"D-damn, you-...!" Exclaimed the Undead King, before he was cut off as Raven extended out several tendrils from his back and sent them shooting out towards the Undead King.
The tendrils pierced into his body before he could get away, a purple glow shining out from inside his body before a fierce blast of flames erupted inside him, blowing his body apart into several charred, smoldering pieces.
Most of the burnt pieces turned to smoke as he regenerated from one of the pieces, but his regeneration speed was visibly slower than it was before.
As his upper body regenerated, he planted his hands on the ground and began sprinting away using them as his lower half began to grow back, before a rapid, swirling purple fireball slammed onto his back, scorching through deeply and knocking the Undead King down, hitting the ground facefirst and skidding forward.
"N-no, this...this can't be happening! How...how the hell is a mere mindless beast overwhelming me like this!?" He exclaimed, panic starting to set in now that most of his energy had been diminished, Raven's fierce, relentless assault having forced him into regenerating practically nonstop.
He then gritted his teeth and focused on his regeneration, trying to recover his body as quickly as possible, as Raven zipped up into the air and came rapidly swooping down towards him, an immense cloak of lightning violently crackling around his entire body.
The Undead King quickly rolled out of the way as Raven closed in on him, his feet slamming onto the ground and charring the dirt black with a devastating impact, triggering a shockwave that sent the Undead King hurtling off to the left at a breakneck speed, as a large dust cloud rose up around Raven, deep cracks spreading out around him.
A loud crash rang out as the Undead King's body slammed onto the side of a building, the wall collapsing in upon impact, the Undead King falling in and landing on a pile of rubble.
He shakily got back onto his feet as he finally finished regenerating his lower half, but the force of the shockwave and the impact upon crashing onto the building had broken several of his bones, both his arms bent in multiple directions, before they slowly began to heal.
"D-damn it, this is really bad...I-I don't think I have enough energy left to regenerate from another of his attacks, the damage he inflicts is far too significant. I...I need to get the hell out of here, or I'll be killed! Y-yeah, I'll retreat and rebuild my forces from scratch! " The Undead King thought to himself, before picking up a large chunk of rubble and flinging out of through the left of the hole in the building he'd crashed onto before the dust could clear, Raven immediately chasing after the rubble as it zipped out of the opening.
The Undead King immediately leapt out of the right side of the hole, starting to sprint away in the opposite direction before his eyes widened in alarm as a rapid projectile of dark red energy came shooting over him and struck the ground in front of him, before exploding and knocking him back a few meters, the sound of the explosion catching Raven's attention.
The Undead King froze in fear as a deafening, ferocious roar rang out behind him, before he quickly turned around, his eyes widening in terror as Raven came charging in towards him, closing in on him in an instant.
"Celia, how much time left before Raven's transformation wears off?" Inquired Aster, as the Undead King drove his fist towards Raven head in desperation.
"About a minute and a half left now," She responded, glancing at her watch as Raven evaded the Undead King's fist and grabbed his arm, a loud crunch ringing out as he snapped the Undead King's forearm like a twig with a sharp, violent twist of his wrist.
"Alright, then...seems the Undead King's energy is close to running out too, and Raven's burned up all the Miasma in the area. Get ready to use the Sealing Spell," Aster said to Jules.
"Right, I got it, I'm ready to move in at a moment's notice. I have to say, this is incredible...we struggled so much just to keep up with the Undead King when we were fighting him, but the Homunculus has him completely at his mercy," She replied in amazement, as Raven lifted the Undead King up and ripped his body in half, before tossing the lower half away and slamming the upper half onto the ground as the lower half turned to black smoke.
"Hm, that's strange...normally, he would've opted to regenerate from his lower half, in which case, his upper body would have turner to smoke. But the fact that he didn't do that, despite the fact that his upper body is firmly trapped within Raven's grasp, likely means he doesn't have enough energy to fully regenerate anymore," Surmised Aster, as Raven grabbed the Undead King's right arm and lifted his upper body off the ground.
