Chapter 7

"Come in" Demian said in a low voice. One of the handsome trio, whose name I didn't know yet, entered the room.

"Alfa" He lowered his head as he entered the office. "Concerning the last attack" He paused, seeing me sitting and looking at him curiously. Demian ran one hand through his hair and sighed loudly.

"Can you sit with Anie?" Hearing the question addressed to me, I got up from the chair, but instead of going to the door, I felt like playing and approached the big bad Alpha. Surprised by my behavior, he looked at me questioningly, but before he could ask anything, I kissed his forehead and quickly limped out of the office, leaving both men shocked by my behavior. 

Satisfied that I had made a mess, I went in search of Anie. She was near the main house, watching the children play baseball. Well, more like throwing and hitting a ball with a baseball bat. Whoever caught the ball could hit the ball next. I sat down next to her with my head down.

"I'm sorry I acted like a child, but after Alpha's words, unwanted emotions arose and I wasn't able to deal with them.." I said regretfully. Anie looked at me and hugged me. 

"Oh Katie..."

"Me too! Me too!" Kylen shouted, running towards us and hugging us. The other children followed suit and soon we were a big ball of cuddles, laughing happily. I spent most of the evening with Anie talking about various things and their settlement. Most of the wolves living here accepted me and the rest just didn't care whether I lived here or not. When we went into the kitchen to grab something to eat, the same thing happened like in the morning. Very muscular hands threw me over an equally muscular shoulder. Before we left, I managed to wave goodbye to the surprised Anie, and I was dangling on his back again, looking at that round ass….ymmm mmmm. Once again I was placed in a chair and after presenting me with food, the kidnapper settled down behind his desk, immersing himself in his work. After dinner, I lay across the armchair, tired from the day of slowly slithering around the estate. 

When Demian finished working on the documents, he finally looked at the already sleeping woman. He looked at her for a moment, struggling with his thoughts. When she started to squirm, looking for a more comfortable position, he walked over to her and took her in his arms. She immediately snuggled into his muscular body, causing a pleasant shiver on his skin. This time he didn't take Katie to her room. He took her to his bedroom. He gently placed her on the bed and went to take a very cold shower.

Is attraction becoming problematic for our Alfa?

After calming down himself and his body, he took his partner in his arms, inhaled her delicate scent of lavender and after a short while, he fell asleep.

 In the morning, when I opened my eyes, I felt something I shouldn't have felt. There was a hand on my left breast and something stiff was sticking next to my ass. It didn't excite me at all….no…. I am fully composed. But a certain Alpha apparently sensed something different because his hands started to roam around my body. He purred low in my ear, kissing my neck. Apart from the fact that it was incredibly exciting, I also felt inner fear. The fear that if we get past a certain point in our relationship and then I'm rejected because I'm not enough... I don't know if I could recover from that again.

"No" I said suddenly, stopping his hand from going too low. I quickly got out of bed and noticed that I wasn't in my room. As I was trying to escape from the room, I heard a growl behind me. Slowly turning my gaze towards him, I noticed him covering his face with his hand, as if he was having some internal battle.

"Sorry, I couldn't control myself" He said in a hoarse voice, disappearing behind the bathroom door. Tears appeared in my eyes. 

Of course not…. Not you, but your wolf. I thought as I went to hide under the warm water from my shower. 

This day passed very peacefully. The alpha no longer looked for me to eat with him. He sat in his office or was with others patrolling the borders. I decided to spend the night without any visitors. The balcony window and door were closed. At some point during the night, I thought I heard a whimpering wolf but I didn't get out of bed to check it out. I didn't even notice someone trying to enter the room, because I was already sound asleep.

What was he counting on? That he can play with my feelings like this and sometimes show me affection and then tell me it's a mistake? I'm sorry but that's not how it works. Until he decides what he wants, I'll stay away. And that's what I did for the next few days. I spent it with the other residents of this house. 

