Chapter 21

A few days had passed.

Charles stood near a console, clipboard in hand, watching as streams of data from the latest experiment were processed and analyzed.

To the untrained eye, he looked every bit the diligent scientist—his posture, his focus, even the way he scribbled notes on the clipboard. The only things that gave him away were his height and youthful, baby-faced appearance.

As he flipped to the next page of data, Dr. Myron appeared beside him, hands tucked into his lab coat pockets.

"You were the one who warned about the metal's potential to explode, right?" Dr. Myron asked, glancing at Charles from the corner of his eye.

"Yes, that was me," Charles replied smoothly, lowering the clipboard. "Is there anything else you'd like to know, Dr. Myron?"

The older scientist leaned closer, his expression thoughtful. "Do you see any other dangers with this metal? Anything we haven't accounted for yet?"

Charles shook his head slightly. "Not beyond what we already know. At least, not with the data we've gathered so far. But it's still early."

Dr. Myron nodded, though he didn't seem entirely satisfied. "In your opinion, what's the best application for this material?"

Charles considered his answer carefully. "With a sample this small? Honestly, it's probably not worth using for anything just yet. If I had to guess, this metal is rare and extremely expensive—likely too costly for large-scale projects. With the budget we've got… it's not viable to rely on it."

Dr. Myron gave a weary smile. "That's true. We've already hit financial roadblocks."

Charles shifted the clipboard under his arm. "But if you could replicate it somehow… well, that changes everything. A synthetic version would open up countless possibilities. Until then, the only sensible thing to do is keep studying it. We need to understand every property it has—what makes it so special, and how we can use that."

Dr. Myron gave a slow nod, absorbing Charles' words. "You're right. Thanks for the insight." With that, he gave Charles a slight pat on the shoulder and walked off, his mind clearly elsewhere.

Charles watched him leave, then sighed, flipping back to the current data on the clipboard. A flicker of annoyance crossed his mind.

'This equipment is too outdated. We need better tech to properly scan the atomic structure of this metal.'

He glanced at the containment unit holding the Vibranium, frustration building. 'If only I could speed up time… It would make things so much easier. I can't afford to waste time like this.'

A darker thought crept in. 'There are more Hydra agents sneaking into the team. They're smart—smart enough to make their moves early. They know how valuable this metal is.'

Charles stared at the metallic sample, his mind racing. 'The worst part is, we won't get conclusive results for at least two years with this level of tech. And they still haven't figured out a way to melt the metal yet...'

He clenched his jaw. 'I need to crack this before Hydra does.'


After a long day of work, Charles returned to the small, sparse bedroom they had assigned him. He hung up his lab coat and began to stretch his weary muscles.

'Training Mode On,' he commanded silently, feeling his body respond instinctively as it began to exercise on its own.

As always, he entered his mindscape to assess his progress. A holographic display materialized before him, showcasing intricate data about his physical form. His understanding of human biology had expanded immensely, reflecting years of diligent study.

He marveled at how his body had evolved, surpassing normal human capabilities and nearing the peak of human potential. Yet he knew he could push further.

"I need more endurance," he muttered, frustration creeping into his voice. "My Limit Break could tear me apart if I exceed twenty minutes. I have to strengthen my muscles and bones to withstand this raw power."

With a sigh, he added, "I wish I could study someone with Chi or magic. It's absurd that I haven't encountered a single one. I know I'd be unstoppable with Chi, but every depiction is different. I haven't delved into enough Iron Fist or Shang-Chi comics to understand it."

Another holographic screen flickered into view, displaying his current training regimen.

"Do I really need a boost?" he pondered, wondering if his telepathy could enhance his physical strength.

"With full control over my body, I could be fifty times stronger than a normal human. But that's nothing compared to the real heavyweights out there."

"I definitely need that boost. Argh! What should I do now?" he lamented.

"The Sentry Serum might be my only option to break through these limits, or I could find a way to unlock my telekinesis. That could make all the difference."

"I'll figure out the rest later. For now, I need to meditate," Charles murmured to himself.

With a deep breath, his astral form slipped free from his body, drifting effortlessly into the astral plane. In this form, he tapped into the endless streams of Astral Energy, absorbing it like a sponge to push the limits of his telepathy further.

His mind hummed with growing power, expanding its reach and depth. He could feel the difference between his physical strength and telepathic abilities his body was improving steadily but inching closer to its natural ceiling. His telepathy, however, was a different story. There seemed to be no upper limit. The more he explored, the more potential unlocked.

In terms of raw power, he still trailed behind someone like Mr. Sinister for now. But where Sinister had focused on brute strength, Charles excelled in versatility.

His constant exploration of the mind had given him access to a range of sub-abilities beyond basic telepathy: mental shields, mind control, illusion creation, memory manipulation, and more.

He smiled to himself. Soon, his abilities would branch out even further, giving him the power to consciously enhance his intelligence and understanding of the world. With each breakthrough, his mind would operate on a whole new level. And when that time came…

'Sinister won't even see it coming.'

Charles envisioned it clearly: devouring Sinister's mind without suffering any mental backlash.

It was only a matter of time. Once he succeeded, his power would surge exponentially, and Sinister's knowledge, abilities, and memories would become his own.


After finishing his astral meditation, Charles' body returned to its resting state, completing the synchronized physical training. He lay on the bed, breathing slowly as his mind continued working.

No wasted time.

Even as his body rested, plans for the future were already forming in his mind. He mentally reviewed the data he'd gathered so far—research on Vibranium, the X-Gene, the human body, and advanced telepathy.

These were the foundations of his next steps. His mind raced with ideas on how to synthesize new breakthroughs using the knowledge he had accumulated.

Then, a new thought struck him.

"Hm… A Gravity Chamber" Charles whispered to himself, fingers drumming against the bedframe. "If I can create one, I could stimulate both my physical growth and mental endurance simultaneously."

The idea felt right, almost obvious. With increased gravitational pressure, his body would become stronger, faster.

But more importantly, the enhanced stress might unlock new dimensions of telepathic strength, as he would push his mind to operate at higher levels even under extreme strain.

Excited, Charles opened a mental file dedicated to designing the chamber.

He began laying out the framework in his mind—specifications, material requirements, and safety precautions. This idea had potential, and potential was everything.

Then another thought slipped into his mind, darker and more cautious.

"I'll also need to be careful with my own genetic material," Charles muttered, a frown settling over his features.

He knew that his genes—if spread carelessly—could create something... devastating. "There's a chance I could accidentally give rise to a reality warper"