All Secrets Come Out

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As time went on, I continued to prepare for the Olympics, give interviews, and even managed to visit the campus of my future university. My parents wanted to come with me, but I went on my own before they picked a date. I can walk around the building and check in to the dormitory myself.

- Representative of the United States of America! Bart Simpson! - As the main event for athletes approached, I was on TV more often. Still not often enough to be recognised on random streets by strangers, but still.

As for my relationship with the Muckleberry twins. It remains complicated. Lately, I've generally come to terms with everything and, as embarrassing as it is to admit, I've started to enjoy seeing Sherry. Over time, I've become comfortable doing the wrong thing.....

Frankly, the games also played a part. The training for them is pretty rigorous and takes up probably ninety per cent of my thoughts. And considering that even with a hundred, I was not the smartest guy, with the remaining ten, I probably just scored. As gross as that sounds.

- Bart, is something wrong? - While I was taking a break, Becky came a few steps down.

- Huh?' I glanced over at her, almost choking on my mineral water.

- You look more tense than usual.

- I won, didn't I? - I didn't know why Becky thought that, but I said the result of my last sparring match.

- Is this about Jessica? - I'm still seeing Lovejoy off, as if I don't have enough problems with Sherry.

- No. I'm fine and I'm not stressed out. - I'm just focused on the Olympics and my goal and my dream.

- Bart, you know if you need to talk, you can talk to me, right?

- Why would you care? - Did I just say that out loud?!

Judging by Becky's suddenly downcast face, yes, you did. I'm such an arsehole!

- I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, it's just... - nobody really cares, and I'm tired of empty promises. - Yeah, you're probably right and I'm a bit tense. I'm going to represent my country at the games, so the pressure's just hit me in the head. So I'm sorry, okay?

- Okay, Bart. - with a look of worry in her eyes, Becky picked up her bag and left for class.

Damn, I shouldn't have done that to her. She sounded and looked sincere, she probably believes she cares herself....


- Can you even walk any slower?! You've got a girl with you. - Tonight I saw Jessica off, who....

- Haaah. - unlike every other day, was pretty annoying today.

- What's wrong with you?! - She slammed the door in my face.

If I were Japanese, I'd fall in love. But this kind of girl's behaviour just annoys me... But wait, wasn't I already in love with Jessica? Nani?


- Hoo! Haaah!

Even when I got home, I couldn't get my mind off the games. So I took off my shirt and started doing push-ups.

*Knock on the wall*

I usually do my push-ups with headphones in my ears, when they're playing energising music, but now I'm getting a kind of rage after each approach, and I just want to rip my muscles out....

*♪ Pounding on the wall ♪

That Becky is tagging along today with her ostentatious kindness. Jessica continues to set the terms with her dirt on me. Sherry keeps playing games with me. My parents suddenly love me, the whole country does it... What a mess this is... It's infuriating!

- Bart, are you deaf?! - Lisa burst into the room out of nowhere. For some unknown reason, she had an angry grimace on her face.... Maybe these days? - Stop moaning behind the wall like you're doing something naughty!

- 'Inappropriate'? Really, Liz? - my remark made my sister's face change in a way that was chilling. - You could have said sex, fucking, big brother's big destroyer going into my big brother's wet pore--

- I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear it! - Blushing thickly, covering her ears with her palms, Lisa twisted her head in place from side to side. - How can you say that to your little sister?! You're disgusting!

- Z-n-a-yu. - I said in syllables, opening my mouth wide, still holding on to Lisa's red head.


Who slammed the door loudly and flew out of my room, seemingly even angrier than when she had flown in....

*♪ Knock on the wall ♪

- I didn't make that noise, Maggie!


As I was in my final year, it could only mean one thing, finals! Even though I wasn't the total jerk I'd once been, I wasn't sure I was going to do as well as I'd hoped.

- Bart, that's not how it works. - the love of my life, Isabella Gutierrez. - Where did you even get that formula?!

- ...Maybe I really am a mathematical genius and just invented a new one.

- Your answer is 67, when the correct answer is sodium chlorite. - with a blank stare and no emotion in her voice, Isabella rejected me as she had rejected all geniuses in her time.

In general, I turned to Isabella for help in my studies, for frankly there was no one else to turn to. Whenever I'm studying with one sexy college student, who is also my girlfriend, we get caught up in the student teacher thing and get distracted, to put it mildly....

