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While the list of quarter-finalists and who would meet whom was being announced, I was being examined by the doctors. My neck was pulling badly and it felt like there were no vertebrae left there. The doctors were manipulating my body like a puppet and there was nothing I could do. The only bright side, I regained sensitivity in my fingers. Although it didn't feel as good as having needles stuck in my phalanges.

- He'll be fine, he's got a bruised and pinched nerve, he'll be fine soon. - said the woman doctor to Engle, who immediately exhaled.

I was rubbed with ointment and then asked to sleep. As the adrenaline and fright had already subsided, I closed my eyes and quickly fell into sleep. And as during the whole happening, and in the dream I did not let go of one thought that I lost again.

Waking up about two hours later, I was able to get up and even pull my back. However, when I decided to get up from the couch, I fell to the floor with my legs jerked up. I was scared. But after a while I gathered my dignity in a fist and got up on my feet. Which felt as if I had been sitting on them for a long time.

Then I got some unpleasant news. The doctors have banned me from further participation in the tournament and are sending me home. This means that while I rest, the rest of the guys will be having ranked fights, racking up points. There's even a chance I'll be dropped from Group-A, and the Olympic team, universities don't even look beyond that.

- Bart, can I pick you up from the bus? - To maximise my irritation, Coach Engle also contacted my parents.

- No, I can get there myself. - I made some sort of response, holding myself together.

- Bart, what's wrong with your voice? Why are you talking to me like that? Did I do something to you?! - Oh, here we go.

I hung up. My mum called me a dozen more times, but I didn't pick up. I don't really want to hear about what a piece of shit I am. I feel like one anyway.

When I arrived, I wanted to roll my eyes, because Homer's car was in the car park. There was nothing to do, so I went to the car, said hello, threw my bag inside and told him I'd get home on my own.

- What are you, a dog? - but I was followed by a blue car at my heels.

- Bart, why don't you just get in the car?

- I said I'm walking!

- Okay. - with a look of pity, Homer sped up the car, and a few seconds later, he was out of sight.

I walked till late at night. Just walking. I had no purpose or desire to do anything or meet anyone. Nothing exciting happened, just the cold air began to burn my lungs, and I headed home for real.

When I got home, it was after I had gone to bed. My mother burst into the room and made a row about my switched off phone. I didn't respond, just kept lying on my stomach, staring at the wall.

- Bart, why can't you be more responsible? Like Lisa?! No, even Maggie, at nine, is more responsible than you! - With a heavy sigh, Mom turned and walked away. After about fifteen minutes, I fell asleep.


The school day passed more boring than usual. Besides the fact that my neck reminded me of itself, I didn't feel like teasing Isabella at all. I wrote some tests, did my PE lesson and left class early.

On the way, the pedals of the bike started to annoy me with their squeaking, and I wanted to break them as I rode. So I sped up and almost got hit by a car.

- Fucking degenerate! - shouted the man who got out of the car. Forcing me to get off my bike and get right up to him.

- What did you call me?! - without prolonging the conversation, I shoved the man in the chest. - You got a lot of nerve, don't you?! You want me to take your car apart right here?!

- Easy, schoolboy, easy. - Despite attempts at provocation with words and tone, the man returned to the car without doing anything.


I arrived at the river, threw my bike down and have been lying on the grass for an hour, staring stupidly at the clouds floating across the sky. I thought about picking Terry up, but after snapping at a random man, I realised I'm not very mentally stable at the moment, that I'd rather be alone right now.

- Haaaa... Phewhhh... I need to pull myself together and try to do better at the next competition....


The next three days I trained like never before. As I got tired, I did more, started to feel pain, nailed it and finished my approaches. I spent more time in the gym working out than I did sleeping. And at the doctor's examination.

- You're not allowed to exercise for the next month. - I was told that if I continued, I'd destroy my joints and get a hernia.

The fairy tale of trying your best, overcoming yourself turned out to be a fairy tale. In reality, you need to be able to feel sorry for yourself, not letting it degenerate into laziness, but striving without forgetting your limitations....

The day I learnt this lesson, I felt bad, really bad. I spent it lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Even the funny videos couldn't get rid of the tugging feeling inside.


The weekend came and the family started packing for the trip. I stayed home. Apart from Maggie no one really tried hard to convince me, my dad and mum tipped each other a line, Lisa on the other hand resented why I was allowed to stay and she had to go when she could study in her room. God, what a loser I'd been, good thing at least my life wasn't as empty as Zubrila's.

Friday night I ordered a pizza, watched porn on the big TV in the living room, and stayed in my room reading fic.

On Saturday I played a couple of moba games on my computer, actively sucked in them, because I hadn't played for a long time. Started single games that were on the computer and by noon.....

- And where is the rag in this house? - I got bored and decided to tidy up my room.

Of course, I'm ashamed of what I do when my parents aren't around. But I'm in too shitty a mood to throw a party.

