
"I'm just a clone with unstable power, huh?!" I made a grim face as I spoke.

"It's alright, Aron. You are one of us now, and we'll help you control your powers. This school is a safe haven for all mutants. Here, you can learn to harness your abilities and become a part of our community," the Professor said reassuringly.

Yeah, right! I read comics and watched movies in my free time in my past life, I know just how safe this place is. Anyway, I'm glad that they can't read my mind.

"Thank you," I stood up with an awkward smile. "I... I just need some time to think about all this."

Professor nodded, "Of course, Aron. Take as much time as you need. I know it isn't easy to accept the truth, but we're here for you if you need anything."

"Yeah, it isn't easy..." I turned around and walked out of the room with a gloomy face. It was all an act, of course. In fact, I'm ecstatic that I'm in Marvel. But, I gotta play the role of a sad and broken guy, at least for now.

I stepped out of the Professor's office, the wooden door closing softly behind me. The hallways of the Mutant Academy were alive with the echoes of footsteps, conversations, and pranksters pranking others. I saw Kitty run through the walls and two others chased after her. Walking through the halls of a place I had only known from comic books and movies felt surreal. It feels like a dream...

I walked through the hallways thinking about my next step. Since I'm in Marvel and surrounded by superheroes and supervillains, not to mention the fact that all those fucking villains always target Earth, I've to be ready to survive. I need to get stronger, but first, I need to know more about my mutation. If it's just absorption and reflection, then it's kinda OP. But I gotta test it out soon. For now, let's look around this place.

I passed a series of rooms where students were engaged in various activities. Some were studying, others practicing their powers under the watchful eyes of their instructors. I turned a corner and found myself in front of a large window overlooking a vast training field. This place was different from the place where I woke up and met Jubilee. There were energy barriers around it. Below, several mutants were in the middle of a sparring session. Energy blasts lit up the field, some so bright that they left afterimages in my eyes. I watched as one student summoned a shield of ice to block a barrage of fireballs from another.

Might as well check out the area...

When I reached the field, I saw a group of students gathered around the sparring area, watching two mutants go head-to-head. One of them, a guy with silver skin and yellow eyes, was darting around with incredible speed, while his opponent, a girl with flaming red hair, unleashed a torrent of fire in his direction. The heat from her attacks was intense, even from where I stood.

Damn! Those powers are insane!

Walking around, I observed more students, all displaying different mutations. Some were straightforward, like enhanced strength or flight. Others were more unusual, like one guy who could stretch his limbs like rubber. Hahaha! He's like Luffy. I can imagine him yelling Gomu Gomu no Pistol as he punches people. I chuckled at the thought.

Then, I noticed a section of the training field that was a bit more isolated. It was off to the side, where fewer students seemed to gather. Curious, I headed that way. The closer I got, the more I realized that this area was a target range. Several targets were set up in a line, some riddled with holes, others scorched or completely obliterated.

And then I saw her—a girl with striking white hair, her back to me, focused on the target in front of her. She wore a tight black suit that hugged her athletic frame, paired with a silver jacket. Her stance was perfect.

That had to be Storm. As I went closer and noticed the side of her face... Ok. That's Halle Berry. Yup! No doubt about that. That's her version of Storm.

[Bang!] [Bang!] She fired two shots, each hitting its mark dead center. Damn! She's a good shot.

I continued watching silently as she fired round after round, never missing a beat. It was impressive. Finally, when she had emptied her clip, she ejected the magazine and holstered her handgun.

"Wow," I muttered under my breath, more to myself than anyone else.

Without turning around, Storm spoke, her voice smooth and steady. "You shouldn't sneak up on people, especially not here."

"Uh, sorry about that," I replied, taking a step closer. "I didn't mean to interrupt your training session. Just... got curious."

She finally turned to face me, her piercing blue eyes locking onto mine. There was a brief moment of silence as she studied me.

"You're the new guy, aren't you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Name's Aron."

"Ororo Munroe, but everyone here calls me Storm," she said, though it felt more like an introduction than a greeting. "Heard about you. You've had a rough start, huh?!"

"You could say that," I replied, rubbing the back of my neck. "Still trying to figure out what's going on."

Storm nodded, giving me an empathetic smile. "Well, welcome to the school. Professor Xavier is a good man. He'll help you sort things out."

"Thanks..." I trailed off, unsure of how to respond. "So, uh, you're pretty good with that gun. Do you teach combat classes here?"

"Yes. Firearms, martial arts, and some sneaking skills. I also teach weather manipulation to mutants with atmospheric abilities like me," Storm explained with a smile.

"Weather manipulation?" I asked, feigning ignorance. "How does it work?"

"Basically, I can control the weather. I can create rain, summon lightning, and even manipulate wind currents. It comes in handy during missions," Storm replied confidently.

"Wow, that's incredible!" I exclaimed, playing up my amazement. "I bet you're pretty powerful."

"I'd like to think so," Storm nodded. "So, since you are here... How about you give it a try?" She picked a handgun from the table next to her and offered it to me. "It'll help you unload some stress. Trust me."

I looked at the gun in her hands. Ah! Guns, huh?! When you are dealing with mafias and all, guns are the best buddy. And I'm somewhat of a self-proclaimed prodigy when it comes to firearms. So, might as well show off a little. If she asks where I learned, I got that clone excuse. I'll just say I just know, or maybe they made me that way.

"Sure, why not?!" I shrugged, taking the firearm from Storm. I held it loosely in my right hand, feeling its weight and balance. It felt good. The grip was firm but comfortable, and the barrel was clean and shiny.

Storm pointed toward the target in front of us. "Go ahead, take your shot!"

I lifted the gun and aimed at the target with my left hand.

"Uumm... I'm not sure it's a good idea to hold it with a single hand," Storm advised.

"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing," I said confidently before pulling the trigger three times in quick succession. The sound echoed across the training field as each bullet struck its mark. Then I unloaded the entire magazine, firing until I heard the empty click of the slide.

I handed the weapon back to Storm with a satisfied grin. "Not bad, right?!"

"That was... quite impressive," she replied, clearly taken aback by my display. Her expression says she wasn't expecting this outcome.

"Thanks!" I grinned, basking in the glory of my achievement.

"Where did you learn to shoot like that?" Storm inquired, curiosity evident in her voice.

"I don't know... Maybe they programmed me to be a prodigy?" I said with a shrug, throwing in the clone card.

"Ah! I'm sorry," She apologized. The fact that I was a clone must have slipped her mind.

"It's fine," I waved dismissively. "Anyway, it was nice meeting you, Storm. But I gotta go. I need to clear my head a bit."

"Of course. It was nice meeting you too, Aron," Storm nodded, offering me a friendly smile.

I returned the gesture before turning away and heading off toward my room. I've seen enough for the day.

"Hey, Aron," As I was about to leave the training field, Storm called out to me. "You want to test our your power?" She walked up to me. "We got a special place where you can test out your power. Wanna go?"


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[12 chs of X-Force: Beyond Omega] [No double billing]