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After leaving Sherry, I continued to remain in a complete state of irritation and had little accountability for my actions. Perhaps that's why I did exactly what Sherry said I did.

- Haa... Haaaa...

Tearing up my lungs and not sparing my legs, I ran to the café in front of which I had made a hoax date with Terry. Through blurred vision, I started looking for my girlfriend among the people.

- Terry, I'm sorry I- - surprisingly, she was still waiting for me. So with a smile I headed towards her and...

*♪ Slap ♪

Abruptly, my smile was cut off by Terry's painful slap. Fear immediately gripped my heart. Fear that she knew all about me and Sherry.

- Bart, are you out of your mind?! You couldn't have written that you were late?! - Terry shouted angrily at me, ignoring the people looking in our direction.

- Ughhhh... - Despite the state Terri was in, I was relieved to know the reason for her anger.

- You're still smiling?! Have you no respect for me at all?! - At those words, Terry turned on her heels and walked away from me. Even though I came running from the direction of her house, it didn't make any sense to turn around.

- Terri, I'm sorry. Wait. - I tried to grab her arm, which surprisingly I did.

As soon as I caught her hand, not strong enough, Terri stopped in place, tapping her heel. That my mere attempt to stop her convinced Terri to give me a chance to speak up surprised me and made me pull away.

As I ran, my mind was constructing stories on its own and coming up with excuses why I might be late. That I was held up by my coach and my phone was dead, that Milhouse needed emergency help and my smartphone was eaten by a dog...

- ...I'm sorry. - but standing in front of Terry, even the top of her head, I forgot and threw it all away. - I have nothing to say for myself...

On the contrary. I really want to confess to something much worse than being late for a date.....

- Is that so? I see. - Terry walked away without turning round to look in my direction. Walked away again in the opposite direction from her house.....


I spent the next few days trying to establish a relationship with Terri through messaging. It would probably be pathetic to admit such a thing, but I was only too happy to ask Terri not to appear in front of her. The thought of looking into her eyes sent chills and shame through me.

In my spare time, I was chased around TV stations for various interviews, which were actually almost identical in terms of questions. Gradually, I was becoming a real star.

The college issue was also settled, at Penn State, I was offered some kind of overly serious scholarship. Overall, outside of my love life, I was successful in the rest of my life, regardless of what success I would eventually achieve in the Olympics.

It's a little weird to feel successful. It's stellar and by all accounts uncomfortable. I feel like I'm standing on a mat over a cliff, which those holding it could let go at any moment.

- Terry. I need you.

I guess it was this feeling and the lack of anyone to whom I could turn, after a week, that made me dial the number to talk to her directly.

- Really? - Terri answered in a still hurt voice, but the important thing is that she did!

- I'm under so much pressure right now. - what the hell am I talking about?! Is this really the best time to talk about me?! Bart, pull yourself together! - Я... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been late, and I'm sorry I didn't call to let you know.

- You understand why I'm mad at you, don't you?

Given that it's apparently more than just being late, for which I've already apologised, what the hell could it be?! Could it be that she found out?!

No, it can't be. I'm sure Terri would never have picked up the phone, let alone spoken to me so calmly. So, think about what Terri's mad about, think about it.

- Erm. Can I make a phone call to a friend? - thinking has never been my strong suit.

- Bart, you're already on the phone. - Terry said coldly, but without her previous anger. - Haa. All right, you're a slow learner... - Her?! - Bart, you do realise I'm not a dog, right?

- What? Naturally. - what's Terry talking about?

- Haa. It's just that the dynamics of our relationship sometimes seem unfair to me. I feel like I'm giving it all away and you're-- Well, you're, at the very least, stuck with me. Sometimes I feel like you only need me when you need me? Shit, does that make sense? What I meant was.

- Do you feel like I'm taking advantage of you? - Did I really make Terry feel that way? But how?

- I was going to say it softer, but yeah. - There was a silence, maybe Terri was waiting for me to say something, but I was afraid I'd spoil it, so I just waited for her to speak. - So when you made me wait, I-- I thought I was nothing more than a hole for you.

- ...I see. - my voice dried up and my mind drifted to wondering what made Terry feel that way. - I'm sorry, I didn't... I didn't mean for you to feel that way.

Maybe it was because I kept Terry at a distance. I never introduced her to my parents or my sisters, I never even told her I loved her... And somehow, even though I need her, I still can't say those simple words. Is it possible that Terry's right? Or is it my connection to Sherry that is to blame, hanging a guilt over my head that makes it impossible to forget about her?

I don't know. All I know is.

- Terry, I want to see you. Are you free? - I want to make things right with Terry.


