[[Somewhere in the anthill]




A loud cracking and chewing noise, this was nothing out of the ordinary, especially for this race in question, however, what stands out was a humanoid ant,large, with the lower part of its abdomen extremely swollen, like one of the many eggs that were there in the anthill, and this ant was the queen.

"Bring the next one, I'll eat the last one of the day and sleep afterwards"

She says it while stroking her swollen belly, as if she were stroking a large trophy,running your delicate fingers over the entire area of visible veins and swelling spots.

*My son...our future king, you are growing so fast, at this rate, you will be born soon He will be our leader, and will give us our rightful place in this world*

At that moment a jackal with long wings arrived with the body of an old man. He seemed very excited to see his queen, or so he thought.

"Ma'am, this is the last day, how do you feel? Is everything to your satisfaction?"

The queen reaches for the corpse with her left hand, and without much concern for subtlety, pulls the individual's arm until it leaves his body, further blurring the queen's bloodied figure.

"Yes my child, everything is going according to plan, tell me about the news about this new energy discovered by our people"

"Well, our advances are not very great at the moment, we are trying to catalog their functions in practical tests and forms of categories that they appear to have, the most common test that we invented is that of a glass with water and a leaf"

The queen, although a little disappointed, doesn't show it much, but rather focuses her energy on her abdomen while eating, creating an accumulation of aura when she starts eating again. She obtained her aura like this,like the rest of the colony a short time ago, more precisely before the king's pregnancy, and she learned that she could accelerate her pregnancy with the same.

"I'll be leaving for now, Queen, enjoy your meal"

The chimera girl leaves excitedly just as she arrived, and the queen is lost in thought.

*The growth of my king son, coupled with the aura I am using to empower, will produce a much stronger king than I originally planned*

She pulls all the flesh from the shoulder of the torn off arm while grinding it in her mouth.

*This will be very good for the colony, however, I don't know if I will be able to survive giving birth to him, even if he were born prematurely*

Unbeknownst to her, a soul that had just acquired a body, heard her in body, mind and soul, due to this mother and child link, and the same did not plan in any way to be born prematurely.

He saw the final destiny of his mother, which whether he liked it or not was a horrible death, so until the final day of his pregnancy, he would remain as quiet as possible and develop to his limit.


To say that in his life T'Challa, king and warrior, would be serious in a fight would be something common, but the concentration he entered,After dodging by jumping to the side, what that girl threw at him would be an understatement.

A few seconds after that, he jumped between the tree trunks in search of decreasing the distance between him and whatever mutant girl was that was causing him a sense of urgency.

He had already expected fear, anguish and many other sensations during battles, but this was the first time that this urgency attacked,how can you do without wanting to finish off an enemy as quickly as possible.

Throwing himself from a nearby tree towards her, with his claws extended along his left arm, in an impaling position, like an arrow seeking its target.

It was only a short time before Evelyn dodged, flapping her wings and pushing herself to the side, However, the relentless king, upon reaching the ground and with his back to her, wasted no time in doing a half-moon turn and hitting her in the stomach with all the force he could muster at the moment.

Evelyn, who barely had time to process, felt the kick as one of the greatest pains in her short life, and upon receiving it, she was left without air in her lungs, not before seeing a pair of claws pierce her face.

Only to receive another kick to the face as well, much more powerful than the previous one, from the right region, being thrown against the tree behind her, the only thing she would get was her purple blood, her lungs refused to fill easily as she lay trembling on the ground helplessly in the moment.

Seeing that the priority was 'shot down' the king ran towards his guards, who were dodging and impaling the gorilla chimera with their spears,That as the most considerable damage in the fight, was just breaking the arm of one of these warriors that he had thrown again,Which didn't help him much since she was also still fighting against him.

"You damned humans!! Whoever thinks they are attacking me is Ivongue, the great lion!!!"

He said the same, turning his left arm towards all of them, and hitting 3 of them who were thrown against trees and hit as they spun.

He tried to free himself from the spears stuck in his body by pulling them, but his hand got caught while trying to do so, and in a moment of fury he ended up throwing Evelyn in agony against a tree not so far away.What fed your Anger.