- Uh-oh.

- Bart! Why are you drooling?! - Isabella snapped me back from my biology class with a snap of her fingers.

- Oh, yeah, I'm sorry.

- If you keep acting like this, I'll stop helping you.

- Isabella...- the teacher shook his head disapprovingly.

- Uggh... Sorry. - Taking care of her characterisation from the pull-up class, Isabella let go of my head and continued to explain the material to me in a calm voice.

To my shame, but I was distracted every now and then, yes thinking about Isabella. About how much effort she put into getting into a good university. Excellent, jumped a class of school, on a good account with teachers and here she is helping lagging behind, for the sake of a good recommendation on the personality, which in our progressive times is very important.

- Haa...

- Are you tired? Then we're done for the day. - With that, Isabella began to collect some books into her briefcase, while transferring others to my side of the table.

Really somewhat is it fair that she has to try so hard when as I got the golden ticket by just luckier than others throwing guys over myself...?


- Haa... - My thoughts on Isabella's situation have continued at home....

It would be more accurate to say they shifted to the neighbouring wall.

Lisa, like Isabella, puts a lot of effort into getting what I got for almost nothing on the way to my dream. How fair is that?

By myself, my gaze fell on the opposite wall to where Maggie's room is. That day, she was so worried about the future that her nerves even transferred to me. I tried to act like I understood something about the way life works, but....

- Do I even know anything at all?

Because of my insecurity, I now doubt that I should have given Maggie the advice and promise that she would definitely find her purpose in life....

- ...Maybe I really am an adult now. - I pretend to know everything; I turn a blind eye when I hurt someone because it's easier that way....


Speaking of the person I'm hurting. In my relationship with Terri, there have been a few times when I have slowed it down somewhat, when we could go weeks without communicating at all. Terri, on the other hand, has continued to pay attention to me, even when going to university.

Lately, however, she's been acting aloof. It started when she decided to go to the prom with Sherry on the pretext of having a hen party. I didn't mind, if that's what Terry wanted, fine, and I didn't really want to go to the prom.

Then there was our fight, which seemed to have come to an end quite some time ago, like.....

- Did something happen? - Terry texted, realising that we hadn't texted or called in a couple of days.

Terri felt as if she had fallen through the earth. Of course, my brain immediately started thinking the worst. That something had happened to her, a tragedy in the family, the truth about me and Sherry had come out.

- Will you come round tomorrow? - Suddenly, however, Terry answered.


- Hey. Missed you. - I tried to kiss Terri on the lips, but she gave me a peck on the cheek instead.

- Will you wait for me in the living room?

- Yeah, okay. - Feeling the coldness coming from Terry, I got a little worried.

Walking into the living room, where there was a cosy couch opposite the wide TV, I wasn't sure if I wanted to sit on it.

- How long are you going to stand there? - For there was Sherry sipping juice on it.

- Haa... - Sighing heavily, I sat down on the other side of the couch.

I really need to end my relationship with Sherry. It can't go on like this forever, especially since I like Terry.

- Look, can we talk later? - I'm breaking up with Sherry tonight, and I don't care what the consequences are.

- Well, after the movie. - staring at the black TV screen, Sherry replied without much interest.

- The cinema?

- Yeah? Didn't Terry invite you to see a film?

- No. She just said to stop by...

- If she dragged me out of my room just to dump me, I swear I'd rip her head off. - No offence Sherry, but I think you've done a lot worse to your sister than disrupting a movie night.

- Oh, are we ready? - Terry came out with a bowl of popcorn.

- Hey, what about me? - which angered Sherry.

- Bart, why don't you sit closer to Sherry?

I turned towards Sherry and stared at her for a few seconds, uncomfortable with the awkwardness of sitting next to someone with whom I'd decided to end a relationship.

- ...I don't want popcorn, so you two sit together. - I suggested to Terry with a smile on my face.

- Suit yourself. - Shrugging her shoulders, Terri inserted the flash drive into the TV.

After switching it on, a video file appeared on the screen with a cover picture of two naked bodies... It couldn't be that...

- Aah! Harder, Bart.

Yes, it was a video of me and Sherry having sex.

- Is there anything you want to tell me? - Terry turned to me in a cold voice while I still couldn't believe my greatest fear was finally coming true.