Chapter 8

"Don't you DARE!" He roared furiously at the top of his lungs, grabbing my hand. I opened my teary eyes, looking at him with sadness.

"You don't want me! This is the best solution! You will be able to find the right Luna for your pack!" I screamed through tears. For a moment, his eyes looked at me with fear, as if he didn't know what to do now. He was about to say something when he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the door. He growled menacingly and dragged me with him, pushing me into my room.

"Stay here! There was an attack at one of the borders. We'll finish this conversation when I get back!" He shouted as he ran out of the building.

Do you really think I'll just wait here for you after this conversation? 

Maybe it's stupid what I'm doing now, but I'm not going to listen to him. Not after his last words. As I stood there, not taking anything with me because I didn't have anything of my own, I left the house and, taking advantage of the slight commotion among the residents, I went in the direction I knew.

How did I know where to go? Over the last few days we have been walking quite a distance with Anie, Derick and the kids. One day he let slip where he brought me and the kids started showing me where they weren't allowed to go because of the people. So, knowing this forest well enough, I headed towards the summer house. I didn't run because it wouldn't make sense, considering I would get tired too quickly. I left the border of their property with quick and confident steps, every now and then wiping away a falling tear.

 I didn't want to leave. I felt so good with them but... I won't stay somewhere they don't want me. I didn't want to suffer again or hope that maybe he would change his expectations... 

Who am I kidding. He needed a strong partner, preferably one of his own kind, who could behave like a real Luna. And me? What could I possibly do? Ha... That's right... 

I wiped more tears from my face and tried not to feel depressed anymore. I was a bit worried that they would catch up with me quickly, but I was also convinced that they wouldn't notice my disappearance any time soon. When there was an attack earlier, Demian spent quite a lot of time with the warriors at the border. 

When I finally made it to the summer house, I breathed a sigh of relief. I went inside and thank God the employees had my stuff put away. I wasted no time in thanking them and saying goodbye to them, knowing that if I stayed the night, I would wake up next to a big, bad black wolf. Or worse, with his human form. He would probably lock me in a room and won't let me out for the next few days. 

I snorted with dissatisfaction at something he did in my thoughts and left the building. To my surprise, a couple who were also leaving offered me a ride to the main bus stop. From there it was easy to buy a ticket towards my aunt's house. 

Late in the evening I stood in front of the door of a large, luxurious building and rang the bell. The moment my aunt opened the door and her expression turned into that of an angry ogress, I felt shivers all over my body.

"Hey auntie, how are you?" I asked with a tremble in my voice.

"How am I?! How am I??!! Kate! Where the hell have you been!! I understand a week, but two?! And without any message?!" She started screaming as she dragged me into the house. "I hope you have a good explanation, otherwise you'll be spending the next month with me at your favorite parties" She sat down on the couch across from me, waiting for my answer. Swallowing hard, I tried to choose the right words.

"So, on the second day of wandering around the forest..." I guess I didn't start off right. "I sprained my ankle very badly and it needed fixing..."

"Oh No!! Katie! Is everything okay now?! Maybe we'll go to the hospital to check it out! Wait, I'll call the driver and ..."

"Easy, aunty" I calmed her down by placing my hand on her shoulder. "Everything's fine now. I was found by very nice people who took me to the doctor and took care of me during this time. I didn't want to worry you about it and it was difficult to get reception there, so I had no way to contact you. I was hoping that I would recover quickly enough and come back, but it took a little longer than I thought. I'm sorry you were worried..." I said, hugging her, which she quickly hugged back.

"Are you sure everything's fine now?" She asked, hugging me a little too tightly.

"Yes, aunty… it's okay. But we have to forget about high heels for a while"

 Fortunately, my aunt didn't ask for details and let me take a long, relaxing lavender bath. How I missed it. After eating dinner, I fell on my bed and covered myself with the blanket up to my ears. 

Haaa… and I did it…. I ran away…. I wonder if he's looking for me... No, not at all. I don't care if he's looking or not. He didn't want me from the beginning.... I thought to myself as I moved around on the bed. I felt like I was missing something… someone…. Haa… and I did it again….. 

But that's apparently how it was supposed to be... No one needs me, I don't need anyone... But I will miss... for Anie and Derick of course and their little wolf and….. and my beautiful black wolf…. I closed my tear-stained eyes, imagining us lying next to each other in silence. Without knowing when, I fell asleep. 

While walking through the forest, I heard a quiet whimpering sound. I started to look around when my fluffy, big, black boy appeared from behind one of the trees. He whimpered sadly, lying on the ground as if he had no strength to move. I wanted to go up to him and comfort him, but some strange force held me in place, preventing me from getting closer. I wanted to call him, but I couldn't make a sound. I wanted to show that I was there for him, but he didn't see me. Seeing him like this broke my heart. I jumped up with tears in my eyes, looking at the phone.

"You could have interrupted that one." I snorted with dissatisfaction at the innocent device, slowly getting out of bed. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm my raging emotions. It was already around noon when I decided to leave the room. 

Coming downstairs, I noticed that my aunt was no longer there. I made myself breakfast and sat down in front of the big TV and started watching a movie. But somehow I couldn't focus on it. My thoughts wandered to a certain settlement in the forest. It was strange that I felt at home there, among my own people, as if I had always belonged there. 

"It will pass. Today is only the first day. You know it won't be easy, but you have to deal with it somehow." I tried to console myself.

I spent the rest of the day like that, not knowing what to do with myself. My aunt came back late in the evening and we spent some time talking together before we went to sleep. 

Few days later, I started leaving the house and wandering around the shops with my aunt, looking for new outfits for her parties. Fortunately, she was convinced that it was a bit too early for me to go back to partying.

I was supposed to focus on full recovery... Although looking like someone who no longer enjoys anything in life, it wasn't easy. Since I left, I felt bad....I was sad and lethargic. This was starting to irritate my aunt more and more, but why should we be surprised? If I stood next to me and saw how I was behaving, I would have slapped myself in the head a long time ago to shake it off. Luckily for me, my aunt wasn't as brutal as me….She focused on trying on more outfits and high heels when I was walking confused between the hangers, immersed in my world of despair.

A few hours later, she dragged me to one of the fancy restaurants to eat. I didn't really feel like doing anything, but I had no choice. My aunt was willing to pay the waiter for feeding me 'forcibly' if she heard me say "I'm not hungry" again.

Yeah... She warned me before leaving that she wouldn't hesitate even for a second if I said something like that. So I ordered something light and reluctant, I picked around the plate, putting a bite into my mouth from time to time and slowly chewing. 

And then suddenly I felt it. The warmth when he was nearby... Panic gripped me, but I couldn't move. I slowly, carefully took the menu and covered my face with it. I began to stealthily look around, trying to locate him. My heart was pounding like crazy, happy that it could feel good again but I….

Luckily he wasn't in the restaurant…Unfortunately he was standing right in front of it, obviously sensing me nearby. For the brief moment I looked at him, I noticed that he looked bad. He was more bearded than normal and his face looked tired. Apart from the fact that he looked like a predator looking for prey... I saw how carefully he looked around, not knowing where to look. And he searched very carefully. At the last second I hid behind the menu when his eyes turned to me. The only thing he could see was my aunt's back, in front of whom I was sitting. 

"Kate!" Regardless of all the people, he called out loudly, causing them to look towards him. A chill ran through my body hearing him call my name.
