Felix has been carrying a torch for Gray, his childhood love, for as long as he can remember. After they graduated, Gray mysteriously cut off all communication, leaving Felix confused and heart wrenched.
His friend, trying to help him move on, introduces Felix to her cousin Matthew, a silent, but charming Englishman who found his way onto Philippine soil.
Matthew is everything Felix didn’t expect. As their friendship blossoms into something deeper, Felix begins to wonder if he can finally move past Gray. But just when things seem to be falling into place, Felix discovers that Gray is also attending Northerners University.
Suddenly, Felix’s once-uncomplicated feelings become a tangled mess, as he finds himself torn between the nostalgia of his unspoken love for Gray and the fresh excitement of his budding romance with Matthew. With both men now a part of his campus life...things are bound to swirl around unexpected changes.