In the Spotlight

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- Sherry, how? What? Why didn't you say something?!

Maybe it's really Terry, maybe she's just playing a joke on me. I couldn't cheat on my girlfriend with her twin sister, could I? That would be some kind of--

- Thank God this nonsense is over. - the unidentified McLberry said venomously, wiping herself with tissues.

Did I really sleep with Sherry! Yahoo~!...


Wrong reaction, motherfucker! How do I explain this to Terry? I don't think the fact that I didn't know I was cheating is going to play a role, is it? So Terry's probably gonna dump me! All because of--

- What the hell, Sherry?! Why did you do that?! I know I'm a great guy and you're into me, but-

- A crush? Me? Ha-ha-ha-ha! - Suddenly, Sherry burst into hysterical laughter. But it was cut short when Sherry clutched her stomach. - Bart, after your doobie, please don't make me laugh, okay?

She said 'bludgeon,' not that I have such a big--

- Stop!' I interrupted another one of Sherry's stupid thoughts. She's good at diverting conversation, no wonder she could get me like that. - Does that mean you're not into me?

- No,' Sherry said serenely as she put on her knickers. - What's the matter? I gave you my virginity, you have no reason to be angry.

- But-but why did you do it? Why did you even flirt with me, then? - Is it just me, or does Sherry's behaviour really not make any sense?

- Hmm? Should I tell you? I guess that's probably more honest, huh? - Pulling on a T-shirt, Sherry spoke to herself, showing the other side of her teasing nature. - Say, Bart, you don't want Terry to find out, do you?

Just as I was expecting an answer, Sherry suddenly changed the subject, smiled broadly, and stepped close to me, fingering my naked breasts. For the first time, the look of excitement in her eyes didn't turn me on.... Maybe a little.

- Taaak? - I stretched out, dreading what Sherry would demand in return.

- When's your date, then? Saturday, right? Get her out of here and into my bedroom, and I'll be waiting for you.

- What? Does she like me or what?

- And think twice before you turn me down. I doubt breaking up with Terry is what you need before the Olympics, is it?

- Tell me why you're doing this! - unable to take any more games, I grabbed Sherry by the shoulders.

- Are you sure you want to stop me from putting my trousers on? - after winking at Sherry, I lowered my gaze and saw long legs in white knickers. - Hello? Terry? Will you come to our room? I've got Bart here...

Sherry had somehow managed to hide the phone so I couldn't see it and dial her sister's number blind. And, yes, she actually did it, because--

- Yeah? I'm waiting for him in his room. - Terry's voice came through clearly from the other end of the line.

Completely shattered and in shock at what was happening, I let go of Sherry's shoulders, allowing her to pull on her pyjama trousers. After a reminder from her, I dressed myself.

- Oh, Bartik, congratulations! - Entering the room, Terry immediately smiled radiantly at me and jumped on my neck.

Then she started kissing me. Usually, I hug her tightly and kiss her on the forehead or top of her head myself, but today I couldn't even bring my hands together....

What have I done? What am I supposed to do now?

- Oh, you're such a cute couple. - With the widest smile I've ever seen on her face, Sherry turned her attention to me.

- Oh, yes, we are! - Continuing to hug me, Terri rejoiced.


After passing at sectionals, overnight I became a star of sorts. I started getting invited on TV, podcasts, and radio. People started calling me the pride of the nation because of my years and accomplishments.

The school also picked up the hype, every guy wanted to hang out with me. And with the exception of my soul, Isabella, every girl wanted to date me.

For all the attention, though, the Sherry story kept me in the good graces of popularity. Should I be thanking her for that? Yeah, no way!

My relationship with Terry is hanging, for I frankly don't know how to behave with her. I'm so desperate, I've even sought counselling:

- Basically, imagine a situation where a guy is dating one of the twins, and the other one tricked him into cheating with her, and now continues to trick him into having sex with her.

- Bart... - Milhouse's face petrified. Maybe he shouldn't have asked his best friend who knows McLberry for advice!

- You should play less porn games. Otherwise, before long, you'll be looking at Lisa and Maggie.

- Ewww! - That's disgusting, no matter how round Lisa's arse is!

After getting no advice from my best friend, only a disapproving shake of the head, I didn't give up:

- Basically, imagine a situation where a guy is dating one of the twins, and the other one tricked him into cheating with her, and now continues to trick him into having sex with her. - repeated his hypothetical situation to Coach Engle.

- Bart, you...

who abruptly fell silent, lowered his head so his cap shadowed his eyes, clenched his fists, and then rose above me with a murderous aura.


