Chapter 9

 I wanted to get up and run away, but it would be too easy for him to catch me. My aunt looked at him and widened her eyes. She looked at me wanting to tell me something but I CLEARLY showed her to keep quiet. She frowned at my behavior. Knowing something was up, she glanced at Demian again. Several people approached him to see if he needed anything and that was the moment he got distracted. 

"Bathroom" I whispered to my aunt and pulled her with me, disappearing behind the doors of the temporary refuge.

"May I find out why a person of his stature was calling your name?" Standing in front of me with her arms crossed, my aunt demanded an answer.

"I don't know what you mean... I don't know the guy" I started washing my hands at the sink very eagerly. 

"Then why did he call you?" She raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Auntie…Do you know how many women there are with this name? Why would he call me?" I shrugged, trying not to look at her.

"Then why did you hide?" She didn't give up.

"Oh, it's not like that. I hide right away. I needed to use the bathroom. And you? Don't you have to wash your hands?" I looked at her innocently. I knew that she won't give up so easily, but she also won't force something out of me that I don't want to talk about.

For a moment I wondered how we were going to get out of the restaurant now that he might still be there looking for me. To my surprise, after leaving the bathroom, my aunt took my hand and we went out the back door. I didn't know how to thank her for that. But I knew to not to speak now if I didn't want to start the interrogation again. As I walked away from the restaurant, I no longer heard his call or felt that pleasant warmth. After today's meeting, I decided to give up going anywhere for now. I'm staying at home. For a good few days. After crossing the threshold, I was immediately dragged to the sofa in the living room. Sitting next to me with folded arms, my aunt waited patiently for the explanation that was inevitable in this situation.

"Let's just say... he was one of the few people who helped me when I sprained my ankle. However… after a few days spent in my… company… I realized that I was not the person he wanted to be with" I explained, trying to hold back the emotions that came back again uninvited.

"Should I understand that something sparked between you but you decided it wasn't that?" She was lost in thought, trying to understand what had happened. "And you figured it out while you were gone? After less than two weeks?" She looked at me in disbelief and I couldn't stand it any longer.

"He didn't want me!" I burst into tears. "He didn't want me…because I was too weak" I buried my face in my hands, allowing all the accumulated grief to be released. My aunt quickly hugged me and started stroking my back. I was grateful that she didn't say anything more or try to convince me to like him. After all, she saw him looking for me, so she could understand that he cared. But I knew better. I'm just an ordinary weak person who would be of no use to him in any way. I am of no use to anyone…No one needs me…. And I started feeling down again. Everything hurt me more and more... With regret, sadness, longing, the lack of his warmth... I needed him...

After completely falling apart and crying all my tears, my aunt looked into my red eyes and kissed me on the forehead.

"Everything will be fine. You'll see. Now go take your lavender calming bath. Get some sleep and wake up with a smile on your face. Remember that it's up to you how you feel."

There's no way I can tell you that it's not up to me, aunt. Only from him. After meeting my other half... I can't be happy away from him...

"I will. See you tomorrow, aunt. Sleep well" I smiled lightly at her and went to the upstairs bathroom to take a relaxing bath. It helped a little, but as I lay in bed and thought about myself, I began to regret not letting him find me. 

"But if he started acting like that again, or worse, locked me in a room and didn't look at me at all… Ugh! I don't know what to do anymore. If only I had sat on my ass and not gone into that stupid forest!" I started kicking my feet on the duvet. After that party, we would definitely never meet again. After all, he spends most of his time at home…With his pack…Without me" Tears came to my eyes again. "I deserve happiness too… I want to be with the person I love… I want to be with you, you stupid….Alfo" I hugged my pillow, imagining him sitting next to a large, decorated desk, immersed in work. My eyes slowly started to close and without knowing when, I fell asleep.

I sat in the armchair, staring at his thoughtful face and furrowed eyebrows, trying to cope with the daily dose of documents. I smiled to myself, stood up and slowly walked towards him. He looked at me questioningly and as if nothing had happened, I sat on his lap and hugged him, resting my head on his shoulder. Without saying anything, he embraced me tenderly with one hand and returned to the documents. His face relaxed, occasionally brushing against mine. I felt so good around him. My eyes began to close and of course I woke up from the momentary relief. Resigned, I got up to start another day...

Trying to look normal for the next few days, which was a mistake, My aunt couldn't stand it and dragged me to one of the parties she was invited to. I decided it was time to move on with my life, so I didn't protest. Fortunately, I didn't have to wear high heels because she was still worried that I would hurt my ankle. The evening passed peacefully with conversations and stiff smiles. When I had a moment to myself, I sat at the bar and thoughtfully sipped my drink slowly. I didn't notice a certain man who took out his phone and started talking to me while looking at me. The next day in the afternoon, my aunt came home with a blush on her face.

"You won't believe what happened! We got an invitation from one of the most influential people in America! It's a great honor to be invited by him. He was even at the last party before you left like Mr. Milers but you disappeared before I could introduce you! He rarely shows himself among people and that's why his parties are only for the chosen ones! And this time he chose uuuss!" She sang the last sentence with joy. 

I was a bit surprised and concerned when I heard HIS name, but considering how many rich people there are in the world and the fact that he doesn't go out very often, I thought it was just another (normal) party. I fell face down on a nearby couch, disgusted by the further torment that awaited me. I'll have to find a quiet place to live, away from my aunt and parties. I immediately thought of a quiet oasis in a dense forest from which I had escaped. And I missed you once again. Many days have passed, but the longing has not diminished. On the contrary. She was getting stronger every day. Almost every night I saw a suffering wolf, whimpering behind me sadly. I felt like I had left behind where I belonged.

I managed not to think about it for a while because Mrs. Party went shopping crazy. From morning to evening we went from store to store, trying on all possible dresses and shoes... Literally all of them. The day before the reception, we spent time on beauty treatments at the Spa, because "A woman must always look beautiful," as my aunt keeps saying. After returning home, I ran to my room to finally catch some sleep, and I must admit, I was exhausted. I was wondering how I would even survive tomorrow, which unfortunately came too quickly. 

At dawn, my beloved madwoman rushed into the room and dragged me out of bed, singing that we had no time. And so I ended up with her in one of the beauty salons, where we had our nails, hair and makeup done. Thank you, my goodness, for giving me the opportunity to eat at least a little in the meantime, because I suspect that the distress of my stomach would have been audible at the evening party. 

Feeling strangely anxious, I got into the car that took us to the place. I admit, the building was impressive. It only had 3 floors, but what a height. When I got out of the car, I noticed that I wasn't the only one admiring this place. Entering the hall after presenting the invitation, men dressed in silver tuxedos ushered the guests into the hall.