"I think we're almost there," Remarked Colt, a loud crashes echoed out ahead.
"Yeah, no shit. Also, I was right about which direction the flare came from, so there!" Huffed Lexia, as the pair raced through the streets, heading forward as fast as they could.
"Wow, I didn't realize you were so hung up on that."
"I-I'm not, it's just about proving a point, that's all!"
"And what point would that be?"
"That I was right! Duh!"
"Heh, and people say I'm a pain to deal with."
"Wha-...!? Don't you dare compare me to you!" She shot back indignantly, as they entered an alley and raced through.
"It's just up ahead now, let's-...woah."
"I don't see the Undead King anywhere...tch, I guess this means we missed the entire battle," Frowned Lexia in response, her shoulders slumping slightly.
"Uh, I don't think that matters right now...we've got a much bigger concern on our hands. That's...that's Raven, right?" Replied Colt in bemusement.
"Don't know who else it would be...he does look a lot different though."
The two of them watched in bewilderment as Raven shot towards Tacitus, who quickly raised his sword up defensively while expanding it as Raven closed in on him.
Raven snarled and drove his right fist forward, lightning concentrated around it as he fired out a burst of flames from a nozzle on his elbow to generate more force into his fist, an earsplitting crash ringing out as his fist slammed onto the face of Tacitus's blade.
An intense shockwave erupted upon impact as a vicious spark and crackle burst out from Raven's fist, the force of his strike knocking Tacitus off his feet and sending him flying back, before he crashed onto the ground and skidded away into an alley.
Raven then swiftly flew up as an explosive blast came shooting towards him, hitting the ground and erupting fiercely before he turned his gaze across as Ravella cracked her whip up towards him while extending it out, wrapping around Raven's left ankle.
He snarled before slicing his foot off with his claws, freeing himself of the grasp of the whip before turning his gaze down towards Ravella as his foot rapidly regenerated, his eyes starting to glow before he quickly flew back as an arrow of explosive energy came shooting up towards him, grazing his chin before exploding with immense force.
The force of the blast busted open his lower jaw and knocked his head up, his beams shooting into the sky before he roared as his jaw rapidly healed, starting to take aim at Celia down below as intense flames began swirling in his mouth.
Suddenly, he tensed up and began to spin around, before his body froze in midair, as Aster crept up behind him and caught him within the range of his Telekinetic Zone.
"Whew, close one...it seems you aren't using your ability to sense Mana in this form, you're only using your five senses. I made sure to wait till you were upwind before moving in, otherwise you'd have picked up on my scent," Remarked Aster, before flying back down with a quiet sigh of relief, Raven firmly trapped within the grasp of his Telekinetic Zone, before he called out to Celia as his feet hit the ground, "How much longer?"
"Just under twenty seconds, not much longer now!" She responded, after taking a glance at her pocket watch.
"Alright, then...all that's left to do is wait till these last few seconds tick over, and this'll all finally be over," Replied Aster as he stretched his arms up, making sure to keep a tight hold on Raven's body.
"Ow...that really hurt," Grumbled Tacitus as he dragged his feet out of the alley, covered in dust and bruises.
"Less than ten seconds left!" Called out Celia, as she walked over towards Aster, as did the others.
"Good...and it looks like we're all here now," Nodded Aster, as he spotted Colt and Lexia approaching, before adding, "As soon as Raven reverts back, let's teleport straight back to the hideout and-...huh?"
Aster trailed off in disbelief as he noticed Raven's right hand twitching slightly, briefly thinking that he'd just imagined it, before his eyes widened as a low, ominous growl rang out...as Raven slowly began to turn around, straining against the hold of the Telekinetic Zone.
"No way...," Muttered Tacitus in shock.
"H-hey, now...come on, you've got to be kidding me. Th-this shouldn't be possible...," Stuttered Aster nervously, his blood running cold as Raven met his gaze, the Telekinetic Zone unable to fully hold him in place.
Aster instinctively stepped back as the claws on Raven's right arm extended out, the purple scales on his right arm glowing ominously before he suddenly whipped his arm up and across at Aster.
"Watch out!" Exclaimed Celia, as Raven's claws grazed the bridge of Aster's nose, drawing out trickles of blood.
As the blood trailed down Aster's face, Raven's eyes began glowing, the glow sharply intensifying...before abruptly vanishing, as Raven's transformation finally reached its limit.
