Chapter 10

It was oval in shape with beautifully carved pillars protruding from the walls. On both sides there were tables richly set with food and a small bar with drinks. There was pleasant music playing in the background and at the very end there were a pair of stairs with railings leading to large decorated doors.

As I slowly circled the room, I also noticed that behind each glass door, between the curtains, there were small balconies where you could breathe fresh air.

I will definitely use this. I smiled to myself. 

The hall was practically full when the last guests entered. Everyone was talking to each other while waiting for the host of the event. And unfortunately, after finding me in the crowd, mine torturer grabbed my arm and we joined one of the a group. Light years of boring conversations later, one of the employees walked up the stairs and stood in front of a large door.

"And now, dear guests, please applaud for the host of this party, Mr Milers"

Everyone looked towards the opening door, clapping eagerly. Except me and my aunt. We both looked at each other with shock in our eyes.

"I received an invitation from Mr. Daniels. I have no idea how it happened." My aunt quickly explained it to me, knowing what he had put me through. I knew she wasn't lying and it was most likely a plan hatched by Mr. Alpha, who somehow magically found me.

My heart started pounding. Too hard. Peeking cautiously around one of the guests, I glanced at the man who appeared to the crowd.

Yeah…. I'm fucked….

Standing there, high on the steps, in a perfectly tailored black suit and black shirt, was none other than the Alpha I had escaped from. With cold eyes, he slowly surveyed the people in the hall before he began to descend the stairs. 

Beads of sweat began to form on my cold forehead. Taking advantage of the moment when people started moving towards Demian, I quickly whispered to my aunt that I needed a second on the balcony and, hiding behind the curtain, I slipped out through the glass door. Crouching against the railing, I took a deep but shaky breath.

"And what now? Where did he even come from? If he found me and did it on purpose, I have no chance of escaping..." I mumbled to myself not knowing what to do.

Looking out the window, I noticed how besieged he was by the crowd of people and even for a moment I felt sorry for him. But only for a moment. Seeing as several young chicks were trying to stick to him, batting their false eyelashes at him.

Disgusted by this view, I turned towards the railings, admiring the views. It didn't bother me at all that they flocked to him like moths to a flame. Any chick in her right mind and eyesight would throw herself at him.….. I sighed heavily.

Who knows... Maybe he'll find the right Luna for the pack among them...

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear someone carefully open the door and enter the balcony. He leaned against the wall of the building with his arms folded and looked at me curiously. Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I noticed something was wrong. With concern on my face and a knot in my stomach, I slowly tilted my head back and yes, I wasn't alone. I turned my head back, grimacing to myself.

"Hi Zaine, how are you?" I asked in an extremely calm voice.

"Hello Kate, nice to see you again. Long time no see" He replied very seriously.

"What's up with Anie and Derick?" I started playing with my fingers.

"You would know, if you hadn't run away"

I turned around at his words, looking at him with irritation.

"Listen,…. I'm not one of you but that doesn't mean I don't have feelings. Did you know that Demian and I are partners? If so, what else was I supposed to do? You saw how he acted around me. I won't sit and watch him sometimes wanting me and sometimes not... I'm not a toy he can throw away. If he can't decide, it's not my problem. He clearly showed me that he didn't want it, so I left. What more do you want from me? I asked with anger and glazed eyes, wanting to get out of the balcony. Unfortunately, Zaine blocked my only escape route with his body. Feeling defeated, I looked up at the sky.

"You've got to be kidding me… Let me pass. I want to leave" I pleaded with teary eyes.

"You know I can't" He replied unfazed.

"I just want to get back in. I promise I won't do anything stupid. You can stand by me all the time." I mumbled with my eyes downcast. Zaine looked at me and, to my surprise, opened the door, gesturing for me to leave.

We walked back together into the crowded room full of conversations. Without looking up, I walked over to the bar and asked for a drink. Sipping it slowly, ignoring the rest of the company, I became lost in thought again. 

On the one hand, I really wanted it. I wanted him to find me and take me back to his settlement. On the other hand... I was afraid he still wouldn't want me. That he will find someone better. That I will never feel his warmth again and I will continue to suffer. Tears appeared in the corners of my eyes. And then I felt it. The pleasant warmth radiating from him when he was close to me. His hand gently wiped a tear from my cheek. I turned my head to the other side, trying to control my raging emotions.

"Why?" He asked in a low, hoarse voice. "Why did you run away?"

"I did you a favor. You didn't want me, so I disappeared from your life. Why are you pushing yourself into mine after all this?" I hoped he doesn't hear my shaky voice.

He gently took my chin and turned my face towards him. I was afraid to look at him. I was afraid of this feeling that had been bothering me since I met him. I was afraid he would reject me again.

"Katie….. " One warm word spoken by him and I was already staring into his beautiful amber eyes. His hand on my cheek. His other hand took my hand and he kissed it gently. Staring at what he was doing to me, I didn't notice the shocked people staring at us with open mouths, including my aunt. The quiet whispers irritated Demian. He took my hand and whispered in my ear.

"Come with me"

Not wanting to become a victim of the surprised audience, I looked at the ground and let him lead me behind the beautifully engraved door. We entered one of the rooms on this floor and sat silently next to each other on the couch. Alpha never let go of my hand.

"Come back with me…." He finally spoke.

"What for?...For you to treat me like you did before?" I wanted to free myself from his hand, but he only squeezed it tighter.

"Those days that you were gone...I realized that I couldn't function without you…..I couldn't focus on work…. All I could think about...was you….and how I treated you...I'm sorry" He said rubbing his head against mine. "A few days later, when I felt you again... You have no idea how happy I was. You were within my reach and I knew I had to find you….But you disappeared again….I thought I was going to lose my mind. My wolf almost took over and shift in front of people. I had to leave quickly so as not to reveal our secret.

I remember the next few days vaguely until the phone rang with the information "

He put his head on my shoulder and kissed my neck. "One of my men recognized you at the party and found out who you came with. I knew I had to act quickly. I asked a friend for a favor, knowing you wouldn't show up, knowing I'd be there. I was very nervous, but I was also as happy as a little child to meet you. I finally saw you" His hands wrapped around my waist and I got another kiss on my neck. "You were so dissatisfied and... resigned... I know how much I hurt you and you may never forgive me, but I can't imagine life without you. When you wanted to reject me...I felt great fear. My wolf was howling with grief and my heart... I realized that I wouldn't be able to live without you. I wanted to talk calmly when I returned... But you were already gone." I heard sadness in his voice when he told me this. Great sadness. He really regretted what he did to me. I was silent. I missed his closeness so much. But I also didn't want to agree too easily. His words from earlier still hurt.

"I need time to think about it" I finally answered.

"Can you think about it when we get back to our house?"

Ours….. A slight, barely noticeable smile appeared on my face for a second.

"Nnooooooooo"I drawled. This time he hugged me tighter and snuggled against my back.

"You don't know how much I'm holding back right now not to throw you over my shoulder and carry you away" He purred next to my ear, sending shivers down my body. I liked him throwing me over his shoulder. He started kissing my neck slowly.

"Don't overdo it.." I warned. "I said I'd think about it." I tried to sound firm, but I guess it didn't work because Demian growled menacingly.

"Well, my patience has run out" He said, getting up and doing what he warned me about. Dangling, I only had time to choke out on his back. "Seriously?!" Before he quickly walked with me out of the building and threw me into his car.