Chapter 1.

[ year 2013]

*Bang, bang*

Came the sounds of gun shots being fired at the dead of the night. The victory Mansion was under attack and a small battle had began to take place. The guards were fighting off the intruder's, while the servants who were inside the mansion stood at every entrance with weapons in their hands incase one of the intruder's tried getting inn. All were in panic except the young miss who was still in her room sleeping without the care in the world ontill someone kept banging at her door.

" Miss sam, please open the door, we're being attack." Came the panicking voice of a maid but no one was answering so the maid called even louder.

"Miss sam!!!,"

"What is it?, haven't I told you not to disturb me." Came a bored tone as the door opened, revealing the a girl dressed in a two piece black pajamas. At first the maid went quiet seeing how cute her miss was but a loud gun sound soon woke her up.

" sorry to disturb you miss but we're under attack!." The maid repeated loud yet softly as to not scare her but Sam only frowned lightly and said.

" It looks like we are. What about my mother, is she at home?."

" No miss, she's still out with your father. Ahhh!." The maid screamed and dropped to the floor in fright at the sound of a small explosion was caused due to a car getting set on fire while sam stood steel as a rock looking at the scared maid quietly shaking on the floor.

" *Sigh* it good mom's out or she would have been as scared as you, well good night." Sam said as she turned to her room shocking the maid who as it seems couldn't still get up as her legs wasn't working .

" Bu..but what about us, you and the attackers." The maid stammered seeing Sam squeeze her expressionless face.

" And what about the attackers?, ain't the guards dealing with them as we speak." Asked Sam to see the maid nodding.

" Then why are you still wasting my time and my sleep."

" But we're still in danger, you especially, don't you care?.." the maid couldn't understand why Sam was so uncaring and unaffected. ' is she not hearing all the gun shooting and fighting going on outside.'

" *Sigh* look mia( the maids name) I don't care even if this very house is set on fire and do you know why?.' She smiled sweetly not caring if the maid looked at her as if she was mad. ' because if we're going to die tonight we're die and theys nothing that we can do about it but if not then good for us, we get to live another day. Good night." Sam finally said before closing the door shut, leaving the poor maid to thing about one thing. ' the miss is truly crazy and very scary.'


Samantha Beckett was the their only daughter of the Beckett, who were the richest and most powerful family in the country. Sam was also famously known as ' the Doll face'. The reason why she was called that, was of her doll like appearance and the fact that she looked like a living doll. She had big smokey gray eyes, raven black hair which she wore with bangs that slightly covered her eyes. She had this innocent cute baby face and lips as red as blood, not to talk about her pale skin just like a doll. But sam looks wasn't always does loveable looking doll's that every kid wanted in their rooms, she was also the type of beautiful scary doll's that was locked at your grandma's closets. It didn't help matters the she always dressed in black clothes and her unusual behavior of always shocking or dumbfounding someone with her word's. It was also rumored that she has a mental disorder as a result of being kidnapped as a child and the trauma had affected her but her family never confirmed or denial it.


The fight with the intruder's lested till day break and when the sun was sky high all trails of the fight had been wrap so clean it looked like a war hadn't broken out. By 10am Sam was already at her huge and glamours dinner room, having her breakfast while the butler pulled her some coffee.

"How are things now, Salem." Sam asked the butler.

" All has been taken care of miss, some of the guards had been injured but luckily no one died and we also managed to capture some of the intruder's." Salem gave out the report.

"As expected of our well trained guard but does my father know."

"Yes he does and would soon be back with your mother."

" And who was being targeted this time, me or my father." Sam asked as if she was talking about the weather. Sighing with a heavy heart Salem wondered if he should tell her or if he would just wait for her father to get back.

" Seeing you silent makes me wonder if I should go ask our uninvited guests myself." Sam said looking sight into the butler's eyes and slowly smiled. Sam was also know as someone who hardly ever smile cause when she does smile at you it was a sign that you were in trouble or something bad would happen to you. Even if Salem thought that the rumors were nonsense, it would still be a lie if Salem said that he wasn't scared of her.

"*Cough* The intruder's were here to kill your mother." Salem immediately gave in as he feared what she might do to the intruder's and him.


"What did you say?." Sam asked very innocently after she broke the tea cup she was holding with her hands.

' lord have mercy.' Salem silently prayed that Sam parents quickly get back soon or their daughter might commit murder sooner than the expected.

' am too old for this.'