Chapter 4

"Uh huh, Derick? If you could help her get to her room?" The doctor asked, scratching his head. Turning to me, the man walked over and carefully lifted me from the bed. I instinctively grabbed him around the neck and let him carry me to the next place. What do I think about this? Honestly? What a ride! I've never seen anything awesome like this in my life…And his eyes…. Apart from the fact that he wasn't thrilled with me. It didn't bother me one bit that so far no one had bothered to ask me my name and who I was. Not at all... Seriously...

As I left the facility, I saw more people walking around, apparently minding their own business. Most of the men looked like the warriors in the books I read. Suddenly, a group of children ran up to us and started circling around Derick, curious about the new person.

"Who is it? What is she doing here? What happened to her leg?" The smallest boy in the group started asking questions. A smile immediately appeared on my face when I heard the only person who was curious about me.

"Don't disturb the elders at work. Go play." The man said dispassionately. 

The group stopped and continued to look at me curiously. Smiling at the kids, I waved my hand lightly and watched as the smallest daredevil waved back with a big smile, and then they quickly fled in another direction.

A moment later we entered a large wooden building, which inside looked like one of the luxurious hotels. The walls, floors and stairs were made of different types of wood, plus various accessories that gave the interior an elegant and modern look. Inside, more people began to stare at me as we walked down the hall and up the stairs. Standing in front of one of the rooms, Derick set me down and opened the door. Without a word I limped along inside and I found myself inside a beautiful room with large balcony doors, a large bed, two armchairs, wardrobe and a door probably leading to the bathroom. And that's exactly what I needed at that moment. I limped to the door and with my eyes found the long-awaited toilet and, to my sadness, the shower. Not that I mind, but I would prefer a bathtub. I wanted to relax a bit and soak in a warm bathtub. 

"Nooo, I want a bathtub" I complained, staring at the ceiling.

 Limping back to my room, I went to the window and saw a beautiful landscape that would satisfy the most hysterical person.

It slowly started to get dark, so I walked over to the bed and, leaving my feet on the ground, lay down on the soft duvet, staring at the ceiling. As I lay there in silence for a while, I heard someone talking through the wall. I strained my ears, trying to hear what they were saying, but the walls muffled the sounds. When the conversation died down, someone left the room and without a moment's hesitation entered mine.

Turning my head towards the person, I immediately recognized his amber eyes. He closed the door behind him and walked over, sitting on one of the armchairs. Neither of us spoke. We sat like that for a long time in silence that didn't bother us at all. As I was slowly drifting off to dreamland, the man finally spoke.

"My name is Demian Vitali Milers and I am Alpha in StarryMoon Pack" His low, raspy voice was like music to my ears. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. It was already dark and all I could see was his silhouette still sitting in the chair. 

Well... cool, but if you think I'm going to share information about myself with you, after you blew me off, you're wrong, Mr. Alfa.  I said to myself in my head, closing my eyes again.

"What's your name?" He couldn't stand my silence and asked irritably. Silence…

"You have to answer me when I ask you something" He said firmly.

I refrained from snorting and remained silent. I'm sorry, but I started to enjoy pissing him off, not knowing how dangerous he could be. Lying there with my eyes closed, I heard him get up and walk to the bed. My heart started pounding and my eyelids trembled. He stood between my legs and leaned on one hand, grabbing my chin with the other. I slowly opened my eyes and almost drowned in those beautiful amber eyes. Yeah sue me if you want, but those eyes were really beautiful.

"Name" He frowned, trying to scare me. I looked away from him but he grabbed my chin tighter and lifted me towards him. "Name" He growled.

"Kate" I whispered. After receiving his answer, he got up from the bed and left the room, slamming the door a little too hard. I flinched slightly at the loud noise.

 Aaaaah…. I can die in peace. I thought to myself as I slowly slid under the covers, thinking about his shining eyes. For some reason I felt no fear towards him. Maybe because of these earlier dreams, I got it into my stupid head that he wouldn't hurt me...

