Reason for Closing

"Is there anything else you'd like to say to Papa, Elesis?"

Elesis's expression hardened all the sudden. A short silence before her lips parted again.

"I did a research about Raymond and Adela Mandjet's history for my report in school," she revealed, her voice low and serious. "That's when I learned what happened five years ago. I'm very sorry for your loss."

Elesis bowed respectfully.

For a second, Callisto's eyes widened. As the image of her late older sister flashed like a bolt in her mind, a melancholic expression dawned on her features. But she quickly washed it away with a forced smile.

Elesis lifted her head back up and faced the silver-haired girl once again.

"Thank you. I'm sure my parents will appreciate your kind words like me."

Following her expressing her gratitude to the red head, Callisto glanced at Adela's assistant next to her. Even without spoken words, Karen was able to understand what Callisto wanted to convey with her gaze.

Even if Callisto wanted to so badly, she couldn't speak with her mother right now. But with Karen, Elesis's message would able to reach Adela without a doubt.

Karen nodded slightly at Callisto.

"I shall take my leave now," Karen announced.

"Thank you, Auntie," Callisto bid her farewell to Karen.

Elesis said her own good bye to the assistant. They both watched her disappear in the distance. Then, the red head leaned closer to Callisto's ear and whispered;

"I thought she was your bodyguard or something."

Callisto shook her head. "No. She's Mama's assistant and junior in high school."

"I see. Anyway, what's your plan for today?"

"Huh? Well... I was thinking about just exploring the district and visit some places before I go and look for a part-time job."

"Really? In that case, can I come with you?"

Callisto somehow figured that was what Elesis would ask her following her answer to the red head's previous question.

"I don't really mind, but..."

Callisto had a hunch that trouble might come her way should Elesis accompany her for today. Though it was just a hunch, Calli figured it wouldn't hurt to stay alert just in case.

"... Nevermind. Let's go."

Elesis bounced with excitement. Her expression as bright as the morning sun.


The two started walking side by side.

Through her observant gaze, Elesis witnessed how effortlessly Callisto drew the attention of everyone they came across.

Was it the silver hair? The cat ears overhead? Her small, kind and cute face? Perhaps all of the above?


Or maybe it was just in her nature to draw people in somehow.

However, the one thing Elesis found the most interesting about Calli was whenever she reciprocated everyone's attention with a smile.

It was nothing but a simple gesture, and yet when it came from Callisto, such a smile felt like a very potent spell that left those who were hit helplessly enthralled and were drawn even more towards her.

For a moment, it scared Elesis because she could feel the spell working on her even though it wasn't directed at her. But judging from her conversation with Callisto earlier, Elesis could say that the silver-haired girl was far from a bad person. Her desire to befriend Callisto washed away her fear.

But now a question lingered in Elesis's mind.

What about Callisto?

Callisto, whilst admiring the surroundings, found herself walking towards a familiar place.

A jeepney terminal.

An abundance of commuters were present in the terminal today.

"It's still as lively as the last time I visited this terminal," she remarked, a glint of nostalgia in her eyes.

Elesis stood beside the silver-haired girl.

"They made some renovations so now it looks like an actual jeepney terminal."

"You're right. It came a long way from just being a platform surrounded by jeepneys parked around it."

Shortly after, the two girls panned their vision to the right. There, a beautiful river, big trees, and a bridge leading to one of the entrances to the nature park presented themselves before the two.

Just like the jeepney terminal on the opposite side of the road, the river bank and the bridge were busy with people, especially little kids playing near the fresh water or were just simply running around.

They continued their walk along the river bank.

"Mama and Papa used to take me and Leona to this river bank and hang out before going into the nature park. The last time we visited this place was when I was still three years old."

"Oh, really," Elesis replied, an idea sprung up her mind. "Then, would you like to come here with me and my friends next time? It might be a bit different compared to hanging out with your family, but doing so with friends is also fun."

Callisto's footfalls halted as she turned to face the red head, seemingly taken aback by what she said.

"Are you sure," she asked.

Elesis gave the silver haired girl an okay hand sign.

"Of course!"

Callisto turned away. A brief silence before she started walking forward once more.

Elesis could see the corner of the silver-haired girl's lips going up.

"Okay," Callisto mouthed.

Elesis's cheeks was flushed with pink as she followed shortly behind Callisto.

Returning to the mainroad, the two young ladies crossed another bridge leading to the entrance to the subdivision called the Mt. Tierra Subdivision.

The subdivision was made of three phases–phase 1, 2, and 3. Located at phase 3 was another familiar place for Callisto despite being there for only the second time now.


Callisto's eyes locked on to an already closed kindergarten school. Her gaze lingered on the chains wrapped around the door knob where kindergarten students used to study.

"What happened here," she asked.

A lot of time had passed since she attended kindergarten. Some things stayed as they were since the last time Callisto saw them, but others did not.

"This kindergarten closed down after a kidnapping incident three years ago," Elesis explained, a serious tone in her voice.

"A kidnapping incident?"

From what Elesis remembered, the incident happened in broad daylight.

A band of kidnappers snatched one of the kindergarten students that was playing just outside the classroom. Even though the parents were present along with other people, the kidnapping happened so fast that none could react in time with the situation.

"Until now, no one knows what happened to the kid after he was kidnapped," Elesis added, a grim expression dawned on her face. "But a lot of people already considered the kid is gone, even the parents."

Callisto's cat ears fell flat on her head. "That's horrible."

"Yeah. Back then, my mother was so terrified, she refused to let me go out without being with someone."

"Well, there's a reason for her to be concerned after all."


An eerie wind blew through the two of them as their gaze remained on the closed kindergarten school.

"Anyway, is there any other place around here you want to visit," the red head asked, a way to get their mind off a grim topic.

"Not in this subdivision at least," Callisto turned to Elesis. "Let's go visit the nature park."