Chapter 2

After arriving at the apartment, I packed my clothes and the rest of the necessary things and booked a room for a few days in a summer house close to forests and lakes, which were next on my list. I took a quick shower and went to sleep, trying not to think about the events of this evening. 

That night I had very mixed dreams. First my ex complaining about me in a very pathetic way, then work and my ever dissatisfied employers and finally him and his beautiful clear amber eyes staring at me...

"Why did you run away?" I heard a hoarse man's voice before the alarm clock woke me from my sleep. My heart was pounding like crazy and my hands were clutching the blanket. Staring blankly ahead, I raised my hands slowly and firmly slapped myself on the cheeks. Yes, that woke me up. I quickly got up, did my morning toilette, gathered my things and went to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast. A few minutes later I was ready to leave. I checked one last time if I had packed everything and left the apartment. It was early morning and there were no major traffic jams yet, so the journey wasn't too tiring. A few hours later, I was walking slowly towards the summer house, counting on the silence necessary for my mind. Especially after such an ending. I couldn't figure out why one of them followed me... Because he followed me... He was looking around a moment after I left... Or maybe it was just my imagination? Well, if you look at me that way, I wasn't a beauty. With a height of only 170 cm, black hair and dark brown eyes, I didn't stand out from the crowd at all. Not to mention I was on the skinnier side…. In the sense that I could use more in the chest and buttocks than in the stomach... I stood still, wanting to hit myself again. I was supposed to relax, not get depressed. I looked ahead, seeing the destination of my journey.

The place turned out to be very pleasing to the eye. Everything inside the building was made of wood and it was pleasantly cool compared to the July heat outside. I spent the end of the day looking at the route I wanted to take for tomorrow. After eating dinner, I took a very long and pleasantly warm bath. My lavender bombs helped me calm down and relax tense muscles. Soft and fragrant, I got under the quilt and went to sleep quickly. 

I was standing somewhere in the middle of the forest, looking around calmly, breathing in the fresh air, when suddenly someone's big, strong arms embraced my waist from behind. Gently tilting my head to one side, I felt someone place their head on my other shoulder. 

"You escaped me again" Said a low male voice. "If this continues, I'll have to tie you to me." He said cheekily, kissing my neck lightly. The alarm on my phone made me sit up in bed. I slowly touched the place where he kissed me. I still felt as if his lips had just kissed me there. What was happening to me was getting weirder and weirder. When I had this dream, I felt so good, so natural and safe to be with him. As if we had been together for a really long time.

"Haa, fuck…I think there's something wrong with me" I said, rubbing my face with my hands. I rolled out of bed, made a morning toilet, packed the necessary things into my backpack and set off on today's route. The last few months spent at my aunt's house made me realize how much I like spending time in nature. Walking among the trees, listening to birds singing, seeing squirrels and hares running, listening to the sound of the river... Nothing calms you down like these views. Finding a suitable spot by the stream, I took off my backpack and sat down, leaning against a tree. I took out my sandwiches and water and eagerly ate the meal that satisfied my growling stomach. Resting for a while after eating, I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of the forest with a smile on my face. Tired from the first day, I returned to my room late in the evening for dinner. After another peaceful and relaxing lavender bath, I fell asleep in a few seconds.

 When I opened my eyes, his forehead touched mine and his amber eyes looked at me happily.

"I've been waiting for so many years to meet you and you're finally here with me." He said quietly, looking at my lips. My heart was pounding like crazy, eager for contact. I looked into his eyes for the last time and then glanced at his temptingly juicy lips, which I started to get closer to... But my fucking alarm clock, woke me up from sleep again! Looking at my phone indignantly, I told him a warning.

"You know... it wouldn't save you if you called after, AFTER everything... not before. You think I can't silence you for good? One click and pah you will never call again. What's an alarm clock that doesn't ring? Fuck! Snap out of it!" I punched myself in the face. "It's just a dream, what would such a guy do with someone like you.." After these words, which once again hurt myself, I took a deep breath and after a dozen or so minutes I fled the room. Before leaving, I was stopped by one of the employees who had some interesting information for me.

"I would like to ask you to be careful IF you walk in the forest. Last night, wolves were seen near our facility. It happens sometimes and there has never been a situation where they attacked people. They usually leave when they see a human. There are boundaries and signs in the forest that should not be crossed. Once again, please be careful."

After hearing this news, I stood staring at a nearby tree in front of the building, wondering whether to leave the room at all today. A light breeze came from the direction of the forest and before I noticed what I was doing, I was already following the path that had been chosen for the day. I stopped for a moment and looked at the map. Today I didn't go deep into the forest, only to the nearest lake, so I thought it should be safe. Once I was close to my destination, I closed my eyes to inhale the scent of water in the air. Unfortunately, to my surprise, when I closed my eyes, I didn't notice the hole in which my foot had landed, twisting unnaturally. Pain shot through my body and I quickly sat on the ground screaming. I touched my ankle with shaking hands and quickly took them back, hissing in pain.

"Oh great, now what?" I looked around with a grimace on my face. "Maybe cool water will help a bit" I said to myself slowly, trying to get up and limping on one leg as I approached the lake. I carefully sat down on the bank and took off my shoe and sock, slowly dipping my now swollen ankle into the cool water. The pain eased somewhat with the cold. But what next? I lay down on the ground, closing my eyes and listening to see if anyone was passing by.

"Did I just count on anyone in the middle of the forest after the warning about wolves?" I covered my face with my hand. "Well, I'm fuuuucked…haaaaa" 

I sat down and started searching through my backpack. I drank a little and looked at my phone.

 In a few hours it will start to get dark and I will have to spend the night in the forest if I don't think of something. For now, I should wait and soak my foot. Maybe I can at least limp to a place where there is reception...

I spent the next hour calming my frayed nerves and thinking about something other than the wolves that might feast on me as a midnight snack. And unfortunately, my fears came true. There was no possible or magical power to get me on my feet. Even pressing my foot lightly brought a tear to my eye and I became more and more afraid. Leaning back against a tree, I ate what little food I had left and drank some water. I put my backpack under my ankle so I wouldn't hurt her by touching the ground. Sighing heavily, I rested my head against the trunk and listened to the sounds of the forest with my eyes closed. 

Not knowing when I fell asleep, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling unpleasantly cold. My heart started pounding so loudly that I was afraid someone or SOMETHING would be able to hear it. 

So what now??

 I looked around, seeing the lake slightly illuminated by the moon. Suddenly I heard rustling from my left side. Something was coming towards the lake. Terrified by the situation, I try not to move, blink or breathe, not knowing what is hidden in the darkness. After a while, silhouettes of some large animals emerged from the darkness. As they got closer to the lake, the moonlight revealed four extremely large wolves in all their glory. My terrified eyes were staring at these beautiful animals. Yes. Beautiful. Their fur gleamed in various shades of gray and brown. I've never seen a real wolf in person, but these were simply out of this world. Gazing at these creatures, I didn't even notice when one of them started sniffing and after a while disappeared in the shadow of the night. I only noticed it when I heard a growl behind me. The other wolves looked at me and lowered their heads, showing their sharp fangs. I let out a quiet moan of fear, which caused the predators to growl in warning. 

So it's over. I thought, closing my eyes tightly and waiting for the pain and suffering that did not come even after a long time of waiting. I slowly opened my eyes and saw three wolves standing a few steps away from me.