"How dare you leave our commander like this...."

He couldn't finish before he was met with a powerful punch to the face from the king who had just arrived, knocking the beast backwards.



"This mission is officially over, grab the others in the group and run to the jet, I'll hold it off"

Ivongue takes advantage of the distraction and grabs the king's leg, placing aura on his arm and lifting the king, only to fall to the ground with the greatest force possible, giving him time to get up, only to be impaled again by a spear to his front.




*My eyes, my eyes this.....BAD human!!!!!!*

Evelyn thought with all the hatred she could muster as she tried to recover, the air no longer being a necessity, staying focused on her echolocation, she could feel the outline,of his soldier almost dead, being brutally beaten by his enemy and pierced by several spears, before taking a final blow, knocking him down.

Her anger was so much that she didn't hear herself, saying her command and just opening her mouth at an angle like a snake, she could feel many things at the momente .

The pain on the side of her face, her stomach in knots, the blood running down her face, her bangs probably destroyed, her body in pain, but the worst part was the hate, she was never close,Of none of his soldiers and Ivongue is not one of the most pleasant, however she remembers them being born on the same day and their moments of planning, even though he is hot-headed he never contradicts her, he trusted her regardless of the rule, which for his species, is something of the utmost praise, he was also a good warrior, even though he also does collection work, and now she is watching him fall on the ground probably dead or very wounded, his soldier, his responsibility.

And all she finally felt when she 'saw' that human running towards that little iron bird, was her head being pushed back due to the shock wave that came out of its mouth, like an object, after breaking the sound barrier, and its shock wave heading towards the group that was entering the transport.

And at that moment the king inside the ship, with the ramp lowered with his soldiers entering, together with everyone, a raw power throwing everyone and the deafening noises almost bursting their eardrums.

He was still recovering with willpower and pulled the starting lever, without even lifting the board, causing many of his soldiers to lose their balance and fall onto it, holding on to it.,just so I don't fall.

All this only to be hit again, by the same shock wave that swept away the right engine and miraculously did not bring down the jet which accelerated back to its kingdom.

*Isso foi por pouco, não vou conseguir manter a consciência, meus ouvidos*

Como última ação o rei colocou em pilotou automático e desmaiou junto a suas companhias.


Evelyn She was standing with her soldier's body completely drained of its blood that stained the small grass, going over her failed function in the anthill and feeling the sound of the others approaching.

All the anguish was gone from her chest, and replaced not by mourning but by self-revelation, she was born for a role and was weak when it was performed,She should have detected that iron bird much earlier, flown faster to the colony and even faster to help her dead soldier more efficiently.

The bitter taste of failure in her mouth, still open and leaking blood from the force she applied with her technique, replaces the pain in her body and her current lack of vision, which doesn't bother her.Incredible hearing, but her pride as a general was gone with her eyes, she was so vulnerable to an enemy who in the end still spared her.


She hears a nearby screech, and sees with her hearing that it is one of her enemy's soldiers, one who had been knocked unconscious by a blow from Ivougui, who proves himself useful even after his death.

When the warrior vaguely regained her senses, she was greeted by a disturbing sight.

Evelyn, with her arms/wings wide open, her face in the eye region disfigured by visible claws, due to her long bangs destroyed and face covered in her blood,a large purple bruise on his stomach and full of scratches all over his body,However, the worst thing was the mouth, full of teeth, the sharpest she had ever seen, and the cheeks, torn open, leaving the mouth open at an 'impossible' angle. and the last thing she heard was a noise from that mouth.

"Sound... Impact....."

Right after that, just darkness again.


Inside the colony, behind an old sleeping turtle, an egg began to crack and break, until a humanoid emerged from it. At this moment, everyone in that area of the anthill began to tremble, flooding,The air became dense, the figure hourglass shaped, thick and muscular thighs, thin waist, and breasts beneath the stick medium/large sized, feline features evident in her tail,And cat ears, three fingers, took its first breath of life.



Sorry if the script seems a little rushed, I'm trying to speed up this first part of the story, developing the world before the protagonist arrives.