Avond stood in the presence of his father, eyeing the large hand and thick graying hair on his head as he wrote something on a worksheet.
The sound of his pen against paper was like the calm wind before a storm—at least, it was to Avond, who contemplated whether shooting the old man was a good option.
Well, it was. It wouldn't be the first time a son eliminated his father to get to the throne sooner. But it would be too painless, and Avond had just started to feel the deep, seething hatred for the man.
The sudden shock of bitterness was still fresh on his tongue and grew more bitter still.
No. Killing him would be the same as mercy. Avond would be the reason for the Brightwell family to finally end, and Erickson needed to live to see this legacy die.
That, and depending on whether the old man let Avond have the woman of his dreams or not, Erickson also could not have the woman of his dreams.