Song rec'd: Driver's license — Olivia Rodrigo


Gwen had her driver take us to the Libertines, a nightclub I would soon come to know all too well. As she led me inside, I cast aside every ounce of morality at the doorstep.

Maybe I should just delete the app I had poured my heart and soul into. Perhaps I should drop out of school and return to cleaning shoes—a job I had done before I even realized what I wanted in life. I had worked tirelessly toward this dream for as long as I could remember, and now my future felt like a delicate thread, easily severed.

Gwen tried to coax me into dancing, but I ignored her and made my way to the bar, numbing my thoughts with drink after drink as the cacophony of music and shrill screams faded into the background.

"You look terrible. Let me guess—a girl broke your heart?" a drunken buffoon staggered over to my seat.