To say that T'Challa, or Black Panther as he is known to the world, has faced everything in his life, from seeing his father die in an attack, a relative Attempting to usurp his throne, a hunt for a frozen soldier and most recently a civil war between powerful beings for the right to remain hidden from the world, can't fit together, not even close to your current situation .

Well, if they had told him two months ago that a race of super-gifted ants were on his continent, and in regions close to his kingdom, killing and kidnapping villages and destroying cities, he would laugh at it as a good joke, however, the numbers and the numbers of missing people were only increasing to the point where it would be impossible to do nothing and not even check .

*Even if these stories are just legends, something or someone, even a group, is killing in this region, my duty is to put an end to this*

His black suit with purple stripes in a panther-themed vein pattern automatically fits over him as he turns to his team, a small group of 6 of his warriors, all inside a camouflaged combat ship, while flying towards where he hears reports of a large pile of dirt shaped like an anthill.

"When we arrive, I want a cautious approach, we don't even know how or what We are dealing with it, we must be very careful, we will leave the ship well in advance so we can get closer"

They all confirmed with a yes in facial movement, and quickly returned to their posts to prepare.

*Drug dealers weren't enough for me, now this too, When I get back I'll check the SHIELD calls , My sister said it was considered urgent a week ago, but I haven't had time to look at it yet*

His brow furrows as he looks at the radar indicating he's approaching the location.


*If I had to say something about my species, even though we have only recently gained the ability to speak, it is that we are the future of this planet.*

Thought a humanoid turtle with a hat and pipe, watching several hybrids carrying several bodies of other animals and mainly our favorite prey due to high level of nutrition, u Human.

*this was supposed to be the dominant race on the planet according to my studies, as I was born with the role of checking the work and resources of this colony,I had to study through books what other means we obtained in our invasions*

He takes the pipe out of his mouth and exhales slowly and wearily, scratching the back of his head beneath his hat.

*and yet.... They are so disorganized and weak, how this race dominated the planet, so fragile and dumb,... Well nature is undoing its mistake with my species *

He finishes his train of thought, closing a book in his hands, with the cover of evolution theory, with his trembling hands placing a highlighter on a random chapter.

"Sir, we all fifty humans had dinner this day, just as the queen ordered. Another debt that everyone has is because the defenses of this part of the colony were removed. Won't that leave us more vulnerable to an external attack?"

Said a female, humanoid jackal with a pair of wings on her back and a blue jacket

"Very good, each time you show yourself to be more useful to the colony, take the bodies through the main tunnel to the heart of the colony and give them to the queen."

He very relaxedly puts the cigar in his mouth again, while he sees the chimera that was not born a week ago vibrate for being called useful by his supervisor.

"And in the matter of defense, this part of the colony was blessed with the egg of one of the imperial guards"

He turns in the chair he is sitting in and points to a giant egg, hanging from the ceiling, which was green in color and seemed to be covered in flesh, veins that seemed to be pulsating.

"He is about to hatch at any moment, watch carefully, this will be one of the king's elite, the highest rank outside of him,They will protect him when he is born, which will not be long, the queen has already started to incubate the king"

The girl, looks at the egg, feelings of extreme admiration and idolatries common in her species invade her, revealing a smile full of teeth and dreams,

"This even seems like a destination for paradise, they were always by his side, and his divine presence, I almost feel envious"

She said it losing a bit of that dreamy glow.

" small, but you will still be able to meet your king in the future, and now you are participating in his birth by helping to feed the queen, and remember only the best for the king

"Yes..yes....ONLY THE BEST FOR THE KING"She says, running back to pick up the bodies of some children while running to leave them with her queen, ignoring the bleeding bodies along the way.

*Yes.... We are the best hope and species on this planet and everything will be for the king, the one who leads us in the near future*

He turns back to the egg "As long as you are here after being born, you can protect everything here by yourself, the defenses must be outnumbered by the queen for you to stay here"

After that he turns around again in jail and resumes his reading.


*To say that I'm tired would be a bit of an exaggeration, but I'm at least starting to get tired, since most of the guards were removed to support the queen, I'm having to fly over the region Around this part of the anthills there are a lot more so I'm dying to change shifts soon*

A female chimera, very humanoid, with long, thin bat ears, long bat wings on her arms, pale skin, long black hair down to her waist, bangs covering her eyes and wearing wearing sleeping shorts and a loose blouse, and with average attributes, is seen flying in a circle around the anthill.

"In a little while I'm going to switch with Viquize so she can do the rounds, but everything is so boring, there's never anything around here, I was excited with the news of our special energy, I even did a training to develop a skill but, not even that excited me that much jaiqe I have nothing to test"

He said this remembering that about a month ago, an ant that had recovered from a pre-death state after an unsuccessful invasion discovered an energy it had acquired, which was a Humanoid wolf, he got super excited, and shortly after, the entire anthill discovered that they could use this energy if they were helped to awaken,The simplest method was to place your aura on the other, it felt like your pores were opening when you did this.

And with little surprise, his race mastered this method and spread this energy to the rest of the colony, it is not known for sure how it works, there seems to be divisions into types or categories, more,The colony adopted the name nen.

The same one makes a sharp turn in the air feeling the wind on the skin'

*Well, we already know some things, like how it is divided into categories, and by training you can have some techniques, .....I really wanted to test my 'impact sound'*

*but the only thing we have around here are plants*

She speaks sighing and giving a long sigh

*Calm down Evelyn, an opportunity will arise in the future...I hope*

Suddenly your ears turn to one position, but your vision doesn't capture anything, even though it's not the best, but your instincts tell you that something is coming from that direction.

Evelyn then stops her acrobatics in the air and focuses on her hearing, thus activating her echolocation, and what she sees with this is a bird that does not flap its wings to fly and very fast, apparently,Cannot be seen.

*The old turtle needs to know this*

Like a hawk, she folds her wings and descends at great speed to the entrance of the nest to urgently report the discovery and possibly threaten the fragile colony.


T'Challa After getting off the ship, he begins to sneak towards the large mound of earth in front of him, he can notice the surprised faces on his warriors and their high distrust, It seemed to be well over 23 meters high and a large aria, in a quick analysis, he noticed several large holes in its composition.

But everyone stopped when they heard footsteps, and remained as camouflaged as possible until they could see what made the noise.However, nothing had prepared him for the scene in front of him, a large humanoid gorilla, with the head of a lion, wearing a vise, while carrying a large sixth and with a bottom, the . the liquid that did not take long to recognize, and at his waist a chain with heads of people of different ages hanging, apparently not long ago which was a holiday

But when he heard something moving in that bag, he was paralyzed by shock, a moan, like a child struggling in fright, and that took him out of his trance.probably cut off his senses when he remembered his little sister for a short moment,What he did thoughtlessly advanced on the creature, which was paralyzed by the surprise of the sudden attacker, even mistaking him for one of its own species.

"Sound IMPACT!!!!"

It was very sudden, when the king was thrown by an immense pressure, like being run over, towards a tree, and at that moment he could not see what hit him, only his soldiers screaming, and moving forward, before hitting a tree and becoming disoriented.

*something is wrong, what was here?*

It was the only thing he could think as he looked up and saw one of his girls being thrown up like a doll and the others going against the gorilla throwing their spears,And he himself felt great fear, redirecting his gaze to a girl who looked like a bat, with a wide open mouth and air swirling around it, as if there was a powerful energy there.

"Sound IMPACT !!!!!!!"


I want you to tell me how the chapter went, and inform me that I don't create characters for no reason, I like development.