After a sparring session where the coach broke one of the cardinal rules of wrestling - no hurting with grapples, I learned from guy A and B that it turns out Coach Engle is the father of two twin girls.

If I believed in karma, I'd consider it a coincidence from her as punishment. But I was so exhausted I couldn't believe in anything.

However, once my body stopped breaking down, I went back to looking for a solution to the dilemma. Only this time, I decided to ask for advice over the phone:

- Basically... - Repeated the description of my situation.

- ... - but there was a long silence in response. - Hmm-hmm! - followed by sobbing.

- Um, Mo, are you okay?

My question was followed by a ringing tone. And then a second later, I got a call.

- Hello, helpline?

- Moe?

- Oh, you recognise me already, how nice. You see, I've been--

On learning about Mr Sizlak's life of tragedy, I decided to end my council research. Well I also realised that I shouldn't end with phone pranks, for Mo is worth checking out from time to time.


And so Saturday came. It was the day I was supposed to have a date with Terry. However, a fight would take place instead. After all, Sherry's plan was for me to not show up for the date, and without telling Terry, so that she wouldn't come home and disturb Sherry and me.

Needless to say, going home to the McLberry's made me feel like a piece of shit?

'Maybe Sherry just wants me to break up with Terry. And when I get into Sherry's room, there'll be Terry there to break up with me right away?' - hard to believe, but even thoughts like that seemed pleasant.

Basically, Terry had mentioned that she'd had something with Sherry in the past. Therefore, that made sense. What doesn't make sense, however, is the reason why Sherry, then, didn't turn me in sooner?

I can't figure out Sherry's motives, no matter how much I think about it. Does she just not like me?

As I approached the house, I saw the window to Sherry's room open. I looked at my watch, Terry was already standing outside the diner waiting for me. Sighing heavily, I climbed up the tree, this time purposely climbing through the window, which I had accidentally climbed through twice before.

- Huh? - but surprisingly, the room was empty and looked suspiciously like-


- Neighbouring window, dumbass.

- To~!


To my credit, Sherry's room did indeed look like Terry's room from the inside in size. Of course, instead of pink, the wallpaper was purple. The bed was brown instead of white. Oh, and instead of animal posters, there was a mirror along the entire wall for dance practice. But who pays attention to the small details?

- Get out of the way. - Sherry pointed me to the bed. To which, under her pressure, I almost mechanically sat down.

Next Sherry took a tripod out of the wardrobe and a camera out of the desk drawer. Putting the latter on the tripod, Sherry began to adjust the camera so that it would take pictures of the bed.

- Hey, why don't you rub my arse? I could actually use getting wet.

Thinking about the fact that what I'm doing now is already full-blown cheating, without the excuse that I don't know it's Sherry and not Terry. I got out of bed and walked over to Sherry, taking hold of her voluminous arse, because after all I don't know what I'm even supposed to do in this situation. I don't even know what kind of situation I'm in.

- Come closer, I want to feel your boner between my buns. - Needless to say, Sherry's erotic voice coupled with her words gave me no trouble getting a boner.

Moving my hips along my insistent arse, my hands were already under my t-shirt, playing with Sherry's melons.

- Okay, I'm done. - Sherry stepped away from the camera and pointed me back to the bed. - Well get undressed, I'm wet enough.

Without any further foreplay, Sherry pulled off her tank top and began to remove her trousers. Not at all embarrassed by the way her large breasts jiggled as she moved.


- Ahhhh!... Mmm!

While we were having sex with Sherry, I couldn't get Terry out of my mind....

- Yeah. This feels so good.

Who am I kidding? I'm trying really hard not to get Terry out of my head. Sherry's body feels so good, I'm ready to get off the chain at any second.

- Hey. Come here.

And what didn't help the situation at all was the woman's face in the pleasure Sherry was giving me. As much as they didn't look alike to Terry, however, I guess I could see the differences now more than ever.

- Mmmm! - as soon as I lowered my head, I was caught in a hot kiss.

At this, I lost my head...


- Haaaa... Haaah. We have pretty good chemistry, don't we? - Sherry was getting her act together in front of the camera.

We ended up spending over an hour together. We did it three times. I was completely lost in the softness of her body and the softness of her lips.

- Well, until next time. - Sherry didn't ask if there would be one, she said.

Afterwards, she winked at me and pronounced, pointing to the open window:

- If you hurry up, maybe you'll have time to meet Terry.

Usually after sex, I feel light and calm, I feel relaxed. Tonight, however, I feel like the biggest piece of shit of all....