The Inevitable Bottom Line

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- Oh, that feels good. Bart!

The voice on the screen gave me goosebumps all over my body. I opened my eyes wide, unable to believe that I was looking at one of those videos Sherry had made.

- Is there anything you want to explain to me? - Terry spoke to me in a calm but cold voice.

As I shifted my gaze to her, I had no problem believing the calmness was fake. Terry's hands and eyes were shaking, whether she was trying to claw at my neck or holding back tears to keep from bursting into tears.

- Terry... It's not-- I don't wanna-

*♪ Slap ♪

My pathetic attempts to say anything were interrupted by a whiplash. Though I shouldn't have, the sharp jolt of pain made me realise that everything was finally the way it was supposed to be. It made me feel so much better about myself.

- Bart, how dare you?! After I gave you my first time, you betray me like that?! Are you even human?! - Terry started up, holding her slapped hand.

With my head down, I listened intently to the words I'd repeatedly imagined in my head. Whether I have a bad imagination, or whether justice does exist. After all, despite a thousand and one scrolls, hearing them live was unbearable, even more so than the first time I heard them.

- Is this how it's always been?! I've been just another hole for you the whole time we've been together?! - through a series of screams and accusations, Terry came to this conclusion.

- No! Of course not! It was a mistake the first time at all---. - realising how pathetic I sounded, I abruptly shut up.

Yes, our first time with Sherry was a mistake. I mistook her for Terry, which obviously doesn't add to my points as a good guy.... However, even so, onward... Manipulated or not, I went along with the betrayal.... Swapping places with Terry wouldn't have made things right for me the first time.

- Bart, why won't you shut up?! Don't you have anything to say to me?!

- I'm sorry. - came out of my mouth. I turned around and looked up at the ceiling, realizing I was powerless to undo what I'd done.

- What a bastard you are, Bart Simpson! - Terry clenched her hands into fists, ready to snap and start hitting me. Which I wouldn't resist. - Him, but Sherry, how could you do this to me?! We're sisters! We're twins! We've always been together and supported each other! How could you betray me like that?!

- Ha! - unlike me, Sherry took the video with a satisfied smile. - I mean, who dumped who first for a hard cock?

- What?! What are you talking about?! What the hell-

- Sherry, I think we should finish our games and go find the guys. - Sherry did her sister's voice a little too squeaky. - Remember?

- I-I do? Y-yes. - the twins' words added to Terry's inner turmoil, and she could only mumble incomprehensibly for a while. - So what?! You're so offended that I got a boyfriend first that you decided to steal him away from me?!

- God... Someone that tight should win a Darwin Award. - even though her sister was on the verge of hysterics, Sherry rolled her eyes in frustration. - You dumped me! Like some kind of bitch! Naturally, surprise surprise, I took offence and wanted you to experience the same thing!

It didn't take long, however, for the ostentatiously calm arrogance to be replaced by an equally fierce and painful resentment as the twin's.

Not thinking that I should stay here or that there was any room left for me at all in the McLberry family home, I rose from my chair and, to the shouts of my sisters at each other, went outside.

- Haaaa... - A brittle exhale escaped my lips.

I felt both relieved that the truth had finally come out and I didn't have to lie to Terry anymore; and tears came to my throat, from guilt and such a wrong breakup.

- Hmprf!... - wiping my nose, I started to walk and then I started to run. Trying to leave both everything that had happened and my feelings far behind.


- Don't show up on my radar again. - after practice, I got a text from Terry on my phone. Probably the last message she'd ever sent ...

'I'm sorry', "I know I acted like an arsehole", "Be happy" - various messages were typed with my fingers, however not one was ever sent. I am well aware that the right to have the last word belongs to Terry, not me.


It's been a few days since Terry and I broke up. Having at least the rudiments of a conscience, I didn't try to meet her, no matter how strong the need to apologise.

I decided that it would forever remain my sin, on the basis of which I must draw conclusions and become a better person.

- Bart, don't overdo it, okay? We don't want our future Olympian to get injured! - Coach Engle said to me with a big smile.

The way to beat the stress for me, as usual, was wrestling. I went headlong into training. Back to a schedule where I was literally outside of the gym to sleep.

