Chapter 3

"What are you doing here?" I heard a firm male voice next to me. My head shot towards the voice, searching for the stranger in the dark. After a while, a tall man in shorts appeared before my eyes, looking at me menacingly. I turned my head towards the wolves, waiting for them to jump on the unaware man. However, nothing like that happened. The wolves slowly walked away towards the lake and there they watched me carefully. I looked back at the man who stood next to me, waiting for an answer. Surprised by the whole situation, I looked from the wolves to the stranger.

"They won't do anything to you. Why are you here?" He asked again, a little irritation in his voice.

"I think I sprained my ankle…I can't stand on it" I quietly muttered in fear. The man knelt by my leg and carefully took my foot in his hand. The piercing pain made me moan and want to take her to me. Knowing that it would cause me even more pain, I tried not to move. The stranger, with a grimace on his face, gently placed my leg on the ground.

"We have to set it." He said firmly. Getting up, he looked towards the forest and froze for a moment. Terrified of the very fact that she would be needed set, I didn't know what to do in this situation. After a few minutes, I heard another rustle in the dark. This time I saw another man wearing a T-shirt and shorts, which seemed strangely familiar to me. The men looked at each other for a moment and then the one in only shorts walked away with the other wolves. Turning to the new stranger, we looked at each other for a moment until suddenly the man pointed at me as if he remembered something.

"You.." He said in a low voice, scaring me. "You were the one at that party" And then I remembered him too. It was one of the three handsome guys, the one who left right after I escaped. 

Can you get any more fucked? I thought, lowering my head and clenching my fists. What was happening now was unthinkable…. Wolves, party people and me, in the middle of a dark forest….

"I have to get you out of here and we need to take care of this ankle" He said, kneeling down next to me and taking me in his arms. 

"Oh!" Surprised by all this lifting, I instinctively grabbed his neck. I rested my head on my hand, looking behind the stranger's back, having no idea what to do in this situation. Silent and not objecting (which was probably incredibly stupid on my part), I allowed myself to be carried deeper into the forest. 

After several dozen minutes, delicate lights began to appear from the buildings that were literally in the middle of this huge forest. The man took me to one of them, which looked like a hospital inside. A man in his 50s in a white coat came out of one of the rooms.

"You can put her here" He said in a gentle voice to my porter. I was gently placed on the designated bed.

"Hello, my name is Conor. How are you? Does anything else hurt besides your ankle?" Still surprised by the whole situation, I could only deny it with my head.

"We will have to adjust the ankle, which will be a bit unpleasant, but we cannot delay it. The sooner we take care of it, the better for you." He informed me, examining the severely swollen part of my leg.

"No, no no! I'm not ready for this! Please wait a moment... Isn't there something to take the pain so that it won't hurt as much as I think it will? I screamed in panic, putting my hands out to protect my ankle.

"I'm sorry but there's no other way to do it. I promise to do it as quickly and painlessly as possible. Derick, could you hold her leg so it doesn't move?" He asked my porter, who nodded and walked over to the bed.

"NO! Please! I Don't want to! I'll live with this one, it doesn't bother me at all!" I screamed, shaking with fear as I saw the men line up for the procedure. Derick grabbed my leg, securing it in place as the doctor grabbed my foot and ankle. I gritted my teeth and eyes and when I heard a crunch, a piercing pain went straight from my ankle to my head. My desperate scream echoed through the room and soon turned into a wailing cry. I didn't know something could hurt so much. For a moment, I saw dark circles in front of my eyes and there was nothing I could do but faint. 

When I woke up, it was already daytime. I looked around the room with sleepy eyes and only after a while did I realize what had happened. I glanced at my bandaged ankle, which I probably couldn't feel because of the drip connected to my arm. When my brain started to function fully, I started wondering what I was doing here and why... There was no answer. Instead, Mr. Konor came, the alleged doctor who murdered my sweet, innocent little ankle yesterday.

"Good morning. How are we feeling today?" He asked with a smile on his face. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow saying "Really?" hoping that he will understand and not ask. 

You did enough damage yesterday. I said to myself, looking the other way. Of course I was grateful for his help, but the little pouting had never hurt anyone. After all, it hurt…. 

Never mind that, what was more important was that I was sitting there, calm and unmoved, in a place I had no idea about and, what's worse, I didn't feel afraid at all. Strange, I should have premonition anxiety but what was happening now was new and I kind of wanted to see how it would turn out? Well… I think I've completely lost my mind. Lost in thought, I didn't even notice the doctor checking if I was feeling better and writing something down on the chart.

"Well, all we have to do is wait to see what Alpha decides. For now, you have to stay here" He said practically to himself, looking at the card and heading to the exit. My eyes shot towards him. 

"Haa?! Nani?" I partially screamed. "Alpha? Like in a Wolf Pack?" 

Konor just smiled and then left the room, leaving me with my mouth open and slightly excited. 

"Oh shit... I died and woke up in the world of Fantasy! Werewolves, shapeshifters, vampires, fairies" I started dancing stupidly with my arms. "What a ride!" I lay down after a while and took a deep breath, closing my eyes. "Even if it's a dream, it's the coolest that could happen to someone who loves reading about such things. I just need to control myself a little and not talk too much, otherwise they will think I'm some kind of spy or something." 

I stupidly giggled to myself, enjoying the new and unknown world. 

It would be nice to stay here…. I thought, sobering up a bit from my stupidity and finally putting on a serious face. Some time later, a well-built woman in sports clothes entered the room with a tray in her hand. Without saying anything, she placed the food at my feet, looked at me and left the room. Surprised by this phenomenon, I nodded and started eating. 

"Yum, that's what I needed" Actually, I couldn't allow my stomach, which had shrunk enough, to shrink even more. I suspect that a little longer and it will disappear completely. And then I will turn into one of those monks who live but don't eat for many years. Once again, a stupid smile appeared on my face and disappeared as quickly as it appeared. "Woman, be serious. How old are you to be happy like a teenager?" 

And surprisingly, I spent almost a day thinking about how much truth there was in the books and the visits of the doctor and the woman with food. It was slowly getting dark outside the window when I heard a group of people approaching my room, discussing loudly. Looking curiously at those entering, I recognized the doctor and how was he? Derick? And wow, I know you're all expecting this, but two more men came in. Yes, those men from the party. As we looked at each other, the handsome stranger stopped in his tracks and suddenly everyone fell silent. A loud growl came from his chest and the eyes turned from amber to black. It looked so magical that I couldn't stop staring at it.

"Ha…she's human" The man sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "She has to stay. Give her a room next to mine. And you…" He turned to me. "Don't move from it." He said briefly and quickly left the room, leaving everyone in astonishment.