Master Adowa and Gyapong his apprentice

"In this world, before you can speak as an Elder, it is either you are from a noble family, a royal, or invincible.

Don't know Who made such rules, for they make no sense. We the ones only at the bottle-kneck of strenght and also, advancing seems to be the hardest fight in our Life, we are in no favour of the rules.

The dream School, which is Sefwi-Bekwai School of magic has been my dream and everybody in this wolrd too, to be chosen as a student at the Sefwi-Bekwai School of magic. You Will have to exceed the phase level Five in your strenght, skill, and speed. Everybody in this world want to reach the Grand level, a tittle given a person/creature who surpass the beginers level, middle level, rising level, and to the Grand level. Once you become a Grand level master, is only when you will get the badge to work in a kingdom, court, a teacher, and other kind of occupations i don't know.

Am only at phase level three in strenght, four at skill, and four at speed.

Breaking through the bottle-kneck to phase Five of skill and speed has been so difficult for me. It is through meditation, combat, and with the help of some ancient and powerful herbs can help one to advance.

My persistence training for all this months just to break through has gone in vain. I want to grow to become a strong one, so l can explore the world".

Gyapong said to him-self.

An old-man called Gyapong from inside the house. Gyapong sighed, stood up and turned to run into the house behind him.

The old-man sat carelessly on a wooden standing chair behind a rectangular shape wooden table. Gyapong closed the wooden door gently as he entered. "What were you doing?" the old-man asks Gyapong.

The old-man wored a tored cloth, (nobody knows when he once groomed). Though his eyes were closed, but he could sit on the standing wooden chair not falling of. Gyapong walked forward to squat behind the old-man. "I have been trying to break through the skill and speed level.., but i failed." Gyapong said in a dissapointed tone.

Gyapong was told by the old-man that, before he will be accepted as his apprentice, Gyapong will have to break through no-matter what in three months. But Gyapong failed due to some reasons. Every time Gyapong has worked harder on his daily routine, which is training, and sits down to meditate, after his soul concious has woke up, in-side his inner spititual realm(world), he blurry sees a dark power absorbing a blue, yellow crystal in his inner spititual realm (world). He tried to figure what that was, but he was enveloped by fear and opened his eyes.

"Do you remember what i told you three months ago.?", the old-man asked Gyapong. "Yes." Gyapong replied.

"It seems am getting old and i may not live that long to see you reach the Grand level." The old-man coughs. Gyapong quickly stood up and hurried to fetch water from a clay made pot, positioned in the corner at the right side of the old-man behind their cooking centre. Stones have been used to raise a platform where both the old-man and Gyapong do their cooking. Gyapong returned with a wooden cup full of water and presented it calmly to the old-man.

"Master Adowa, i have brought you water" ,Gyapong said as he presented the cup of water to the old-man. "already adressing me as master.?" the old-man asked himself.

The old-man opened his eyes, inside the room shines, his eyes were blue and black in colour.(his eyes were gleaming). Gyapong walks back covering his face with his hands. Gyapong squats at the exact position he was squatting. After drinking the cup of water, the old-man threw the wooden cup backwards. The cup spun and fell(ka.ka.ka) on the floor. Gyapong rose to take it, "sit" the old-man ordered. Gyapong calmly got seated.

"The day i found you at the shore of lake of no Life, a strong power was been absorbed by a crystal inside you. That strong power, if its full power is exerted, that person would be a match for me. The power attracted a lot of strong warlords, i stopped my cultivation and also came to see where such power was coming from. Before that, i heard a baby crying, but i never thought a beign in this world could posses such power, until i saw you... that's all for now). The old-man ended closing his eyes. "You're strong and greate inside you, it's Your choice to either train harder to be able to get used to it, or just let it be burried inside you" the old-man added.

A golden white scripture shining like a star, appeared from behind the old-man;left shoulder.

The scripture was a scroll with a powerful aura. The old-man used his mental power to Pass the white scripture down to Gyapong. Gyapong stretched both hands to catch the white scripture. "It Will help you with your training" the old-man said calmly. "But.., how can i train with this without your guidance.?" Gyapong asks. " You know, i some-how think it's because i trained on my own for months, that's why i failed" Gyapong added quickly. The old-man sighs as he stood up, he walked to the door-way, "Your special training starts tomorrow, am going out now."

The old-man opened the door .., Gyapong opened his mouth to talk..

"No you can't come" the old-man insisted. "Get some rest", the old-man ordered. The old-man walked out and closed the door. Gyapong looked down to the white scripture holding him "what am i suppose to do with this.?", Gyapong asked.

Gyapong sat down to meditate, a shout came in from out-side,"i said go get some rest". Gyapong got frightened. He slowly stood up, holding the white scripture in his hands firmly and walked to his room.

That Night, the old-man din't sleep, he sat on a small rock outside and meditated. Gyapong also didn't sleep, he sat on his wooden bed and learnt some secret skills and tecniques through meditation in his inner spititual realm(world).

In meditation, Gyapong felt like something was about to explode inside him. And it did. A red,black power, just like the overwhelming power that exerted out from him when he was a baby at the shore of lake of no Life.

The power has a very strong aura. At that time, the old-man could not sense it because he was busy meditating.

Gyapong felt like his whole body was on fire. He quickly tried to cool down with some of the healing skills he can use at this particular moment taught by the old-man. But it was useless at that time.

Gyapong's inner spititual body was loosing it contact with it's physical body.

In this world, people with talent and born with extraodinary power and magic, have two or more bodies, depending on the cultivation level and the realm the person is in. History makes it clear to generations that, only a God can have 5 bodies. Which is, the physical body; that's the one for physical appearance. The inner spititual realm body; the one for cultivation. The soul power body; that's, the one which only a God's succercor can have. The ancestral root body; this body is on which, if a baby is born, his or her ancestors Pass down a gift to.

The God soul body. For this one, for now, nobody knows a percent of information about it.

Gyapong has two of the five known bodies only an immortal can have. Which is, his physical body and inner spititual realm body.

Gyapong's inner spititual world has changed from a golden forest and a beautiful blue ocean to a fire mountain with red darkness realm. The dazzling blue sky of his previous realm has turned red and black. A shining blue crystal, just like a sleeping ocean appeared in Gyapong's new inner spititual realm from nowhere. Gyapong was realy scared he might loose his inner spititual realm body.

At this piont of time, the physical body is like a dead body, speechless,motionless.

Gyapong run forward to catch the shining blue crystal. He did burried his fear deep down in him.

Gyapong touched it as soon as he got closer to it. A red shining crystal apeared from nowhere. The shining blue crystal spun at a fast speed and boom!. The power of the shining blue crystal illuminated. The dark realm now changed back to it's previous realm.

Gyapong's inner spititual realm body absorbed the power of the shining blue crystal. After succesfly absorbing it, he heard someone calling out his name. "Who is there." Gyapong asks..

"Come..!!" The person shouted. It's like Gyapong was pulled to an ancient scroll hall, loking at how a wind blew him to the ancient scroll hall. Gyapong was excited when he saw scrolls all above him in the sky and some arranged in a seal formation.

A scroll fell down from the sky. Gyapong looked up, before running to sit by the scroll that fell from the sky.