His jaws retracted back, his face returning to its normal shape as his scales receded, his wings shrinking back to their usual size, the tendrils on his back falling off and crumbling to pieces.
His hair turned blonde again and drooped down as the stiffness faded and the strands went limp, the scales around his face and left arm fully receding, as his eyes fluttered shut, his body slumping against the telekinetic hold of Aster's Spell.
"Th-that was way too close," Stuttered Aster shakily, before deactivating his Telekinetic Zone and grabbing hold of Raven's shoulders to keep him from falling.
"Hey, you alright?" Inquired Tacitus, as the others rushed over.
"Yeah, I'm alright. It's just a small scratch...probably would've lost half my head if my Telekinetic Zone hadn't slowed down the swing of his arm though."
"I thought it was impossible for anything to move while trapped in your Telekinetic Zone," Remarked Lexia with a frown.
"That's what I thought too, until just now. Don't tell him that he attacked me though...if it wasn't for him, I doubt we'd have defeated the Undead King. And if a small scratch that probably won't even leave a scar is the cost of that, that's a price I'm more than happy to pay," Remarked Aster, as he lifted Raven up and put him over his shoulder.
"By the way...how'd his hair get so long?" Chimed in Colt curiously.
"It grew when he tranformed, but it didn't shrink back when he reverted," Celia informed him, before adding as she glanced at him and Lexia, "Wait, when did you two get here?"
"Like a minute ago, we missed all the action," Sighed Lexia in response.
"At least his face turned back to normal...all he needs is a haircut to deal with the long hair, but if his face was stuck looking like a Dragon's, it's not like we could just chop off his jaws or something," Ravella sighed in relief.
"I don't know, I thought he looked really cool," Responded Celia with a wry smile.
"Uh...I know he's my brother and all, but you kinda have weird taste. No offense."
"Anyway, now that the Undead King has been sealed away and Raven's back to normal...let's get out of here, shall we?" Suggested Aster, as the fatigue started to set in.
"I'm all for that, I desperately need a nice, long nap and-...uh-oh," Frowned Tactius, as several footsteps echoed out, a group of Knights coming into sight.
They were members of the First and Second Squads, having teleported to the Capital a few minutes ago, after confirming that the rest of the nation was free of the undead hordes.
The Captains, Rione and Fyre were among them, along with Quila, Arren, Jacks, Dox and Diar. The Knights came to a halt as they spotted The Irregulars, a tension in the air as the two groups eyed each other warily.
"Well, this isn't good...," Muttered Lexia, as she extended out a pair of bone blades from her hands.
"You...!" Growled Fyre, as he narrowed his eyes at Celia, flames erupting around the blade of his spear.
"Celia, fire off some explosions to keep them back. We'll use that opening to teleport back to the hi-...," Began Aster with a grimace, as a bead of sweat ran down the side of his face.
"Wait! Stand down, all of you!" Suddenly came Jules's voice, as she shakily got back onto her feet and addressed the Knights.
"What? You can't be serious, Commander!" Protested Fyre angrily.
"I said stand down, that's an order! Let them go," She stated firmly.
Seizing the opportunity, The Irregulars then took out their Teleport Spells and vanished from sight as they activated them, teleporting back to their hideout.
"I don't understand, Commander...nor do I accept this! Why...why would you allow them to escape!?" Snapped Fyre, before Rione grabbed hold of his shoulder to try and calm him down.
"This battle would have been lost without them. I know you have a personal grudge against them, Captain Fyre, but the fact is, we'd all be dead if it wasn't for them. Attacking them after all that would be a disgrace," She remarked, before stumbling slight as her vision blurred, having hit her head pretty hard after Raven attacked her.
"Tch...I still can't accept this, but what's done is done, they're already gone. And since the battle appears to be over as well, I'm leaving," Muttered Fyre, as he turned around and walked away.
"W-wait up, Captain!" Called out Jacks as he jogged after his superior, along with Diar and Dox.
"Are you alright, sis?" Asked Rione with a look of concern, as he approached her, before supporting her against his shoulder as her legs wobbled.
"Yeah, I'm fine...maybe a bit concussed, but I'll live. I'm so exhausted...oh, and also, we're on duty right now, so it's Commander, not 'sis'."
"Yeah, yeah...come on, let's get you healed up, Commander."