Chapter 5

"You were supposed to wait in the room" He growled through his teeth when I turned my eyes away to stare into the distance. But not to annoy him. Well, maybe a little. But the main reason was that I could barely stop myself from touching his chest. What? And when will I get a chance to touch something like that? They would immediately treat me like some perv who gropes people. Only the carved ones, but let's be honest, probably I would touch this whole village of guys, because everyone I met had a divine body. The Alfa standing in front of me obviously had the best of them all, but can you be picky in such a situation? Precipitating from getting off my dirtier fantasy, I stood up, turned towards the house, and began slowly limping inside. 

A loud growl startled everyone and caused me to stop. I swallowed, knowing I'm fucked. Suddenly I felt his strong hands and a second later I was being carried princess style. My heart wanted to jump out of my chest and my eyes didn't know where to look. A bead of sweat fell from the tip of his nose onto my hand. I looked at his furrowed eyebrows and, without thinking about the consequences, I grabbed the end of mine undershirt and gently wiped his sweaty face. Surprised, Demian stopped and looked at me. And then it happened. His amber eyes slowly darkened and turned to shining onyx. He slowly brought his nose closer to my neck and breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly he turned his head the other way and when he looked at me again his eyes were golden brown again. A moment later we were in my room and I landed on my bed. He looked at me angrily and left the room without a word. I sighed heavily. 

"Well... He definitely hates me now. Now just wait until he sends me back to the summer house. And…" I remembered. "Speaking of that... I wonder if they reported me... yeah... For me it's the least of the problems..." I breathed heavily and turned to my side, deciding to take a nap. 

To my surprise, I woke up in complete darkness. I slowly sat up in bed, not knowing what time it was. So I used the toilet and went to the balcony window. I turned the doorknob and went out onto the small balcony, leaning on the railing. The moon was shining brightly. Looking down at the trees, something large passed between them. Staring at the strange figure, I waited for it to come out from among the trees. And so it happened. I stood staring at him, full of admiration. A really big wolf emerged under my balcony. It was possible that it was even bigger than a bear. His black fur gleamed in the moonlight. The beast raised its head and looked into my surprised eyes. For a moment I thought I saw his tail wagging as if... in joy? But that wasn't the biggest surprise. The wolf took a slight run and he jumped in to the small balcony where I was standing and as if nothing had happened he entered my room. I froze with fear.

What now?? Hey little one, I invite you to your room where you will be swallowed by a beautiful beast. You can feel honored, not everyone has the opportunity to become her snack. Yeah…. My brain stopped working and some strange virus caused this strange train of thought. I'm not like that at all... ehm. 

The beast let out a quiet growl, probably dissatisfied that her starter hadn't arrived for dinner yet. I limped into the room, looking around to see where he was. I was afraid when I felt his bent head rubbing against my hand. To my surprise, the wolf didn't want to eat me at all (at least not yet). He began to gently push me towards the bed. Surprised by the whole situation, I sat on the bed with my back against the backrest. The beast jumped out right next to me and the whole frame creaked. He lay down on my left side and rested his head on my lap. And my rational thinking, which rarely had its time, took over. Without missing a beat, without hesitation, I started stroking his shiny fur and oh my, it was so soft!! A quiet growl came from inside him, which in turn put a smile on my face. I wrapped my arms around his muzzle and pressed my face into his fur.

"You're gorgeous," I purred as I snuggled into him. He also raised his head slightly and started rubbing against my face. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed his big fluffy tail beating rhythmically against the mattress. Cuddled against him, feeling his soft fur and pleasant warmth, I drifted off to the land of dreams.

While I was deep in sleep, the large black wolf began to change shape and soon became the same large, menacing Alpha. As he lay there next to me, he looked gently at my sleeping form for the first time. He gently touched my cheek one last time before he left my room.

 When I woke up in the morning, I didn't know whether what happened during the night was a dream or a reality. But does it matter? I was hugging a huge black wolf with soft fur! Aaah… I felt fulfilled. This day passed quietly, listening Anie and her son, eating and changing the dressing. At first they were a bit surprised how I knew who they were and that it didn't bother me at all, but I quickly explained to them what I love to read and everything became clear. Anie laughed at me for a moment, seeing how happy I was to be here with them and not afraid of them just because I had read a few books, but it didn't bother me at all. 

Surprisingly, after yesterday's action with Alfa, I wasn't locked in the room for the rest of the week and I could even go out with my favorite (only) couple I knew. 

When night came, I couldn't sleep. I waited patiently and when the moon shone again on the nearby trees, I couldn't help myself anymore and limped out to the balcony. My eyes scanned the nearby trees, searching for the black giant. When, after less than an hour of waiting, I lost hope and was about to go back to bed, suddenly he emerged from the darkness. My beautiful shiny wolf, who wasted no time in jumping onto the balcony and with his tail wagging, went inside.

Just like at home.

I laughed mentally and shook my head as I followed him in, finding him lying on the bed.

"Hey buddy… didn't your mom teach you not to jump into bed with unknown women?" I asked with a slight hint of sarcasm. He purred and waved his head, motioning for me to hurry up to my seat. If I had healthy ankle, I would definitely jump on this big fluffy beast and pull it by the ears. Don't get me wrong. He looked really dangerous, but looking into his black eyes, looking at me with such calmness, I felt that I was in no danger with him. Beautiful black onyx eyes….that seemed strangely familiar? Wait… I climbed onto the bed and took his muzzle in both hands, staring into his shining eyes…

"No way…" I muttered. "Alpha?" The wolf rubbed its big head against my chest hurrying me to caress him. Staring mindlessly into the darkness, I instinctively started stroking the beast's head.

Are you telling me that my huge black ball of fluff that I was hugging and that snuggled up to me is the same evil, pompous Alpha?

Yes, I know that I have read enough books about werewolves and all that, but reading and seeing are two very different things.

But wait… does the fact that his wolf is fawning over me now mean that he and I… that we… And my brain stopped functioning at that moment. I was on autopilot, still stroking the happy Alfa's soft head. I knew I would regret it but I had to make sure.

"Can you change back?" I asked uncertainly. I felt his body stiffen at the question. The wolf raised its head with pleading eyes he whimpered so that I wouldn't do it.


The beast jumped off the bed and began transforming into none other than the mischievous Alpha before my eyes.

"So it's true" I said to myself, looking down. "Are we…..mates?" I asked very slowly. And something I could have expected happened. Alpha's response...not his wolf.



""Get out" I muttered, feeling anger rising within me.

"You will not order me around, woman" He growled angrily, but at this moment, even if hell opened up, nothing could stop me.

"I said GET OUT!" I screamed murderously at him, not taking my eyes off him, which could kill. We looked at each other for a moment threateningly and surprisingly or not (don't underestimate the power of an angry woman) Alpha turned on his heel and left, slamming and almost smashing my door.