[1 month later]

Other than training, I did some research, trying to find out the timeline I was in. But it's kinda messed up because we don't have Avengers yet, but there's the Fantastic Four and Shield. Then there's us, the X-Force. And the good thing is that the New Your incident from the movie is yet to happen. Some of the events from what I was able to gather from the internet, match with the movies, while others match comics. In short, I'm in a jumbled-up reality. The only advantage I have right now is the weakness of villains, heroes, and some of the events, which may or may not occur. So, gotta prepare for the uncertainty...

It's snowing outside! Winter has finally arrived and damn, I love it! Now, some might wonder who in their right mind likes winter and snow. Well, me! I freaking love winter! The cold temperature, the snow, the freezing rain, and all the warm clothes! Sitting near the fireplace on the couch, covered in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and watching a movie... That's heaven! Not to mention outdoor activities like skiing, snowboarding, sledding, etc. Ok, I admit, I sound like a kid but who cares? I'm going to enjoy my winter as much as I can!

In my past life, this was the only season, I didn't have to fight as much as I fought in summer. Damn, summer is just pure hell. The heat is unbearable! Anyway, coming to the present...

I'm standing on the outdoor training ground. The air and snow are crisp. Snow is falling around me slowly. The cold breeze feels great. A thin layer of white snow covers the ground.

For the past month, I had been training hard and without any thoughts of a normal life, mastering the ice powers inherited from Bobby—Iceman. To the world, that was my sole mutation, and I played that part well. But in truth, ice manipulation was only the tip of the iceberg (pun intended).

I can enjoy life as much as I want after I become strong. Till then, I'll train without any breaks or other thoughts.

Every day, I challenged myself to reach new heights. I began by improving my ability to control temperature, mastering the art of freezing moisture in the air without much effort. Now, I could turn entire fields into frosty landscapes with just a wave of my hand, create detailed ice sculptures in an instant, and build protective ice walls that could resist missile attacks.

Cyclops was like wtf?! How can ice be that strong? Yup! I managed to stop his beam with the ice wall I created. That shocked everyone, including Professor Xavier! I mean, even Bobby can't stop his beam with his ice power. My power and control over it grew more refined each day.

But simply controlling ice wasn't enough—I needed to become an expert at it. I concentrated on improving both my speed and accuracy. Storm had talked about Bobby's powers having Omega-level potential, and I aimed to fully unlock that potential. I practiced lowering temperatures to absolute zero and making incredibly strong ice structures. My favorite move soon became creating spiked ice armor, covering my body with a layer of nearly indestructible ice.

Next came moving around the frozen land that I created. I mean, if I can't even move around ice, then there isn't any point in using it.

The answer was easy. I learned to control the ice under my feet, and it felt like surfing. It was easy, and before long, I could just move around while creating ice constantly. It's like using the moisture in the air to create ice and surf on it while maintaining balance.

Then came the hardest part, running or walking in the air, using the moisture in the air as the support. I thought it was cool to just walk in the air or run, but after a few days... Cool my ass! It's freaking hard, no matter what I do, I can't walk more than a few steps in the air. The problem is that the thin ice formed from the moisture wasn't strong enough to support my body weight and freezing each molecule equally to support me is... Well, it's super hard. So, I need to figure out a way around it.

So, after a month, here I am, standing in the snow, trying to figure out a way.

I stood there, the falling snow swirling around me as I focused on the moisture in the air. Walking on air—simple in theory, but in practice? Far from it. The molecules were too small, too scattered, to create a consistent platform. I needed more precision. My breath formed clouds in front of me as I muttered to myself.

"Okay, if walking doesn't work, maybe... freezing steps in intervals?"

I concentrated, spreading my awareness across the cold air. I lowered the temperature around me to form solidified patches of ice under my feet. As soon as I stepped forward, the first patch dissolved, and I formed the next one mid-step. It was a bit like jumping from one stepping stone to the next, except the stones were tiny, thin sheets of ice. I managed three steps before the fourth patch crumbled under the weight.

"Damn it," I muttered as I fell back into the snow.

But I wasn't discouraged. My ice abilities had grown far beyond what they were at the start, and I wasn't about to give up now. I dusted the snow off and stood again, glancing at the trees nearby. The branches were covered in snow, bending slightly under the weight.

Maybe the key wasn't about trying to make the ice too solid. Maybe I had to rely on flexibility.

I reached out my hand and willed the air around me to freeze, forming not flat steps, but curved tendrils of ice like the branches of a tree. I took a tentative step onto one of the ice tendrils. It swayed under my weight but didn't break. I shifted my balance carefully, creating a second tendril in front of me and letting the first one disappear. It was more like balancing on a tightrope than walking on solid ground, but it worked.

I grinned. "That's more like it."

It was slow progress, but progress nonetheless. My body adjusted to the unstable footing as I created tendrils faster and faster, shifting from one to the next. I made it across the training field without touching the snow once. Finally, a way to "walk" on air, even if it wasn't the most practical yet.

"Nice work," came a voice from behind me.

I spun around to see Jean standing there, arms crossed, watching me with an approving smile. Her presence wasn't surprising—she had been keeping an eye on my training sessions lately.

"I'm trying," I said, letting the ice dissipate and dropping back to the ground. "But it's a lot harder than it looks."

Jean nodded. "Controlling something that isn't solid, like air, requires a different kind of focus. You're doing well, though," She paused, her gaze softening. "Anyone else would have given up by now. But you keep going."

"Gotta do at least this much if I want to get stronger," I shrugged.

"True enough," Jean smiled. "But remember to take some time to rest every now and then."

"Sure thing, sensei."

She chuckled. "Sensei? Hmm... I like the sound of that."

I couldn't help but laugh along with her. Oh, so she can laugh and have that soft expression, huh?! It's so different from the usual serious look she has! I can't help but smile at that.

"Something on my face?" She asked with a raised brow.

"Nope, nothing," I replied, shaking my head.

"Well, we should head back. Don't ignore your health overtraining," Jean reminded me.

"Of course. I'll be right there," I nodded.

She walked away, leaving me alone in the snow. I watched as the snowflakes landed on my open palm and closed my hand, freezing them. I opened my hand to see a small snow crystal on my palm.

"I wonder what I should do after mastering my mutation," I muttered as I crushed the snow crystal.

I shook my hand, scattering the remains of the snow crystal, and followed Jean back to the academy.


[Next day]

Today the vacation starts. Some of the kids are going home while the rest will stay at the academy as always. As for me? I'm staying since I have no family waiting for me. Maybe, I'll take a walk outside around noon.

Anyway, I was in my room, lying on my bed a knock on the door woke me up from my sleep. I grumbled a bit as I sat up.

"Who is it?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"You ain't butt naked again, are you?" Kitty's voice came from the other side of the door.

I groaned. "No! I'm not!"

"Good, cause I'm coming in!"

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[12 advance chapters] [No double billing]