Considering the content of the dreams, then would have been glad, to be rid of that need. Obviously, I was dreaming about Terri and how I could fix the situation..... Or I was dreaming of our memories together....

- Haaaa... It's different this time... - Leaning my maximally sweaty back against the wall, I sipped orange soda from a glass bottle.

I've broken up before, I've had my heart broken in the past and more than once. However, never had the pain been this intense, dull. Apparently putting aside all the childish bravado about the past, the relationship with Terry was my first real one.....

- And I was sucked into it...

Never said a word of endearment to Terry. I kept my distance at all times. Spent time with her on more than one occasion just to have sex with her. And that's not to mention cheating on her with her sister.

- If he hit her a couple of times, he'd be the perfect guy, heh...

I wonder why the ending makes it so clear. Why does the relationship have to end so you can finally see things through? See your own mistakes?

- Haaaa... God definitely has a sense of humour.... - After saying that, I got up and returned to the inventory, not yet knowing how true my words would be in the future....


Eventually escaping the unpleasant emotions, I gave myself over to routine. I worked out, took extra classes. I hung out with Milhouse on the weekends.

And so came the beginning of my final year of high school. By this point, I'd more or less gotten over the breakup, though I wasn't really looking forward to starting a new relationship.

From what I'd heard, Terry and Sherry had split up. Terry is now living in a hostel, and Sherry has taken a job with some kind of troupe that travels around the city performing as backup dancers for various performers at concerts. Although I don't know for sure, I think it's obvious that their fight didn't go away.

- It looks good on you. - I appreciated Becky's cheerleader uniform.

- Thank you. - who dangerously pulled up the hem of her skirt, looking at her.

Although I'm in no mood to start a new relationship. After breaking up with Terry, I started hanging out with Lisa's classmate more often. She was the initiator, and I was willing to distract myself with anything, let alone a conversation with the cute blonde.

As a result, day by day we got to know each other better, and now we're close enough that Becky freely invites me over to her place. Today, for example, she decided to brag about her successful tryouts for the cheerleading squad.

- Too bad there are no cheerleaders in wrestling. - Becky said sadly.

- I'm afraid then the wrestlers would gather around them and massacre them on the spot.

- On the other hand, I could be your only cheerleader. - Blushing, Becky showed off her braces smile.

- ... It's kind of unfair that football players get whole teams and I'll only have one.

- Haa... It's so hard. - Becky sighed heavily, furrowing her brow.

- Tell me about it, guys don't take a hint.

- Hey, how can you say that? It doesn't make sense if you say it!

Yeah, I realised a long time ago that Becky likes me. I'm not a complete moron after all. I'm sure her feelings are a little over a month old, for three weeks ago I noticed them....

However, despite her cuteness, cute face and rather nice body, there are a few problems. Firstly, she's a classmate and friend of Lisa's, and I wouldn't want to aggravate things with Zubrila any further. Secondly, she's sixteen, whereas I'm eighteen and could go to jail if anything happens. Thirdly, after Terry, I want to be completely sure of my feelings towards the other person in a new relationship, so as not to cause unnecessary pain.

The funny thing is, it wasn't until after we broke up that I realised why it took Terri so long to give herself to me. Why she wanted to be sure of her feelings.

- Bart, are you thinking about her again? - Becky approached me with a bad feeling in her heart.

- Yeah. - Not wanting to deceive her, I replied sincerely.


The days at school went on as usual. A couple of times I was given free days to take a break from competitions or to star in a show.

The competitions went very well for me, although I lost from time to time. For now I'm in the adult group. Tommy Cornell, I've never beaten him since sectionals. However, I beat him in the number of trophies, so at least I got a win, didn't I?

The shows were mostly for local channels, and they were rarely very original. A couple of times I was invited to sit in the audience like a star. It was embarrassing, because the very names of these shows I heard for the first time when the presenter came out to greet the audience.

In general, my life went on as usual until October.

- Hmm? Well. Good luck to her. - that day, news broke that a pop singer had started dating a Springfield resident. Sherry McAlberry.

I have to be honest, that kind of hurt my feelings for a second. But then I remembered how I really felt about her and that we were only having sex, and I calmed down.

However, I calmed down... Next week.....

- Bart, how can you be such an arsehole?! - another story that quickly spread throughout Springfield, travelled beyond Springfield and reached Shelbyville....