Master Adowa and Gyapong his apprentice..2

Gyapong looked arround, expecting to see someone, but no-one came. Not even the voice that called him. The scroll brightened up. "So this scrolls are meant for me." Gyapong said. "Okay, then i will make good use of them" Gyapong added. Gyapong closed his eyes and started to meditate.

After meditating for hours, Gyapong finally understood the writtings in the scroll. "So this scroll teaches about secret techniques to heal, to enhance one's strenght, and a technique required to increase one's ability" Gyapong said. After learning all the basis of this three secret techniques, the scroll dissapeared. Another scroll fell from the sky to the floor. Gyapong crawled to sit by it and learnt all what that scroll teaches. After learning this scroll which taught him about how to increase one's speed in fighting and speed in cultivation, the scroll dissapeared. For the third scroll, Gyapong stood up and caught it. The third scroll was red in colour. "This one is different, let's see what it teaches." Gyapong said as he sat down to meditate. Understanding the writtings of this scroll was some-how difficult for Gyapong. The writtings were not easy to understand.

After meditating for seven hours, Gyapong finally understood the concept of the writings in this scroll. Now going to learn what it teaches. "A divine sword," Gyapong asked.

Before Gyapong could learn more about the divine sword, his eyes opened; his physical body's conciousness woke up. Gyapong sitting on his wooden bed, peeped outside through his opened window. The beautiful sky brightened on his eyes.

The old man was still in meditation when Gyapong got out from the house to their flower garden. The garden has different types of colourful and powerful herbs. Gyapong pondered about the encounter in his inner spiritual realm last night. Ascending and descending the garden with his arms folded. Gyapong was deeply absorbed by what the was thinking about, untill a voice called his name. It was the old man.

The old man told Gyapong he was not his father when he was only four. "I took you at the shore of lake of no life, you were just a crying baby." The old man told Gyapong. Gyapong upon hearing this felt sad. This made the old man also sad. "Can I call you grandpa.?" Gyapong asked in sorrow. "No.!" The old man insisted.

When Gyapong reached age five, the old man told him he could call him master only when he suceeds a break through.

Gyapong run to the old man. "I am here". The oldman jumped of the rock to the ground. The old man set a formation. A green circle with the ankh symbol in it on the ground. "Get in" the old man said. Gyapong walked into the formation and sat on the ground on the ankh symbol to meditate. "Why do you think I gave you the scriptures", the old man asked. "I have it here" Gyapong said quickly as he opened his storage palm skill and brought out the white scriptures the old man gave him.

Storage palm skill is an ancestral skill by a long gone ancestor. Only a being born with the lucky blessing can have such a skill. Gyapong was born with the lucky blessing. With the help of the old man, Gyapong was able to know some of his talent skills, including the palm storage skill.

The old man casted a seal barrier around the formation to serve as protection.

Gyapong was into deep meditation. The white scriptures has been sent into Gyapong's inner spiritual realm by the old man. Inside Gyapong's inner spiritual realm, Gyapong sat in the exact scroll library he sat to learn the first two scrolls. "I will have to finish this red scroll." Gyapong said.

A scroll library is a giant room built with rocks. A scroll library is an ancient room, built by a mortal from an unknown background, and an unknown identity. The scroll library has a million scrolls in total. The inventor of this scroll room was a slave to a kingdom in his era. To be freed, he spent a whole hundred years to invent the scroll room which others call it scroll library or scroll hall. The inventor minimized the scroll room into a portable size and sold it out to the king of the kingdom in which he was kept as a slave. The king praised the inventor in public and gave him the order to leave the kingdom and go where ever he wants to go. The inventor was very happy. Since childhood, he has been a slave and has never seen the daylight before. It has been his daily dream to see the day light. Even though he was old did not mean seeing the daylight is a childhood dream to him.

The inventor left the kingdom to settle at a village called, Yellow village. None of the generations there since a five hundred years know why it is called that. The inventor of the scroll room lived a happy few days and died. The death of the inventor of the scroll room, neither added nor subtracted any thing from the world. But, the world has lost an emrald.

Three months had passed, Gyapong was still in meditation. Gyapong has now completely understood how to obtain the divine sword. "Before I can get and control the divine sword, I have to gain the recognition of the divine sword." Gyapong said. Gyapong's inner spiritual realm body has set out to find the divine sword. Walking in a lonely and quiet forest. Gyapong's inner spiritual realm body has walked for almost an hour but has not seen even a creature in the forest.

A red power brithengs up at the left of Gyapong's inner spiritual realm body. He quickly run to the direction where the red light brightened from. When he got there, he saw a sword with a dazzling wave cloud patterns on the left part of the sword and the right side was coloured red and covered with dark golden demonic patterns full of extremely fierce killing aura, above him.

The sword is more than two metres long. Gyapong's inner spiritual body walked closer to the sword above him. "How do I gain the recognition of this powerful sword.?" He asked him self. He jumped to catch the sword. The aura of the sword hit Gyapong's inner spiritual body down to the ground. "I said it, it's not going to be that easy." Gyapong's inner spiritual body said.

The divine sword disappeared all of a sudden. Gyapong's inner spiritual body stood up running in linear direction to search for the sword. After running for sometime, he finally came to see the divine sword planted in a rock. "Finally I found you." Gyapong's inner spiritual realm body said angrily. He exerts out all his power and walked forward to pull the divine sword. "I know it's not going to be easy, but at least, let's give it a try". Gyapong's inner spiritual realm body holds the divine sword's golden hilt,brighting like a sun. He pulls the sword with all his effort, to his surprise, the sword was pulled easily. "Thanks " he said. After pulling the divine sword, Gyapong's inner spiritual realm body teleported back to the scroll library. A scroll fell from down from the sky. "There's no resting", Gyapong's inner spiritual body sighed. He sat down to meditate. The fourth scroll was not difficult to understand. The fourth scroll teaches about some of the basis skills of the divine sword.

The old man goes for fishing at the river Oni. Oni was a strong soldier who existed a thousand years ago, according to history.

Before Oni died, he looked up to the sky and shouted, "even the strongest and most feared man in this world is about to fall to his fear.!!". Oni cried like a child before he died. After Oni died, it rained heavily for a month. After that raining season, powerful kingdoms set out to search for Oni, but even a piece of the war armor he wored at the time of his death was not found. Oni died in a lake. The lake grew into a river after the one month heavy rain. Because of his high respect and identity, for generations to rember his name, they named the lake which has grown into a river, Oni.