With Purpose Life Gets Better

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Three months had passed since my first major victory, during that time the number of tournaments had reached one, at one time two, per month. In that time, my fight count is 19-1. Yes, in the finals of one of the tournaments, facing Bron Ricksteiner again, I lost on points. Still my scorecard for my debut year is very good. There is no doubt that I will be called to the Olympic qualifiers next year.

Unfortunately my body has started to notice the effects of the sport. For the past month, I've been having pain in the back of my right arm. Seems like a small matter, however when the need arises, along with it comes an unpleasant surprise. It is worth picking up something from above, as at lowering in the area of the right shoulder blade shoots. Fingers on both feet and hands sometimes hurt. In general, sport is always associated with pain.

However, there are no doubts, I clearly see my next goal - the Olympic Games, and for me it is probably the first time in my life, when I actually strive for something, make efforts for such a long time. I'm willing to endure pain, I'm willing to spill my blood, I'm willing to eat dirt just to reach that goal!

- Are you thinking about something? - lying in my arms, half-naked Terry said quietly.

- About how great my girlfriend is. - and then I kissed her on the forehead. Terri relaxed in a flash and pressed herself against my bare chest.

It's true, Terri's great. Even though we haven't had a cupcake yet after five months of being in a relationship. Actually we haven't for five months three days and thirteen hours, but who's counting?

I'm comfortable with her and that's the most important thing. She's sweet, beautiful, and her low libido promises fidelity. She doesn't care that I'm a sophomore, that I'm basically a retard in life, and my stupid jokes she often tolerates. So, yeah, my girlfriend's awesome.

- Bart, again? - Terry reacted with annoyance at the movement in my shorts.

- I'm sorry. - to which I could only reply with a wry smile. What can I do, I'm a teenager!

- Haa... What can I do with you. - Terri sighed heavily at this and ran her hand down my shorts.

Even though we hadn't had sex yet, that didn't mean we hadn't done anything inappropriate at all. Of course, for the most part, Terry uses her hands. We tried feet once, but I didn't feel much and Terri was ticklish. Once I managed to get her to open her mouth, but it ended in a brief caress and a promise from her to do it again sometime. A couple of times my breasts were used, but unfortunately Terry is still shy about showing her breasts, and she doesn't like it when the end happens on her face. So sometimes I did it using her buns.

As is becoming clear, more often than not it's me who gets this kind of care. I managed to suggest a few things to her a couple of times, but considering I hadn't been shown her tits yet, it's easy to guess how my suggestions ended up. Only a couple of times has Terri given me permission to explore her body, most of the time I do it myself while she takes care of me. For which I occasionally get slapped and yelled at when I go too far.

This is basically the main reason we fight. Sometimes I want to dump Terry for her frigidity, but then I feel ashamed and remember that despite her attitude towards sex, she still tries to give me something. Sex aside, otherwise she's the perfect girl.

When my matches fall on the weekend, she goes to a lot of them. Not as often as Becky Shorter, who's clearly a sports fan, because I see her at almost every day of competition. She calls and encourages me. Plus takes me out of the house when I don't have much energy to pack on my own. We even run together twice a week. Which isn't bad, even though I run every day, and then again I often find myself running in Becky's company, but omitting the coincidences with the other girl, my sweetheart tries hard for me, and for that I appreciate her.

- Bart, four times? You want me to take my arm off? - With a chuckle, Terri reacted to the movement in my shorts and tried to slip her hand in again....

- No, it's a phone. - I stopped her by pulling out a phone.

- What, no 'favourite' this time? - I thought I mentioned that Terry could take my stupid jokes. I still have to pay for the Isabella joke to this day.

-Hello, Milhouse? - avoiding the piercing gaze of my all-time favourite girl, I swear! I turned away.

- B-B-Bart? Hmpf... You're not busy? - I wonder who, speaking with a sniffling nose and sadness in their voice, really expects their interlocutor to be busy? - Will you come round to my place? Well, or I can think of something myself, I have a chair and a rope at home too....


- Milhouse, it's dangerous.

- It's okay, Bart, after Sherry broke my heart, I can't be hurt again.

As it turned out, Sherry had broken up with Milhouse. Or his version of broken up with him. If I find it insufferable that Terry won't let me, Van Houten was happy that they'd held hands once in five months..... It was an accident when Sherry was falling. By Milhouse's logic, I hugged her then, for she fell on top of me, grabbing Milhouse's arm as she fell.

And then today, Sherry told me that she didn't need my best friend anymore. He didn't understand a thing, for she didn't bother to explain herself. Although it's obvious to me that their 'breakup' was only a matter of time. Milhouse and Sherry used to be a regular presence on my and Terry's dates. But lately, all of our dates have either been in Terry's room or alone.

