Don was sick of all the men hanging around his place. Especially the twins, who sat way too close to Zick all the time and fawned over her in every possible way.
The man was not a patient man and the amount of work caused by their arrival was not to his liking.
Don wanted to spend more time with Zick and due to the extra work he was unable to even meet his needs because something was happening all the time.
"Cold as always. I thought Zick would warm you up a bit, but apparently I was wrong," Anton muttered in dissatisfaction.
"If it weren't for you and your gang, she would have done it a long time ago," Don growled in displeasure.
He was really fed up with this man. Collaborate from different places, meet several times a year for business, have a drink.
That was all he wanted to have in common with him.
The rest of the journey passed in silence. Anton wanted to tease him some more, but seeing what condition he was in, he held back a little.
After all, they will be together for a few more days. How can you not take advantage of the opportunity to annoy your friend who wanted to enjoy his woman?
After all, they won't see each other that often anymore.
Pulling up to the mansion, both men got out of the car and went inside, going straight to Rick's.
They had to check casualties in people. When entering the room, they were hit by the smell of disinfection.
All the beds were occupied by the wounded and Rick and Tomas were trying to take care of everyone.
A dozen or so people stood or sat on the side waiting for their turn.
One of the men approached the bosses and delivered the news about the injured.
From Don's team, eight people were seriously injured and the rest had superficial wounds.
Anton's team suffered more. Three people died and ten were seriously injured.
After checking all the injured, Rick sent twelve to the hospital as the only option for survival for the men was surgery.
Anton took care of transporting the injured to the hospital and providing them with appropriate care.
Don finally had a moment to sit down and rest for a while. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head against the wall and listened to the doctors' conversations.
Suddenly he felt someone's gentle hands on him. He knew immediately that Zick had come to check on him.
Opening his eyes, he looked at her gently with a slight smile.
"Let me help you take off your clothes," Zick looked at Don's bloody hand with glazed eyes.
She carefully removed his jacket and undershirt. Not only was the hand cut, it also looked like it was broken.
Seeing that Rick had his hands full with difficult cases, she started cleaning the wounds on the boss's body herself.
Feeling Zick trying not to cause him pain, Don relaxed a little.
This explosion really damaged their bodies.
Don felt tired after the whole incident. He wanted to wash the dirt off himself and lie down on the bed.
He put his arm around Zick who was kneeling next to him and said in a tired voice.
"Let's go to our room. I want to take a shower."
Zick wanted to say something to stop him, but the man was already starting to get up.
Worried about him, she let him lean on her and led him to their room.
They went into the bathroom together and Zick, without asking, stripped him of his remaining clothes.
Without a word, Don stepped into the shower and felt an unpleasant burning sensation all over his body.
Zick's cleaning of the wounds was in vain.
Fortunately, the woman wasn't going to argue about it. She waited patiently for him to finish and helped him dry himself off.
"Wait here. I'll be back soon" Sitting him on the bed, Zick quickly left the room.
Don rested his head on the backrest and waited with his eyes closed. After a while, he heard Zick and Rick bantering.
"I don't give a fuck that you're tired. Don has a broken arm. We need to check if it's serious. Get off your ass and do what you have to do"
Don almost laughed when he heard this, imagining Zick dragging Rick to their room.
"I don't know how Don puts up with you. I've never met such a pushy woman as you in my life."
"Oh really? And it's the first time I've seen a loafer like you." She grumbled with dissatisfaction.
Fortunately, when they entered the room, they stopped arguing and took care of Don.
The fracture was not large and it was enough to stiffen the arm and put it in a sling.
Seeing Zick entering the bathroom, Rick, after treating his boss, took advantage of the opportunity and slipped out of the room.
The woman, seeing only Don on the bed, rolled her eyes in irritation.
This doctor really did everything he could to not overwork himself.
"Come to me" Don, seeing Zick grumpy, spread his arms, inviting her into his embrace.
Zick sighed quietly and, without saying a word, carefully snuggled into her beloved.
Closing her eyes, she wrapped her arms around him, feeling him hug her tighter.
As if he wanted to make sure she was with him and wouldn't go anywhere.
Listening to the strong beating of his heart, she noticed how his breathing evened out.
He fell asleep.
Tired after all the previous events, with his woman in his arms, Don could finally rest.
Zick, lying next to him and feeling his pleasant warmth, didn't last long before falling asleep.
The story with Vasili was finally over and everyone could breathe a sigh of relief.
The only thing left was to make sure his death was confirmed as an accident.
But this task belonged to Anton, who had to put in some extra effort before he had some free time.
Free time, which he will certainly spend with Noah...