddenly blasted himself forward with a sharp increase in speed, creating narrow nozzle-like cylinders behind his heels and firing out pressurized bursts of flames out of them to launch himself with as much speed as possible.
He closed in on the Undead King in the blink of an eye, a violent flash of purple bursting out as intense, crackling lightning erupted around his right fist, before he drove it towards the Undead King's head with immense force.
The Undead King began to spring back, before Raven extended out another narrow nozzle from his elbow and unleashed a concentrated blast of flames from it to drive his arm forward with a sharp burst of speed, his fist slamming onto the middle of the Undead King's face.
A sharp, crackling sizzle rang out as he vaporized the Undead King's head upon impact, the force with which he drove his arm forward triggering a powerful shockwave that sent the Undead King's headless body hurtling back through the air, hitting the ground and skidding away several meters as his head grew back.
"Why, you-...!" Began the Undead King furiously, before his eyes widened as Raven raised his right arm, his hand and forearm morphing drastically and expanding immensely in size, before taking the shape of a massive, towering black and purple blade, casting a wide shadow across the area.
He then swung the blade down with immense speed, hitting the top of the Undead King's head before he could react and tearing his body vertically in two, before the large, scaly blade slammed onto the ground, splitting it in half as a devastating shockwave erupted upon impact with a deafening, earsplitting crash.
The two halves of the Undead King's body got sent flying off in either direction, a massive cloud of dust bursting out as deep cracks spread out across the entire area, the ground rumbling violently as the windows of several buildings in the vicinity shattered.
The left half of the Undead King's split body then turned to smoke as he rapidly regenerated from his right half, before he quickly raced away as Raven's tail extended out and shot towards him, chasing after him with sharp speed.
"This is bad, his attacks are much more destructive that I could have anticipated...having to regenerate from such immense damage over and over in such quick succession is eating through my energy at an alarming rate. I can't simply keep waiting for him to run out of time, his attacks will drain all my remaining energy well before that happens if this keeps up. No, I need to find a way to land some attacks of my own! He's not that much faster than I am, but the problem is that he's got such a widr arsenal of tricks up his sleeve, that caught me off-guard...I need to figure out a way around them and inflict some significant damage against him," The Undead King thought to himself with a grimace, before turning around and sprinting towards Raven at full speed, evading the grasp of his tail as he barreled towards him as fast as he could.
Raven swiftly began to retract his tail, letting out a vicious snarl as the Undead King closed on in him and swiftly got low, driving his fist towards Raven's stomach.
As his fist slammed onto the middle of Raven's stomach, cracking the scales around that spot upon impact, streaks of blood spraying out through the cracks as Raven's feet slid back across the ground.
Raven roared in pain before swinging his claws at the Undead King's head, who quickly sprang back in response, the claws slicing through his face as he backed away and got some distance, before Raven raised his right arm in the Undead King's direction.
Flames erupted around his elbow, before the Undead King's eyes widened in bewilderment as Raven's forearm suddenly got detached and came shooting towards him with alarming speed like a bullet, hitting his chest with a loud crunch before tearing through his body and bursting out his back, leaving a large, gaping hole through the middle of his chest.
Raven's forearm rapidly grew back as he regenerated, before he launched himself towards the Undead King by bursting out pressurized jets of flames from the nozzles on his heels, the air around his jaws shimmering violently as he closed in on the Undead King, before snapping his jaws wide open and unleashing a devastatingly concentrated ray of compressed flames from his mouth, incinerating the Undead King's entire bodh to ash in the blink of an eye, before the flames barreling forwards, roaring across the ground.
Several buildings ahead vanished from sight as the flames engulfed and vaporized them in an instant, carving out a large, wide molten trail ahead of Raven, several meters wide and spanning about two hundred meters in length.
As his flames petered out and dissipated, the temperature of the entire area having significantly spiked, Raven growled and narrowed his eyes as the Undead King began to regenerate a few meters in front of him.
"What's happened to him? What's going on?" Inquired Ravella in bewilderment, watching the battle from atop a distant building, along with the others.
"It's Dark Raven...it's been quite a while since I last saw it, but it's a lot different this time. He's way more powerful, but he's also completely out of control. While he wasn't as strong last time, he was able to maintain his consciousness and stay in control...but that's not the case this time," Remarked Celia with a grimace, as Raven continued attacking the Undead King ferociously.
"What should we do? I don't think he's going to differentiate between friend and foe while in that state," Responded Tacitus warily, a loud crash ringing out as the battle continued to rage.
"The good news is that it'll wear off automatically after a few minutes...until then, we hang back and stay out of his way. We'll let him keep attacking the Undead King and forcing him to regenerate, draining as much of his energy as possible...and as soon as this tranformation wears off, we'll pick up from where he leaves off and try to force the Undead King to use up what energy he has left. And after that, is where you come in," Said Aster, as he turned his gaze towards Jules.
"Huh? Me? Oh, right...the Sealing Spell. Understood, I'll bring it out and trap him in it once his energy is fully drained," She nodded, before turning her attention back to the fight, grimacing as Raven's attacks collapsed a building while trying to hit the Undead King, "He's really done a number on this part of the city, such immense destructive power, I've never seen anything like it before...I just hope no one was in any of the buildings he's inadvertently demolished."
"How much time has passed since he tranformed?" Inquired Tacitus, as Raven extended his right arm out and sent it chasing after the Undead King with immense speed.
"Not even two full minutes yet. I made sure to start timing it the instant I realized he'd entered his Dark Raven form," Replied Celia, as she held up a pocket watch.
"Hm, I see...I thought more time than that would've passed by now, but considering how insanely fast-paced this fight has been, I guess that makes sense," Mused Aster, as Raven caught up to the Undead King, grabbing hold of him and violently ripping his body in half as he let out a fierce roar...