In the middle of the night, for a moment, I thought someone was standing by my bed. I moaned quietly, trying to turn my hurting leg. A hand gently touched my cheek and brushed the hair away from my face. Pleasant warmth lulled me back to sleep. 

It was early morning when I opened my eyes. I raised myself on my elbows and looked around the room absentmindedly.

"Ah.. I forgot" I lay down again, looking at the ceiling. "Huston…. We have a problem. How am I supposed to take a bath with a bandaged ankle and no clean clothes? 

I wondered for a long time whether maybe I should wait and ask the woman from yesterday, if of course she would also bring me food today but I had nothing better to do. I finally decided to try my luck. I hobbled across the room to the door and pulled on the handle, seeing if it would open. The door opened without resistance and, looking out into the corridor, I noticed one of the trinity on one side.

"Do you need anything?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. I looked at my ankle, which made the man do the same.

"A bath and clean clothes?" I asked very quietly. He looked towards the corridor for a moment, soooooo it wasn't strange, because I had read the books... 

He's definitely talking to someone in his mind right now. I exclaimed, making an understandable expression on my face. Yes, yes. I know a little bit about you. I nodded to myself.

"Wait in the room. Someone will come to you soon" He snapped me out of my fantasies.

 Ooookeyyy. I thought in my head as I slowly slid back in and closed the door. After a few minutes, someone knocked and entered the room. A very pretty woman, of average height (considering the height of the giants living here), smiled at me, holding some clothes in one hand.

"Hi, I'm Anie and I'm the partner of Derick, that serious guard camping outside the door" She pointed behind her playfully. A quiet growl was heard from behind the door, which brought smiles to our faces.

"Kate" I replied without hesitation.

 I like her. She's cool.

"Do you need to freshen up?" She asked as she walked over to my bandaged ankle. "Doctor Conor said that you can soak your foot and then just re-bandage your ankle.

"Ah… good to hear" I said shyly, allowing her to undress my leg. With Anie's help, I went to the bathroom where, after a moment of arguing about whether to help me or not, I was left alone, climbing into the shower on one leg.

"I could really use a bathtub" I complained to myself as I slowly washed the yesterday away from my body. After getting out and drying off, which looked very funny, I put on Anie's clothes and left the bathroom. To my NO surprise, doctor Conor was waiting for me standing next to the bed.

"Hello Kate, how's your ankle?" He asked in a gentle voice.

"Quite ok…" I muttered, sitting on the bed and letting Konor bandage my foot again.

"It will take you about 2 weeks to be able to walk freely again" Listening to the doctor and not believing what I was hearing, my mouth fell open.

"Two?" I moaned to myself more than to anyone else. Konor smiled slightly, stood up and patted me on the shoulder. 

"That's how long people with this type of injury need" 

I made a sound of dissatisfaction, hiding my face in my hands. Anie sat down next to me and gently touching me with her hand, she started massaging my back.

"Don't worry. If you want, I can spend time with you so you won't be so bored." She offered. Smiling sadly at her, I nodded. 

The day passed quite well. Anie and Derick helped me get to know the house we lived in a bit. Knowing that they were like a married couple, I tried not to touch her partner in any way as he carried me down the stairs, which made Ana smile. We went to eat together and see what was happening in front of the house. It turned out that the youngest curious one from yesterday's group was their son. Little Kylen, that was his name, was extremely happy that his parents were taking care of me. He asked a thousand questions a minute, and only some of them were answered by his parents. I was sitting next to them, smiling, listening to the children and watching how peacefully everyone lived here. 

I wonder if Demian will send me back when my ankle gets better. I sat there thinking for a while when I saw someone's feet in front of me. I slowly looked up and saw the man I was thinking about. He stood in front of me in just shorts, with beads of sweat running down his chiseled chest and face. And believe me, he was not happy to see me. Derick and Anie stood next to me with their heads down. Even Kylen stood scared, clinging to his dad's leg.