In the sprawling, fog-choked city of Duskmoor, where towering spires claw at the sky and ancient secrets fester beneath the streets, young academic Elijah Vane has spent his life buried in books. Devoted to the study of history and linguistics at Archaven University, Elijah has always been intrigued by the mysteries of forgotten civilizations, unaware of the eldritch horrors that lurk just beyond the edge of human understanding.
One fateful night, a mysterious package arrives at Elijah’s door. Inside, he discovers an ancient, leather-bound book adorned with cryptic symbols. The book whispers to him in an archaic language he inexplicably understands, offering truths beyond reason and cautioning him about the Abyssal Veil—a metaphysical boundary between the known world and an unspeakable void of madness. Despite the ominous warning, Elijah's insatiable curiosity drives him to delve deeper into its pages.
As he turns the pages, the world around him begins to change. The boundaries of reality blur, and dark, faceless figures from beyond the veil begin to intrude on his world. One night, as Elijah reads from the book, he is pulled through the veil and into a nightmarish dimension—a place where logic and reason are meaningless, and time stretches into eternity.