"L-let go of me, you damned-...," Began the Undead King shakily, the speed of his regeneration slowed down to a crawl before he was abruptly cut off as Raven roared at him before slamming him against the ground with immense force, a deafening crash ringing out as cracks spread out across the dirt, thick puffs of dust billowing out upon impact.
He then began repeatedly swinging the Undead King against the ground over and over like a ragdoll, loud crashes echoing out as the cracks deepened and spread further out across the ground, the surrounding area rumbling slightly as a dust cloud rose up around Raven.
The Undead King desperately tried to pry free of Raven's grasp over his arm, but it was no use, he was completely helpless, every bone in what was left of his body broken to pieces.
Raven then raised him up one last time, his body severely mangled and broken, before Raven sharply tightened his grip and slammed the Undead King onto the ground with an immense, devastating impact, a deafening crash ringing out.
Deep cracks spread out across the ground as a small but deep crater formed around the Undead King's body, before Raven stomped down on the middle of his chest, driving his heel in.
"Look at his waist, he's completely stopped regenerating now! Alright, now we just wait for Raven's tranformation to wear off and-...," Began Aster, before his eyes widened in alarm as Raven leaned down towards the Undead King, his eyes starting to glow deeply as Aster yelled out, "Shit! Don't let him vaporize him! We can't seal him if he's reduced to ash!"
"Sorry about this, Raven!" Exclaimed Celia with a grimace, as she quickly took aim and fired out a rapid arrow of explosive energy towards Raven.
The arrow zipped through the air and struck Raven's left side as the glow of his eyes began to intensify, an powerful explosion bursting out upon impact and pushing Raven a few meters across to his right, a few cracks across the scales on his left side as thin trails of blood trickled out of the cracks.
As The Irregulars and Jules leapt off the building they were on, landing on the ground below and racing forward, Raven turned his gaze towards them and roared furiously, before spreading out his wings and zipping forward with immense speed.
Ravella quickly raised her index finger, compressing light energy into her fingertip before letting it erupt, triggering a blinding flash of light as the others shut their eyes right before she unleashed it, an anguished snarl ringing it as the flash blinded Raven, forcing his eyes shut as he came to a halt a few meters away of the Undead King.
"Do it now!" Exclaimed Aster, before Jules took out the Sealing Spell from her Storage Ring and fired off pressurized jets of flames from her heels, launching herself towards the Undead King.
Her feet hit the ground ahead of him and skidded forward, before she swiftly kneeled down and pressed the gemstone attached to the Spell Card against his mangled upper body.
"Wh-what the hell do you think you're-...!?" He began, before his eyes widened in realization as she activated the Spell and he felt himself getting drawn into the gemstone, "N-no, stop...stop this, I refuse to-...!"
His cries were abruptly cut off as he then vanished from sight, sealed within the gemstone in a state of suspended animation.
"It's...it's finally over, I can't believe-...," Jules began with a sigh of relief, before freezing as Raven suddenly extended out six tendrils from his back, eyes forming at the ends of each of them.
Jules's blood ran cold as each of the six eyes began glowing, before she quickly burst out jets of flames from the soles of her feet, launching herself back as the eyes fired out rapid beams simultaneously, hitting the ground and drilling in, before the eyes shifted in her direction as Raven rapidly shot towards her.
He opened his jaws wide as she put the Sealing Spell back into her Storage Ring, gritting her teeth as a swirling mass of scorching flames formed in Raven's mouth as he began to close in on her.
"[Inferno Burst]!" She exclaimed as he unleashed a fierce burst of purple flames towards her, as she simultaneously fired off an explosive blast of flames from her hands, her attack clashing against Raven's, a sweltering shockwave of heat erupting upon impact, painting charred streaks across the ground.
The force of the blast as the attacks collided sent her flying back rapidly, her back slamming onto a nearby building before the back of her head thudded against the wall, a dazed groan ringing out as she slumped to the ground, her eyelids fluttering shut.
"I could barely follow that, he's way too fast...," Muttered Tacitus warily.
"It, uh...it looks like he's not done yet," Added Ravella nervously, as her brother turned his attention to The Irregulars, narrowing his eyes at them with a deep, threatening growl...