- Turns out I didn't have carpet under my computer desk, huh? - it was just dust pellets.

By late afternoon, I was done. Watched a random film I haven't watched since I was a kid, it was fun..... Eventually I decided to call Milhouse, to invite him to hang out at my place for a console. However, while scrolling through my contacts, I came across a number whose last conversation with me was quite a while ago and ended badly.

- Hey, Terry, what's up? - the last time we spoke by text, I asked her to leave me alone.


Terry is a wonderful girl. Today she confirmed her title with a lack of resentment. What's more, she's agreed to come and visit me. So I'm busy thinking up a romance.

- What a slippery fellow I am. - As I finished my bath of petals and bubble bath, I waited to slip Terry under the foam. My parents had the last of it, while the petals had to be torn from Flanders' flowers. His sacrifice would not be forgotten!

Terri arrived at the promised time, dressed in a denim windbreaker, black blouse and blue, tight jeans. Stepping inside, her mouth dropped open at the sight of candles and a trail of compliment stickers.

- You have such a nice arse. - read out one of Terry's stickers. - Oh Bart, that's so cute~

Terri kissed me on the cheek while holding my lips and hugging me a little longer than usual. I guess today is the day!

- I love your roundness. - I went on to go over Terry's notes. - A thousand words would not be enough to describe the beauty of your arse. If I could choose to die, I'd choose your fajsitting. - after another note, Terry stopped and turned to me. - Bart, is it just me, or are you a little too attracted to my arse?

- What makes you say that? - First of all, you can't be too into something so erotic; secondly, the compliments about my breasts and then my face, I went from top to bottom when writing the notes.


- Wow! How cool... - Terri put her palms to her face in joy.

- How about a romantic dinner..... - pizza and coke. - Afterwards, a relaxing bath, and then.....

- And there? - In response to her special way of saying it, I moved closer and hugged Terry tightly.

- We'll decide on the situation. - I tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. Terry continues to look at me ingratiatingly, does that mean she's made up her mind?


- (gasps) Oh, yeah!

- Bart, I'm confused by your reaction. - said Terry, lying in the bathtub... Naked... With her boobs afloat! - You promised me a back rub, didn't you?

That's the excuse I used to convince her to let me in. Let's see how she reacts to the next move.

- You know, I really don't want to get my shirt wet.

- Huh? Okay. - I peeled off my T-shirt, pulling my stomach in so my abs would show in their full glory. - Oh.

- Hmm? You know, I'm so embarrassing, I'm bound to wet my shorts. We don't want that, do we?

- We don't...


- Your hands are so stiff. Is it the wrestling? - I finally stripped naked and even jumped in Terry's bathtub. Oh, my girl, you are definitely going to be a woman today! Just don't need any phone calls, or guests coming over, or the sudden return of your parents, please-please God!

I managed to pray while I rubbed Terry's back with my hands. I decided it was time for action, so I slipped my hands behind the girl's back.

- Oh, you're a naughty boy today, aren't you, Bart? - She's happy with my hands on her breasts? Then-- - Ah.

I did what I'd dreamed of for so long-- squeezed those naked melons. Then I began a vigorous massage, fingering her nipples and kissing her neck and back.

- Bart, what are you--

I could no longer listen to the voice of both reason and Terry. My right hand travelled further under the water. Finding her bud, I began to caress it.

- Mm-hmm.

Finding no resistance. Already my left hand came up behind me, and with a single thrust, I sat Terri on my lap, so that my shaft was scalding hot, melting the lush marshmallow of her ass.

- B-B-B-Bart... - Terri rested her hand on mine as I began to spread my lips for penetration. - Not in the bathtub... Not the first time...


After considering my girlfriend's anxious look, I found my composure and we went up to my place, where suddenly....

- Life is beautiful. - I lost my virginity to Terry and nothing stood in our way.

- It was... - the girl who was breathing heavily with me spoke. It was quick.

- I'm sorry, that was a first for me, I just... - hell, after saying that, I don't even want to have sex anymore!

- Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it in a bad way. Я... Well, to be honest. I was a little unaccustomed to it and it hurt a little bit, I guess? I don't know how to describe it.

- Oh, well, that's good then. I guess you just need some time to get used to it. - to be honest, I didn't enjoy the sex as much as I enjoyed the virginity. It was uncomfortable in places, physically cramped, and my mind was racing with thoughts of what to do next.

Anyway, having had the experience I wanted, I'd probably become less obsessed with sex, and I'd stop so actively trying to get Terry to have sex and do all sorts of naughty things....

- I think I'll settle for a blowjob for a while until I'm ready for a second experience. - came out of Terry's mouth with an erotic sigh rising from her heaving breasts.

- Well, since you're suggesting it... - at my uncomplicated tone, Terry turned her head. And I immediately pointed my fingers downwards, towards.....

- Already?! Haaaa... What can I do with you...?