Chapter 3.

Still Sam pov.

My mother, Lora Beckett is a well known music teacher, she also runs a well refine music and dance school called 'M.A.D academy'. My mother was also known for her rair beautiful sliver- white hair and muit- color eyes. While my father, runs the countrys biggest shipping company, people also said that I was a female image of him as he also had gray eyes and raven black hair.

"Sam, what happened to your hand." My mother asked with worry in her voice immediately cutting her story short when she noticed my bangage.

" Is just a small cut mom, nothing to worry about."

" You should be more careful dear." My father expressed, looking also equally worried too, maybe he thought I got hurt as a resort of last night attack.

In my head I was rolling my eyes. 'did he think those fools could hurt me, father's so silly.' I thought to myself.

" Don't worry dad, I'll be more careful next time." I reassured.

"You better look after yourself more or-." Mother was going to lecture me more but luckily someone interrupt our conversation. It was one of our men who guard's the gates of our house.

" Sorry for the disturbance sir but two men are outside the gate, looking for you." The guard informed at once.

" Do I know them. " My father asked confused as to who could be looking for him on a weekend.

" One of them introduce himself as inspector max." Immediately the guard finished what he was saying, the look on my parents face changed.

" Ahmm, oh yes, please bring them in at once." My father laughed awkwardly but I could see worry in his eyes.

"Who's inspector max." I asked my parents immediately when the guard left but I got no answer from my father while my mother refuse to make eye contact with me.

" Salem please bring our guest to my study room." Said my father as he stood up from his chair, followed by my mother too.

" Am also going with you." My mother said before leaving the dinning room, not even waiting for my father's reply. ' something is definitely wrong.' but I still keep quiet waiting for my father to explain to me what's going on but all he said was.

"*Cough* ahmm why don't you head to your room first dear, I promise to explain things to you later." My father gave a reassuring smile. I said nothing more and quietly went to my room.

" I think you made it too obvious that you're hiding something." Salem said to my father, standing behind him.

"Don't you think I don't know that?," my father said very angrily.

"I want you to keep an eye on her." He then said before leaving.


After i left the dinning room, I entered my room, locked the door and grabbed my laptop that was on the dressing table. I sat on my bed while typing in some codes and *ding* I was watching a live video of my parents talking in my father's study room. I had secretly installed a video camera all over the house just for emergency but today it was going to be used for spying.

"Sorry dad, but you lead me with no choice." I murmured while increase the volume to hear them better.

"Why did you have to come in here when you should be with our daughter." My father looked very upset.

"I know, I know, I should be with her at the moment but I just picnic." My mother apologize looking as if she was about to cry, this caused my father to sign helplessly. He could never stay angry with her for to long.

" It's okay don't be sad, am not mad at you but what do we tell Sam later." Said father in distress, so as my mother but they were soon disturb by a knock at the door.

"*Knock, knock* excuse me sir but your guess have arrived." Salem announced as he lad the two men into the room.

" Thanks Salem you may leave now." My father said before turning to look at the two old looking men with a fierce look.

"What are you two doing here, didn't we agreed to meet at a different time and location." My father demanded before anyone could have their seat.

"Well Good day to you too, Mr Derek." General Gerard said before seating at the round table at the center of the study room while inspector Max kept standing awkwardly.

" Apologies General Gerard, inspector max. Why don't we all have our seat first before we talk." My mother said as they soon all had they're seats.

"Why have you come here unannounced, don't you know that my daughter would still be home." My father ask a lot calmer now but he still looked very angry.

"We're sorry for coming unannounced but it was very urgent we inform you about the situation with your father." Inspector max said with all seriousness.

" Don't call that man my father cause his dead to me." My father scoffed making my mind to go blank for a second. ' wait are they talking about my grandfather!.' I thought to myself.

"Look I hate to have to tell you this but your fat- I mean Stephen Grover, has, has." Inspector max stammer not knowing how to break the news to them.

"Look your father has escape from prison." General Gerard dropped the bomb instead, shocking both my parents and me speechless.