Yeah, Sherry, surprisingly enough, keeps playing games with me. She starts flirting when we're alone and sends me pictures of all kinds of things. Sometimes she'll send me a picture of her face and tell me she's bored. But most of the time, she sends me racy pictures. And even though I try never to reply to her, I still saw more of Sherry than Terry.

Right now, I feel very bad in my heart for my best friend's suffering, because I never even tried to talk to him. In my defence I can only say that our friendship always went to the same place when it came to matters of love. So I decided to let things play out on their own. Well, everything ended with a sad picture of my friend tying his legs around chairs and walking back and forth on them in order to somehow lift his mood.... A truly sad picture.

- Aaah! Awww! - Milhouse finally tripped and smashed his nose and glasses right into the table.

- Mate, are you all right? - I jumped up to him.

- B-B-Bart... Remember when I said I couldn't get hurt anymore? - Blood trickled from his nostrils. - I was wrong, Auuuuuuch!!!


- Hmm, loser. - As usual, my high school sweetheart said hello to me..... Ugh, that scandal from Terry hit me so hard I'm afraid to joke about it to myself now.

- Have a good day, my soul. - but is it my fault Isabella gives me such clear signals?! Like now, promising to caress my throat with a knife? How can you not give a pretty little thing like that a kiss?!

In all seriousness, my school life had improved. Teachers became lenient to me, students began to show attention and come up to chat. It's understandable, because my victories made me the pride of the school.

The old Bart would have fallen into laziness, completely forgetting about lessons, and if he had matured enough to be interested in girls, I would have had two dozen parties to cheat on. However, today's me, is trying to maintain its albeit not high, but the level of learning a triplet with times of enlightenment in the form of fours. Well, all the moves on the part of the ladies, I stop, saying that I'm already dating someone. Not everyone stops, but after a while of ignoring them, they switch to other guys.

All in all, my life has improved on all fronts for the first time in two years. I guess I could even call myself happy. The main thing now is not to stop at what has been achieved, and keep moving forward...!


As usual, I came back from working out at night. Warmed up breakfast, ate alone and went upstairs to my room. Fell tired on my bed, and with a smile I was ready to fall asleep to face tomorrow.

- The weekend at the end of the month, we had a trip planned. - but noticed a note on the table with Mum's handwriting on it. It seemed like it had been a week since I'd been in touch with my family. And that was when I brought a goblet into Maggie's room at night and woke her up to say good night.

I don't really need the goblets, because they'll be gathering dust in my room. So I had originally planned to give them to the wrestling school. But Maggie wanted them because they were nice and shiny. Being the bad brother that I am, I didn't want to make things worse, and I promised to give her all the medals I could win.

As for the trip. Should I go? Wouldn't I be redundant? Plus, I have a regime to follow. Won't my regime be a pain at one point in my family's holiday plans? Yes with dieting and taking care of my body, I can't afford much in the way of entertainment, plus I have another tournament coming up in the week, will I have time to rest after that?

- Maybe I should just say no. - Plus then I'd still have the house to myself, and I could invite Terry over for a sleepover.... - Ha ha ha, like she'd say yes!

I must have laughed too loudly, because there was a loud bang behind the wall. I wonder if Alison told Lisa about apologising to me?

- Haa... - A heavy sigh escaped my lips at the realisation that I continued to miss Alison's voice from the last time we'd spoken.

The human heart is a strange thing, after all, and so are relationships between people. Alison had deceived me, laughed at me at the most difficult time in my life. But I still went online periodically to look at her online profile, at her pictures. I should have hated what I saw, but as soon as I saw a photo of her with that pure smile that I was willing to do anything to keep, all the anger disappeared and I just felt sad. I have a similar reaction to Jessica, who I'm drawn to every time I see her, even though I've known since I was a kid how devious Lovejoy's preacher's daughter is. And I use the same tactic against both of them: total avoidance.

- I guess I'm still a kid, huh? - Adults don't avoid problems, do they?


With memories of my last kiss with Terry before I left, I walked out to the gym, stepping onto the familiar decking. By now, I'm no longer overcome by panic or doubt, instead stepping into the ring I feel a lightness like nowhere else

Considering who will start the new tournament, besides the lightness, I feel the excitement of competition. After all, the first one to get in the way is the only one who has ever bested me - Bron Ricksteiner.

With the idea that it was time to regain my advantage, I clashed with Bron in the centre of the boardwalk, the next second after the referee waved me off.


- Winner Bron Ricksteiner.

'This is the first time I've ever been eliminated in the first round' - I'm not sure why, but that was the thought that wouldn't leave me though.

- Young man, get up. - I couldn't get up off the deck no matter how hard I tried.

- Bart, are you okay? - Coach came running out onto the deck.

- Young man?! A doctor!

- Bart, do you feel that? - Coach Engle took my hand, which I saw but didn't feel.

In fact, all I felt besides the bitterness of defeat was a dull and deep burning sensation in the neck area...