With time to clean up, but Terry agreed to see me. We reconciled and continued dating. Our date consisted of mostly discussion, however it did not feel boring or drawn out. Terry asked me to be more open with her, to which I promised that I would try.....

- Bart, why are you so red? - however.

- Honey, your boyfriend's probably just embarrassed to have dinner with us, hoo-hoo-hoo! - If only, Mrs Muckleberry.

- Bart, can I get you some water? - To hell with the witch!

- Kggh! - As if reading my mind, Sherry squeezed my mate with such force that I was ready to clamour for surrender.

What's going on? Well, in a nutshell, Terry had invited me to formally meet her family, because in her parents' eyes, I was no longer a second-year loser, but a successful athlete.

As soon as I met Sherry's gaze, I knew from her smile that she was up to something problematic. My hunch developed when, during seating, I found myself not next to Terry, but across from her. Next to me was the--

- Bart, do you have blood pressure? - who had unbuttoned my trousers and was now in complete control--

- I-I-I-I'm fine.

Somehow I try to keep a straight face and answer the twins' parents' questions, however with my mind I'm concentrating clearly on not asking questions about my future plans...


As Sherry's hand moved up and down gently and confidently, the doorbell rang from the side of the hallway.

- It must be the grandparents? - With smiles on their faces, the twins' parents stood up and walked out of the dining room.

- Bart, are you sure you're feeling okay? - Terry looked at me with concern.

- Y-yes. - I could only stifle a groan from someone on the verge of orgasm, but I managed a smile.

- Terry, would you like to help Grandma with the chair? - Sherry wants to be alone? But why? I'd cut her games short.

- What about you? My boyfriend's actually here.

- But I'm not their favourite granddaughter. And as for the boyfriend, don't worry, I'll hold him back, he won't run away from you... - Sherry said with a smile, her thumb massaging the very top of his head.

- Haa... Very funny. Excuse me, Bart? - Terry smiled guiltily as she got up from the table.

- Y-yes, it's okay. - which was hard to answer, because the only one who should be overwhelmed with guilt was me.

As soon as Terry stepped out, I immediately pulled back my chair. Sherry didn't let go of the tight grip she'd almost driven me with, she just smiled at me and looked me up and down.

- Stop it, she's your sister! - even though it was a whisper, I put as much aggression into my voice as I could.

- Finish it? Yeah, you've been at your limit for a while... - Sherry continued before I could. And she continued, 'Amnnmmm!

A wet, hot feeling washed over me, making my hips quiver and my mouth moan. When I felt the wet, nimble tongue, I lost all self-control and....

- Ahem! - I had Terry by the hair at the end.


- Grandpa, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Bart. - a couple of minutes later, the entire McLberry family returned to the dining room, including two older men.

- Nice to meet you. - I tried to pull a face, although I could still feel Sherry's mouth on my head.

- Oh, that's tall! - Grandpa clapped me on the arm with a big smile on his face.

- And so cute. - Grandma, on the other hand, touched my red face with a smile. - Don't be embarrassed dear, take good care of our granddaughter Sherry and-

- Bah, he's my boyfriend! And I'm Terry!

- Sherry, Terry, why couldn't your stupid parents come up with better names? - still holding my cheeks, the grandmother glanced disgruntledly at the twins' parents.

- Sherry, why are you sitting there? Not even a kiss for Grandpa?

- I'm sorry, but I didn't brush my teeth today and my breath stinks. - Sherry replied with an innocent smile. To which I gulped, remembering again what had happened a few moments ago.....


- Stop playing these games with me! - The next morning, when no one besides Sherry was in the house, she called me in as her call boy.

- Look, stop acting impotent, we all know what you guys need. - with a haughty grimace, Sherry crossed her arms over her chest.

- Why the fuck are you even doing this?! - I wasn't in the mood to listen to insults and respond to avoiding conversation today.

I grabbed Sherry's arm and slammed her back into the wall, only for a moment she was startled, but the next moment....

- Mnhmmm! - Sherry sank into my breasts, running her tongue inside.

- Mnhmm?! - I was naturally surprised by this behaviour and immediately tried to pull away, which Sherry took advantage of by jumping on top of me and wrapping her legs around my waist.

- Mnhmmm!

As I tried to pull her off me, I tripped and fell to the floor. Before I came to my senses, Sherry had already pulled up her black T-shirt and was unhooking her bra.

- So, do you want me to stop playing my games? - While I was mesmerised by the sight of her body, Sherry was moving around my crotch, testing my manhood for strength and I...

- N-no. - gave in.

That day, once again, I had sex with my girlfriend's twin behind her back. No matter how much guilt I felt afterwards or how much I hated myself, from that day on, every time I met Sherry, it ended the same way.... But could it go on forever? Obviously not...