Song Rec'd; Cinnamon Girl — Lana Del Rey.


I look up from my phone to see a slightly taller male with blonde hair and freckles. He's wearing a black pullover sweatshirt over a white button-down shirt, and I quickly deduce that he must be a teacher here.

"I'm sorry," I say sincerely.

"It's fine," he replies with a smile, extending his hand for a handshake. I shake it briefly. "Michael Gosling," he introduces himself.

"Elspeth…" I hesitate over my last name and force a smile. "Loughton."

Michael's gaze drifts to my finger, noticing my wedding ring. "You're Castiel's wife?"

I sigh inwardly. "Yes, I am. Have you seen him anywhere?" My voice trails off as I finally spot Castiel at a table, quietly eating with other teachers.