Chapter 6: Trespassers

The adventurers were on the grass. Eyes moving frantically, their limbs paralyzed by the poison of the frogs. That was how Chavu found them. He rubbed his hands together.

Oh, payback, you have finally come.

Chavu went to the healer, who was watching him with unmasked horror, and picked him up by the arm. The Naga then slung him over his shoulders and carried him inside.

"Now, you might be thinking: Oh, no! A Naga. Will it roast me on a split? Will it make a soup out of my eyeballs?" Chavu chuckled at his own joke. "None of that. I will test my invention on you. Nothing else."

The healer began to groan; Chavu sighed.

"Look, you brought it on yourself. Honestly, I could have done a lot worse than wash your teeth and hair," the healer gave out a chocked sound, as if he was ready to beg.

Chavu placed him next to the pedestal in the core room and picked up a small bottle with backing soda and mint mixture.

"The system is currently whining at me to eat you, but I don't eat adventurers. You guys have the hygiene habits of a bear. No, wait, I should not insult the bears. What if one hears me and comes to maul me?"

 The adventurer gave out a low whine. Chavu shook his head.

"There are no bears in the dungeon, don't worry your pretty blonde head over it. Now, open up," Chavu took some baking soda cream-like mix and placed it on his finger. Then, he opened the mouth of the healer and began to brush the man's teeth.

"Now, this thing has mana in it, so, there might be side effects. You are a healer, though. I am sure you can treat them," the healer gave out another whine. Chavu began brushing the man's tongue.

"Honestly, you had it coming, and..." Chavu heard something heavy drop to the ground. He turned around to see Marcellus stare at him, shell-shocked.

"Why are you molesting this adventurer? Just kill him," the vampire said.

 The healer sucked in a breath.

"I am brushing his teeth. Marcellus, come over here. You need to brush yours, too. Your breath stinks of blood," Chavu commanded.

 Marcellus dragged his feet to the pedestal. The healer's eyes looked ready to bulge out of their sockets. Marcellus showed off his fangs and puffed up his chest.

"I am the boss mob," the vampire informed the blonde healer. "And, if you ever come back, I will turn your life into a living hell."

A surge of mana was all the warning the two got, before the healer stood up and ran away. The toothpaste still in his mouth.

 The system pulled out a screen. They could now see where the healer was going to so, as if they were following him!

The healer ran to his fallen brethren, and undid the effects of the poison on them. They all pointed at his mouth.

"What is this white thing in your mouth... did the mobs...?" The axe wielder asked, face growing ashen.

"The crazy Naga took it out of somewhere and began rubbing my teeth with it! He...played with my tongue," the healer shivered.

 Marcellus let out a chuckle from his place in the dungeon core room.

"Oh, no. This is a rape dungeon," the archer woman spoke. She pulled out a blanket from her bottomless bag and wrapped it around the healer. "Come on, before they decide to drag us back in!"

The three adventurers ran like their asses were on fire, the healer still wrapped in the blanket.

"A rape dungeon? I just brushed his teeth! Which were practically coated in grime! Someone has never chewed mint, before," Chavu huffed.

"You have to admit that it did look like you were molesting him," Marcellus said, as he took a water skin and drank some water, to rinse his teeth.

The vampire breathed into his hand. The scent of blood that usually lingered in his mouth was gone.

"System, please create a mirror," Marcellus asked the system. A simple hand mirror appeared on the pedestal. The vampire took it and checked out his teeth. "I don't think they have ever been this white."

"I know, right? Now, we just need to market this. I will name it: toothpaste!" Chavu told him. He collected his things and slithered back to the pond cavern to make more toothpaste.

He had the gnomes go and pick the peppermint from the forest. Also, he had them scour the place for any useful plants. So far, they had found some wild green tea growing in a clearing by the river. Alongside some edible mushrooms.

The thing about being on a contract with a dungeon core was, that, you no longer needed to eat. The system tricked your body in accepting mana for food.

However, Chavu did not see why he should leave resources up for grabs. He planned on chopping up the mushrooms and packaging them. To sell them to the villagers when winter came.

The tea, he had no idea what to do with. People could make tea from just about anything, even berries. He had no idea what made green tea so special.

He knew that it had caffeine inside it. Then again, coffee beans had caffeine, too. Yet, coffee beans had to be imported from a different continent and were expensive.

If he found a way to extend his dungeon grounds and make cheap green tea in bulk, he would be able to utilize it to the maximum.

If he made tea mixes, it would be even better. A jasmine-mint-green tea mix sounded great. Aromatic and able to wake just about anyone up.

The gnomes greeted him with waves of their little hands. They were busy with making a hole in the ground, which was big enough so that Chavu could fit inside.

The Naga saw something glistening in the walls of the tunnel. He took out a pickaxe and freed the gemstone from the rock.

Lucky! A garnet geode!