Chapter 1

How can you start a beautiful morning after a company party? Someone might probably answer with a headache after drinking too much alcohol or even waking up next to a friend from work... But not me. NO. For me, this morning was a total failure and the destruction of my emotional system. Yeah... I'm just watching my fiancé, after several years together, leave my room, telling me that I'm not right for him. Why?, a curious person might ask… Well, now that sounds amazing even to me. His mother said I wasn't as good as his sister. Yes, I know, what a di... um I mean, who in their right mind would listen to their mom about something like that?? Sure, of course, if the chick is toxic and everyone around sees that it's a red flag, it's understandable that you can consider such a relationship. But in this situation and after so many years spent together, when he had seen many times how much freedom he had in matters that should not even have happened...

I am a cultured person, I stay away from quarrels and disputes, I can cook and I have no problems with cleaning. I am sociable and love to laugh. I spent time with his family many times and I thought we were really close. You could talk and laugh with everyone, help if they needed it, but one word from mom and that was it. I'm sorry what?? Maybe because I was taking it really seriously, it hurt. It hurt a lot. I burst into tears after he left. When my mother entered the room, I screamed through tears.

"He left me!! He's gone! He just left!"

The worst part of it all was that a day later I had to go back to work as if nothing had happened. It was hard for me to recover from that. Work wasn't going well either and I knew I would have to say goodbye to it soon. I'm not the kind of person who can stand shouting, being blamed for everything that doesn't belong to me and having work put on me that was not in my scope and was not explained to me how it should be done. Well, you can't have everything and apparently I shouldn't have anything...

After a few weeks of getting my shit together, something very funny happened. On Saturday, I noticed my ex outside my house... Yeah, I'm seriously not kidding. And what was even funnier was what he (listen carefully) accused me of... You read that right. He accused. Over the course of those few weeks it turned out that he had tried with a few other girls and I guess they weren't as 'humble' as me. He said that I set the bar too high for his future girlfriends and none of them met his requirements...

"Are you serious now?" I asked in a very monotonous tone, looking as if I was a victim that I was about to kill. My hand was itching so bad. But no. I held back and, not paying attention to what else he had to say, I closed the door in front of his face.

Wow. My fault none of them are good enough. Aaaaah... The rage that came over me then was so great that I started laughing. Yes, laugh like a real villainess, like a madman.

"Haaa… It can't be like this" I whispered after a while, scratching my neck. "I need a change of scenery"

Two months later, I quit my job and, apart from the fact that I was thrown mud at, by several employees and declared an incompetent person who couldn't handle pressure and responsibilities (which were not mine), I managed to free myself from this sick company. It left such a mark on my already fragile psyche that I had nightmares about it for quite a long time. But apart from this, let's call it *shitty* time in my life, I decided to change quite drastically the place I was currently in. 

Having an aunt who lives in the States helped a bit. And the fact that she was very rich and I was her only niece. Within the next month, my new period of life would begin peacefully and anew, but then this story wouldn't exist, would it? As much as I loved my aunt, I also hated the snobbish parties she dragged me to. And she did it at least twice a week from the moment I crossed the threshold of her property.

"You need to get to know some of the world and new people" She said while choosing another dress for me. "You have no idea how many of them are to take. Have I mentioned how rich they are?" She muttered under her breath with another strange smirk.

 Yeah, I already know what that means. Another fun party and forcing me onto men who caught HER eye. The last thing I wanted to do was get into another relationship, but she didn't care. Yes, I know I could have refused her, but her energy, concern for me and determination in what she did, made me feel so warm inside. So yes, beautifully styled with delicate make-up and a very exposed satin-lavender dress with heels that were unfortunately too high for me, I headed to the next battle...

After three hours of standing next to my aunt and smiling stiffly, I had had enough. I have no idea how these people were able to endure such torture with a smile on their faces. My legs hurt incredibly and were even trembling a bit. Afraid that I would fall by trying to follow my aunt to her next destination, I whispered quietly in her ear that I was going to have a drink and take a break. When she looked at me with her eyes, checking if I was really telling the truth, she gently nodded.

"That's enough for today, you can escape. Just don't be gone for too long" She said, raising an eyebrow. She knew that the more I disliked it, the longer I stayed out of her sight. Sometimes I came back after a week, but only because I knew how worried he would be about me. It's not that I didn't like living with her. I simply preferred spending time in nature rather than in a big city. There I could find solace for my shattered soul and calmly think about what to do next with my life. 

After receiving permission to leave the party, I went to the bar for one last drink before I disappeared from sight again for a few days. Sitting on the stool, I slowly sipped my sweet nectar, gently rubbing my leg against the other. I couldn't wait to take off those damn heels. 

Suddenly, people fell silent and everyone turned to one side of the room. Curious, I started looking in the same direction, trying to see what was so interesting that literally everyone had to see it. In the crowd, I found my aunt looking with her mouth slightly open and her eyes glowing... so glowing. Suddenly she turned her head towards me so quickly that I was afraid she might make a complete circle around her neck. Her eyes told me everything and it wasn't anything good. I shuddered at the sight of her, sending shivers down my spine from my feet to the top of my head.

"Oh no.." I whispered, quickly making an X sign with my hands and even paranoid denial with my head. Whatever she wanted to do, I said NO! My reluctance towards my aunt made her face look like an angry witch for less than 2 seconds (just because she was in company) whose cat had been drowned and her broom broken. Turning her head the other way, she waved her hand at me, showing that I was free.

Phew... lucky me, better get out of here quickly before she changes her mind.

Taking the last sip of my drink, I looked one last time at the crowd, which was starting to disperse, obviously letting someone important pass. And u la la… there was something to look at. What I saw before my eyes was an incredibly handsome man, on whom mother nature did not spare any expense. I suspect that this venture let her totally broke, but ymmm mmm…. A well-built body, to which the suit clung like skin, slightly tanned, much taller than the rest, beautiful amber eyes and rakishly cut, black as onyx hair. Two other, very handsome men, stood next to him. They seemed to have come together, whispering something into the ear of this wonder of nature. As soon as the crowd recovered from their first impression, the women besieged the three handsome guys, who were not at all happy about this fact. I watched with interest as they tried to get their attention, smiling charmingly and talking over each other. With obvious irritation on their faces, they tried to get out of this siege.

"What did you expect, coming here and taking the breath away of everyone gathered here?" I said, laughing to myself and nodding my head. "I won't even mention how many ladies got wet just looking at you" 

I added with a stupid smile, looking in the other direction, knowing that no one would pay attention to me at that time. Looking at them one last time, my heart stopped beating for a moment. This is how I died... Well, not completely, but almost. And that's because the great trio looked at me as if I had killed their mother. 

What is it?

This time it started beating incredibly fast, as if to make up for the lost seconds. 

Without wasting any time, I quickly lowered my eyes and walked out of the room with incredibly elegant and fast steps. Right outside the door, I took off my high heels and, regardless of my sore legs, I sprinted towards the exit. 

What was that??! They looked like they heard me, but that's impossible... Right

Panting, I ran out of the building and, looking around hastily, called the first taxi I saw. Fortunately, we were in a rather crowded place. With wide eyes, I saw through the window, as one of the three handsome men came out of the building, looking around as I started to drive away.

"What the…" I choked out, not knowing what to think. 

Did I offend them with something or something??

 I shrank in my seat, burying my mouth in my hands. 

"Now I'll definitely spend some time with nature" I mumbled, closing my eyes.