chapter 5.

Still ken pov.

After a long a hard training course. I still couldn't pass the entry test into the military, which was a good thing cause I don't even want to join the military in the first place. So one day I finally told my father that I didn't want to join the military and that I wanted to become a veterinarian. Even though I knew my father wasn't going to be happy with my decision, I still wasn't prepared for his silent treatment. At first I only thought that he would be angry for some days but never had I been more wrong as days turned to months and months turned to years. I because a ghost to my father while he showered my two siblings with his attention, for years I had lived like that ontill it finally want from bad to worse when my own father started to turn my siblings against me. It was than that I finally had enough, I packed my bags and left home and no one even bothered to stop me except my mother of course. For four years now I haven't even seen or spoken to them.

" Sorry mom but I have too much work going on." I tried to make an excuse.

"Can't you do it later or don't you own the clinic!." my mother excalmed.

After I left home and moved to another city, I have already graduate from veterinary school. I worked at two different vet hospitals for four years before finally running my very own. It was a small clinic but I was very proud.

"Please ken, I know that you and your father still has some issues but at least do try and make it to my birthday party that's in two month time." She pleaded pitifully while putting me at a difficult spot. I didn't want met my father and siblings but it doesn't mean I don't want to met my mother.

" Fine I'll try and see if I have time to make it bu-." But am not promising you, I wanted to say but was cut off by my mother screaming of joy.

" Yesssss!!!, my baby is coming back."

I tried to tell her not to get her hope's up but she wasn't listening and kept screaming and told me I better come before hanging up the phone call.

Ken :(*~*)

I signed as my mood soon want down hills, I didn't even feel like eating anymore, I decided to go out for some grocery shopping. I woke a yellow sweater and my glasses even if I didn't need to wear them again, it was a habit I couldn't break plus I felt comfortable wearing them.

I stayed at an apartment building at the top floor, so I want to take the elevator but before I could reach, the door of my neighbor bursted open.

" Ken! You have to help me." Excalmed my best friend Dennis. He was still wearing his underwear and by the looks of it he must have just woken up but how did he even know I was outside.

" Good morning to you too den." I greeted while pushing my glasses to the bridge of my nose.

" Please ken, I have an emergency at the restaurant so could you watch barker for me." Barker was Dennis and I pet German shepherd dog we had adopted together and It was supposed to be Dennis turn to look after Barker this weekend.

" Am sorry den but it's your turn to watch after him, besides am heading out."

"Don't worry I'll leave him at your place when I leave. Thanks ken." He said before running into his room and slammed the door.

Ken: (°_°)

I signed once more before finally exiting the building and into the small neighborhood. They wasn't many people leaving at this area because it was feld with bad influence but at least they was quietness something.

I had to walk of a while before I sew the grocery store but before I could cross the road, a black sport car drove out of nowhere and nearly hitting me If I didn't move out of the way in time.

" What the hell!!." I cured in dismay on the floor when I saw my crushed glasses. It had fallen off when I moved out of the way and the car crushed it. I turned to see that the car had pulled over by the sideway and someone soon came out of the car. It was a girl. She was wearing a black long-sleeve shirt and black shorts. The girl looked very pale and I wonder if she was sick before she stared to puke. I immediately got to my feet to help her. " Excuse me but are you okay." I asked her while she was leaning on her car but got no reply as she continued to breath hard.

" I think you had to see a doctor." I advice but was still ignored. I wonder if I should just leave but she suddenly fell towards me, luckily I grabbed her.

" What wrong with people and not listening to me." I complained, first it was my mother, than my friend and now it was this stranger in my arms. Before I didn't see her face clearly because of her bangs but now looking at her this close I realized that she was beautiful, ' no she was beautiful and very cute at the same time' i thought as I continue starring into her big beautiful gray eyes while she stared into mine

" What a beautiful cat you've become." She murmur before fainting.