Chapter 6.

She murmur before fainting in my arms.

"Hi!." I began to panic, I was confused about what the girl said before she fainted 'but now is not the time to think about that' I thought as I have to rush her to the hospital.

Luckily the girls car was still opened, so I quickly lay her at the backseat before I moved to the front than zoomed off.


The girl was finally admitted at the hospital. The doctor said that it was nothing serious as she had fainted due to her blood level being high and that we could leave once the medication where's off.

I couldn't found any of her IDs or her phone so I had to stay at the hospital till she wakes up. I was waiting next to the still unconscious girl in a ward. 'at least we were the only ones occupying the room.' I thought to myself. It had been an hour now and I was getting a little sleepy, so I closed my eyes and leaned my back on the chair I was seating on to have a nap.

After awhile I felt something or someone touching my face. At first I tried to ignore it but it kept happening, forcing me to open my eyes to see another big eyes starring right into mine. It was the girl who was now awake. She was seated facing me while leaning very closely to my face.

" Oh you're awake now." I expressed a little awkward at the closeness.

" So you're real," The girl spoke softly with a cold expression before she finally pulled back. 'what does she mean by that and why is she looking at me so suspiciously.' I wondered.

" At least you're still alive." This time the girl had soften her face.

Ken:???. ' what the hell!! Is she saying.' I couldn't understand a word she was saying or was she still hallucinating but not wanting to be rude I put on a smile.

"Hahaha. I take it that you're confused so I'll explain.You fainted at the sida of the road," I laughed awkwardly before standing up from the chair to explain.

" Luckily I was there so I bought you to this hospital and the doctor said that you fainted cause your blood level was high but you're fine now." I concluded.

" Thank you for saving me " the girl expressed with the most cutest smile I've ever seen.

"*Cough* is not a problem. By the way am kenith but my friends call me ken." I introduced but immediately regretted it.

' what the hell!, why did I say that.' I panicked inwardly but still kept a calm look.

" Hello ken am Samantha but you can call me Sam." She giggled as if seeing right through me, causing my whole face to turn red.

" Ahmm I couldn't find your phone to call your family. But I can help call them for you" I quickly said before she could make fun of me.

" Is okay. My car has a tracking device, am sure my parents would be on their way." She explained.

"Well if you say so," I than pulled out her car keys from my pocket sweater to give back to her.

" Here's the keys to your car." I said before dropping it at the table next to her but what she said left me dumbfounded.

" You can keep it."

" Excuse me!." I was shock at how casually she said that as if she was giving out a toy and not an expensive ' x-axis 25' sport car which was the most expensive car in the whole country.

On seeing my speechless expression, Sam tilted her head, looking very confused in a cute way before asking.

" Did I say something wrong?."

"Are you for real right now!, how can you just say something like that ." No matter how I saw it, I just couldn't understand.

" Is the least I could do for you, after all you did help save me." Sam said very sincerely and I could see it in her eyes.

But I didn't understand why she looked so grateful to me when I didn't do anything other than bringing her to the hospital.

" *Sigh* Look I understand but what I did wasn't even worth you giving me your car as a reward, I did what anyone would have done." I tried to reason with her.

" To you it might have been nothing but to me it was everything." The way she said it made me think that they was more to it than what she was saying but before I could ask someone rushed into the ward, it was a couple

"Sam!!." They both exclaimed before heading to us.

" What happened dear, why did you leave home just like that and what are you doing in this hospital, are you hurt." ' The lady who was drowning Sam with questions much be her mother and the man standing close by much her father.' I observe.

" Sam you should not have left the way you did with out telling us." Her father finally spoke when Sam gave no response to her mother.

"And when were you going to tell me about grandfather." Sam questioned back, looking very hurt. I felt that this was a personal and private matter so I decided to leave.

" *Cough* seeing your parents are now here I would take my leave." I announced, gaining everyone's attention.

" Thanks again ken." Sam said with a smile. She sounded sad but I just brushed it aside. I smiled at her before leaving the ward.

What a stressful day.