Awakening The Silver Wolf



"Jasper, come back here right this instant!" Ravenna yelled, her hands on her hips.

Jasper giggled and ran towards me, his arms raised. I picked him up with a laugh and looked over at Ravenna.

"Bring him here," she commanded.

"No, Daddy! Don't!" Jasper shouted as I carried him towards his mother, fighting against me with his little hands.

"Sorry, buddy," I said as I handed him to Ravenna. "Your mother is scary when she's angry." 

Said mother rolled her eyes and carried Jasper back into the bathroom where she was trying to bathe him before he all but ran out naked. 

Something nudged my leg and I looked down. A smile spread across my face as I picked up my little girl. "Morning, angel," I said softly as I pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"Jasper is making trouble again, isn't he?" Juniper asked, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

Unlike her twin, Juniper was a late riser, calm where Jasper was restless, and silent where Jasper was loud. Yan and yang, these two. 

"Yeah, he is," I answered as I carried her to the bathroom where Ravenna was struggling to brush Jasper's teeth.

"Stay still, you!" she snapped when he tried to move again. 

"No!" Jasper snapped back. We have a handful of this one. 

Juniper gave me a look before she shook her head. I couldn't help the laugh that burst out of me. She was only three but I swear she was an old soul. 

"I'm glad you think my struggle is funny, Darius," Ravenna said without taking her eyes off Jasper.

I placed Juniper on the floor before I walked to her and hugged her from behind, placing a kiss on her neck. "I wasn't laughing at you, baby."


I placed another hard kiss on her neck and this time she shuddered. I worked my way up to her chin and her cheek. 

"Are you people going to kiss again?" Jasper grumbled, his arms folded. "Please, don't. It's gross." 

"I think it's cute," Juniper chimed in as she brushed her teeth in front of the mirror.

Jasper rolled his eyes. "You think everything is cute."

"And you think everything is gross," Juniper shot back.

Ravenna and I exchanged an amused look as they continued their bickering. She shook her head, a soft smile on her face as we listened to them go on and on about what they thought of each other.

I placed my chin on Ravenna's neck, my hands around her waist, my heart content. 

This was what living was. 

Four years ago if you had told me I would become a family guy I would have laughed in your face, and then punched you in the throat for saying shit like that.

But here I was; a lovely, perfect wife, two wonderful children. And I couldn't have asked for anything better.


I hurried back to my house, eager to be with my wife. We had moved out of the pack house where she had become pregnant, and I had built a home for our family not far from both the packhouse and Ravenna's cabin. Each day, I go to the packhouse to handle the tasks that need my attention, but I'm always eager to return home.

I had told Ravenna I wanted to work from home to be closer to her and the kids, but she insisted I stay at the packhouse. I agreed, though only because I couldn't say no to her.

As I stepped inside, the house was eerily silent. Normally, the twins would come running toward me, with Ravenna not far behind. But tonight, there was only silence, and the house was dark.

"Babe?" I called out but got no answer. "Ravenna?"

When I still got no answer, fear seized me. That was unusual. 

I ran upstairs with my heart in my throat and when I still didn't find them there, panic nearly blinded me. 

Where was my family? Why was nobody home? 

I ran back downstairs but paused when I saw a shadow. I immediately lunged at the shadow and that was when the lights came on. 


I blinked my eyes as they adjusted to the light. When they finally adjusted, I could see that everybody was there. And by everybody I meant Lucian, Mia, Dalian, and my family.

My knees nearly buckled when I saw that they were all right.

"Happy birthday to you," they sang, clapping. Ravenna carried Juniper to me and my little angel placed something on my head. "Happy birthday, dear Darius. Happy birthday to you." 

When I didn't respond and just stared at them, they exchanged worried looks. 

"I think he's in shock," Mia whispered to Ravenna as if I couldn't hear her. 

"Of course I'm in shock, you fucking idiots!" I snapped.

"Language," Ravenna hissed with a glance at the kids. 

I winced. "Sorry. It's just… I came home and no one was there to greet me. I was worried."

"Oh, Darius," Ravenna said softly as she placed a kiss on my cheek. "We're sorry. We should have thought of that."

I huffed out a breath. "It's okay." I looked around with a small smile. "Can we try this again?"

They sang again without hesitation. "Happy birthday to you!"

The twins came on both my sides and took my hands to lead me to where a cake was sitting. 

"Make a wish and blow out the candle!" Juniper said excitedly as they sat me on the seat. 

I looked around my family with blurry eyes—Mia, Lucian, and Dalian included. What could I possibly wish for again? I had all I wanted. 

"Don't tell you you're going to cry, man," Lucian muttered, though he was smiling. "I'm going to puke if you do." 

Dalian nudged him with his elbow. "Let the man have his moment." 

"Yeah," Mia chimed in. "Don't be a sadist, Lucian."

"Hurry, Daddy!" Jasper said. "The candle is melting on the cake!" 

"Don't rush him!" Juniper snapped at him. 

Ravenna just smiled fondly. 

I looked back at the candle and blew it. No need to make a wish. I have everything. 
