Chapter 4.

" what do you mean, he escape!!." My father banged his fist on the table. If it wasn't for my mother holding back my father, am sure he would have attacked the thoughtless General by now.

"Derek please calm down," my mother consoled before facing the two men.

" And you two, how is that even possible. Didn't you assure us that he would rot in that so called ' inescapable' prison!."

" We're sorry." Was all inspector max could say when he saw the heartbreaking expression on my mothers face, while my father hugged her as tear rowed down her face. he couldn't even imagine what pain they might be going through but it looks like General Gerard could careless when he opened his mouth to speak again.

" Look Mr Derek, our main purpose of coming here was to ask if your father has contacted-."

" Get out." My father cut him before he could finish speaking, inspector max tried to stop him from speaking any further when he noticed the dark look my parents were giving him but General Gerard did not listen.

" Look am just trying to do my job and if it's possible I would also like to have a word with your daught-."

*SLAP* General Gerard was slapped right across the face by my mother.

" How dare you!!!." My mother rage very angrily while everyone froze in shock, that including my father.

" How dare you ask for my daughter when you of all people knows what it would do to her,." This time my mother cried.

" Have you forgotten the trauma she went through!!!." She screamed before storming out of the room probably rushing to find me but when she got to my room, my door was wide opened and I was missing.


I drove very fast out of the mansion with my sport car, before my mother could get to me, I couldn't breath, my heart was racing but I wasn't scared. Infact I was excited, I was even so happy that I was laughing insanely. I kept speeding for how long before suddenly pulling the breaks and stopping at the middle of nowhere, well maybe not nowhere as they were a few building at the area. I slowly came out of the and empty everything in my stomach, which wasn't much since all I had was coffee. I was leaning against my car, grasping for air and all I could think of was one thing. " He's escape, he's finally escape." Than it hit me, all the pain, the torture I had face because of the man. I was losing not only my sanity but myself slowly ontill I heard a voice.

" Excuse me but are you okay." Someone asked me but I ignore him and tried to get back into my car but my legs suddenly gave out making me to fall backward to the ground but instead I fell onto a very warm embrace to hear the person complain.

" *Sigh* what's wrong with people and not listening ." I was being stared at by the most beautiful pear of Golden eyes I have ever seen and I realized that I was in the arms of a huge cat. I was speechless for a while.

" What a beautiful cat you've become." I said before blacking out. 'well, so much for therapy '



I woke up to another Saturday morning, I prayed, made my bed before having my bath in my apartment. I was looking forward to finally having a peaceful weekend but it seems that I wasn't going to have that when my phone rang before I could have my breakfast. It was my mother, so I answered at once.

"Hey mom."

" How's my baby doing." My mother tease while I rolled my eyes at still being called a baby when am already twenty-four year.

" Am fine mom, just having some breakfast." I told her before she could asks like always.

" Well that's good." She sounded a little sad.

" Are you alright." I asked but immediately regretted it.

" When are you finally going to come back home." She asked pitifully.

Ever since I left home, my mother has never failed to call me every three times a day, she was one of those clingy moms who wants to keep everyone in her family close, even my elder brother who was thirty years Old, still lives in our family house. The only reason I had even manage to escape (as my mother calls it). Was because I had a fall out with my father four years ago.

You see I come from a family who has served at the military for generations. my father was a retired general, my mother also once served at the military and so did my brother and younger sister, all except for me. I was the only one in my family who was born physically weak and can easily get sick. My siblings were not only fit but was also very popular in looks and appearance, while I was someone who was socially awkward, who always wore big sweaters since I easily get cold and wears glasses. Though people say I have a nice face, beautiful golden eyes and blonde hair. It was the only good thing about myself and my brother never failed to remind me that I was the black sheep of the family, my younger sister always mocks me for being fat but the truth was that I wasn't, it was the sweater I wore that always made me look chubby. And my father even if he never said it, I knew that he was disappointed in me.