At the beginning, I was afraid to talk to others apart from Anie and Derick, but there were a few open people who wanted to make friends with me.

Finally, the day came when my ankle was fully functional and I could move freely. I knew I wouldn't be able to stay here for long. But how to convey it to Demian, who for some reason has been a pain in the ass for everyone these last few days... I didn't want to tell him about it, so I went to his beta, Zein. Yes, that was the name of the third of the three handsome men. Having seen him with several other men, I approached him hoping to resolve this in a gentle manner.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled as I stood behind him, which interrupted their conversation.

"We'll finish later" He said to them and turned to me. "How can I help?"

"I have something important to discuss" I started.

"I'm listening"

"So... my ankle is fully functional now and I think it's time for me to get back home" I said, twisting my fingers nervously.

"I understand, but why do you need my permission for this? You can go back to your room whenever you want." He was surprised.

"Aaa… no, it wasn't what I meant. It's time for me to go back to my old life. I suspect that someone from the summer house where I was at that time is looking for me..."

"When it comes down to it, you have nothing to worry about. Everything was explained to them and they know that nothing happened to you." He informed me with a shrug. Surprised by this information that I had just learned, I forgot the words.

"Oh…okay. Cool. Thanks for the information, but I still have to go back" I explained, looking at the ground. He raised one eyebrow questioningly, waiting for the rest.

"Because, you know, before I came here, I was with my aunt. And now it's time to go back, if we don't want a search team with dogs, trackers and helicopters." I said with a grimace. That auntie could have made this happen. In fact, she already did it once, when I disappeared for the first time without telling her. But then something happened….

"The thing is, I have to go back and show myself to her, otherwise hell awaits me, and an unwanted group of people may visit you so…" I looked at him and I didn't like what I saw. He stood staring into the distance, saying nothing. At least not out loud.

"No, please! Don't tell him about it. He doesn't…"

"Alpha wants to see you in his office. Immediately" He interrupted me suddenly. I sighed heavily. 

"Haa… Thanks" I turned on my heel and walked as slowly as I could towards his office. When I stood in front of his door, I didn't even have time to knock when it suddenly opened for me. Taking a deep breath, I walked inside and sat in the chair. He closed the door behind me and stood next to the desk, leaning on it with one hand.

"You want to leave?" His voice was more threatening than questioning. "Why.." He growled menacingly.

"I already told Zein that I have to go back if we don't want a whole search team with dogs and helicopters here. I didn't speak to my EXTREMELY protective aunt for practically two weeks. She's definitely wondering if something has happened and a simple phone call won't help. I have to show myself to her, so yes, I have to go back" I tried to explain my situation as clearly as possible. "She's my only family here and even though I'm old enough, she still cares about me... Not like some people." I whispered the last one, but apparently not quietly enough, because a loud growl could be heard.


"What?" I asked, surprised.

"I said NO!!" This time he roared so loudly that the windows shook. I got up from the chair and approached him so close that we were a few centimeters away from touching. I looked angrily into his eyes that turned black. Demian was really furious. But did he have the right to do so? After all these days of not speaking and avoiding each other, could he be angry with me for leaving now?

"Listen… Alfa. I am not your property nor do I belong to your pack. I stayed here because instead of taking me to the summer house on the first day, you decided to bring me here. I didn't object because it didn't matter to me where I would end up. But you clearly showed me that you didn't want to have anything to do with me, apart from your wolf and, as I said, a moment of weakness in which you showed me a bit of affection, which, as I pointed out, was a moment. Tell me honestly." I looked into his angry eyes. "Do you want me as your partner?" I asked with a slight tremor in my voice. Demian nervously ran his hand through his hair, looking away from me.

"A weak human as the Luna of this pack... is not the best solution." 

At these words, my eyes lost all their shine and my heart pounded as if it had been stabbed with a knife. I took a few heavy breaths, closing my eyes and trying to end this suffering.

"I, Kate Kruczyńska, reject…"