Chapter 22

For the next few days, Charles kept his profile low, meticulously working through Vibranium data and observing the subtle shifts among the researchers.

Hydra's presence was growing—it was becoming obvious in the small, telling moments: suspicious glances, guarded conversations, and new faces pretending to blend in.

Late one night, after the lab had cleared out, Charles sat at his workstation, scrolling through data on Vibranium. But his real thoughts were elsewhere. He needed more access and Levina was his ticket.

He glanced at the Vibranium sample, watching it pulse faintly under containment. 'The field testing team will have everything I need—data, schematics, and leverage.'

He let the words slip just loud enough for someone nearby to hear:

"I really want to join the field testing team. That's where the real progress is happening… I could learn so much more there."

As expected, Dr. Levina moved from the shadows, her expression calm but with that faint hint of superiority she always carried.

"I can arrange that for you," she said smoothly, as if she had just granted him a favor.

Charles swiveled in his chair, giving her the perfect mixture of polite curiosity and subtle gratitude. "Really? You'd do that?"

"Yes." Levina smiled, the kind of smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Tomorrow, follow me. I'll get you clearance."

Charles offered a small, nonchalant nod. "Thanks, Dr. Levina. I appreciate that."

She turned and walked off, her heels clicking against the polished floor.

Once out of sight, Levina leaned against a wall in the empty corridor, pressing a small comm device into her ear. The other end crackled to life with a sharp voice.


"[Our operations are progressing smoothly]," the voice whispered. "[The test data looks promising. But the leader wanted to know if Xavier is still with us.]"

"He is." Levina smiled to herself. "I've already started working on him."

"[Good. Be careful this time. The last time we tried to capture him, someone intercepted the mission and got him out.]"

"Don't worry," Levina said confidently. "This time, we'll have him."

There was a pause before the voice on the other end continued. "[The leader needs him alive. His mind is crucial to completing the serum.]"

Levina smirked. "I know. His mind is a masterpiece. Once we bring him in, we'll have everything we need."

"Hail Hydra," the voice intoned through the device.

"Hail Hydra," Levina echoed, tucking the comm device away.

The next morning,

Charles followed Levina down the long corridor, keeping a few paces behind her. He kept his expression neutral, masking the satisfaction he felt. 'Everything's falling into place.'

When they arrived at the testing site, Levina glanced back at him. "Dr. Myron approved your request to join the field test team. You're officially cleared to participate."

"Good." Charles gave her a slight smile, careful not to reveal too much. "I'm eager to see what the field tests can teach us."

Levina gave a short nod, turning her attention to the bustling test site. The area was filled with containment units holding Vibranium samples, experimental weapons, and energy prototypes.

Technicians ran diagnostics while soldiers stood on guard, scanning the perimeter for potential threats.

Charles moved closer to one of the open units, feigning curiosity as he mentally cataloged every piece of data the technicians were running. The energy readings showed consistent absorption patterns.

Charles scribbled notes on his clipboard, though most of the real calculations were happening in his mind.

Dr. Myron appeared beside Charles, hands in the pockets of his lab coat, observing the bustling testing site. "Dr. Levina mentioned you were eager to join the field team," he said, raising an eyebrow.

Charles gave a polite nod. "Yes. I believe working here will yield faster results. There's only so much I can do from behind a desk."

Myron's lips curled into a small, approving smile. "Good. I look forward to seeing what you uncover."

"I'll do my best," Charles replied smoothly.

Satisfied, Dr. Myron gave a curt nod before walking off to check on the other researchers.

Wasting no time, Charles moved around the testing area, asking precise questions to the technicians and scientists.

His tone was polite, yet his mind remained razor-sharp, absorbing every scrap of information. He wasn't just gathering data, he was cross-referencing it with what he already knew, checking for gaps, inconsistencies, or hidden layers that might reveal something more.

No detail left unchecked.

From across the room, Dr. Levina watched him with quiet satisfaction, a faint smile curling at the edges of her lips.

'He'll be perfect for our cause,' she thought.

Charles felt her gaze on him, but he didn't react. He let her think she had him right where she wanted compliant and eager to please.


The day's field tests wrapped up as the sun dipped below the horizon. Most of the researchers were packing up their equipment, chatting quietly as the night shift took over.

Charles made a show of gathering his notes and data logs, but he felt the subtle presence of Dr. Levina drawing closer.

"Charles," she called, her voice light but with a thread of intent beneath it.

He turned, keeping his expression neutral. "Yes, Dr. Levina?"

Her smile was small and composed, as if she was offering him a personal invitation to something important. "Walk with me. I have something I think you'll find… intriguing."

Charles gave a polite nod, sliding his clipboard under his arm. Here we go.

They stepped out of the testing site and into one of the facility's quieter hallways, their footsteps echoing softly against the walls.

Dr. Levina led him toward a restricted wing, swiping her clearance card through multiple checkpoints as they passed. Charles let her take the lead, carefully cataloging everything they passed—guards, keypads, exits.

When they reached a small, private room, Levina opened the door and gestured for him to enter.

Inside was a holographic display table, already activated with data scrolling across the screen. It wasn't just Vibranium—it was classified research on advanced human genetics, weapon prototypes, and energy applications.

'They already have a hand in X-Gene' Charles thought

Levina closed the door behind them and stood beside him, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial tone. "What you're seeing here is just the beginning. These projects—" she gestured to the screen, "—are part of an initiative to reshape the future. A world where intelligence, power, and vision will determine the new order."

Charles tilted his head, feigning curiosity. "A new order?"

Levina gave him a meaningful look. "The kind of order where minds like yours are no longer bound by outdated systems. Think of what you could accomplish, Charles—without limits. Without interference."

Her words were carefully chosen, wrapped in subtle flattery, but Charles knew exactly what she was doing. She was testing him, seeing how he would respond to the idea of power without restraint.

Charles said softly, as if weighing her words. "But why are you showing this to me now?"

Levina smiled. "Because we've been watching you. And we see your potential. You belong among us, Charles—not shackled to short-sighted institutions."

Charles kept his expression thoughtful, though inside, he was calculating. 'So this is the offer. They want me to join Hydra. She is using the safe way by giving the rabbit a carrot'

Before he could respond, Levina stepped closer, her voice dropping to a near-whisper. "You've felt it, haven't you? The way they hold you back? The way they fear minds like yours?"

Charles met her gaze, calm and unbothered. "What exactly are you proposing?"

Dr. Levina's smile deepened, as if sensing a victory. "We don't expect an answer right now. Just think about it. Our cause aligns with your ambition and your talent deserves a place where it can thrive."

She tapped the console, closing the holographic display. "When you're ready, all you have to do is say yes."

Charles gave a slight nod, hiding the flicker of satisfaction behind his calm exterior.

Dr. Levina opened the door and gestured for him to follow. "Come. Let's get back before Dr. Myron starts wondering where we've gone."