Chapter 95: When the summer is in full bloom.

The grannies finished singing and bowed. Chavu let go of Marcellus to clap, and the vampire missed the warmth of the Naga's skin on his. Then, a couple of children came forward with roses and pots filled with water.

"The next activity is a workshop," the mayor said. "We would very much like for you to show our children the value of hard work."

Chavu turned towards Marcellus and grinned at him. A grin that was returned. This was turning out to be even more enjoyable than imagined!

"Well, first, separate the petals from the flowers," Chavu told the little children, who began to rip off petals. A pot and a basket of roses were given to both he and Marcellus, and they began to do the same.

"You know, I dare say they want to take our secret recipe," Marcellus said, teasingly.

"There should be no secrets when it comes to dumping rose petals in water and boiling them," Chavu said, as he worked.