chapter 2.

Sam's pov:

Humans are like animals, even if we're more civilized, intelligent and more knowledgeable. All this those'nt erase the fact that we are all driven by instincts which is ' surviving '. Coming from an ex- mafia family wasn't an easy life growing up in. Before I was born, my grandfather Stephen Grover, was a well known and most feared crime boss in the whole country, my grandfather followed in his father's foot steps and want my father Derek, to also follow in he's and that was by turning his son into a cold and heartless monster like him. Fortunately my father met my beautiful and kind mother Lora Harrison, she helped showed my father what real love was, she was the new found light in his dark and blank world. Thanks to my mom, she convince my father to leave behind the criminal life and do something more legal, my father agreed at once as he never liked the type of life he was living. Sadly my grandfather saw it as an act of betrayal and vowed to have his revenge on both my parents and so they separated, my father left with my mother to another city and changed his name from Derek Grover to Derek Beckett. Two years later after I had turned the age of five, my grandfather finally struck and had me kidnapped. I was missing for almost a year but luckily my parents somehow managed to find me and put my monster of a grandfather ot prison but I wasn't that joyful little girl anymore but a broken one. During my kidnap, I wasn't only just tortured but was also drugged, I was their test subject which now lend to my current predicament. For example I can't feel pain physically, am immune to any kind of poison and am also claustrophobic. I also this problem of sometimes seeing or imagining people as animal's, yeah you heard me.

My therapist said that I might be imagining due to the fact that I was locked in a room were the kidnapper's only wore animal mask, plus not to talk about the unknown drugs that was put in my system.

After I was found, as you know I wasn't in the best state of mind but my parents never gave up on me or abandoned me in a mad house, they still loved me no matter how insane I was and that healed me a little.

Since my kidnap, my father vowed that nothing like this would ever happened to me again, while I vowed to be more powerful than my grandfather so I can destroy him one day. So while my father worked hard to become the most influential business man that he was today, I worked even harder to become what I am to day and that's being 'the doll face dealer'. You see I help people to succeed, so they can also help me succeed too. With my father's money and my skills, we built an empire, we were unstoppable and untouchable but that still doesn't mean that we were free from attacks and threats but me and my father always make sure that my mother was never part of it. To me my mom's the most sweetest person in the whole world, theys no one as important to me(plus my father) than my mom. So when Salem told me that someone planned to assassinate my mother, it got to me. I can't say to much in details but all I know is the someone's was going to pay.

"Salem, where are the intruder's you captured." I asked Salem after he had finished bangageing my left hand that was bleeding from breaking the tea cup.

"Miss, I strongly advise that you wait for your father's return."

"Come on, Salem I only want to have a chat with them." I said very seriously.

"No way..."

"But why."

"Maybe is the fact that he knows you're lying." Someone said from behind them us."

"Welcome home sir." Salem greeted with a sigh before immediately running into the kitchen.

"Hi dad." I also greeted as i stood up from my chair as if to hug him but I coldly passed my father to hug my mother who was behind him.

" Ouch, why am I not surprise." My father exclaimed while shaking his head.

"Oh, don't be jealous now is not your fault that am her favorite." My mother tease as she hugged me even tighter.

"Well I hope you ignore me because you miss your mother and not that you're still angry for not bringing you alone with us. Like I said it's not my fault." My father tried to plad with me.

"It's okay dad, it not your fault for leaving me at home all alone." I joked lightly but everyone knew that it wasn't.

"Sorry we couldn't take you out with us but I promise we'll go out next time." My mother sugged as she lend me to seat next to her on our huge dinning table, while My father silently sat facing us.

"So how was the auction, did you get the harp you wanted." I asked while the maids and butler served my parents their breakfast as I had already finished mine.

" Yes I did , now I can put it on display in the act room at school." My mother explained with joy.

" What what about you, did you have an eventful evening." My mother asked.

" Not at all." I replied shocking the maids and Salem but they said nothing.