A moment with Jean

The drive to the new house was quieter than I expected. Jean sat next to me, gazing out the window, her fingers occasionally brushing against the door handle. I glanced at her now and then, but she seemed lost in her thoughts. No mind games this time, just simple silence.

"So, what's this place like?" Jean finally asked, breaking the quiet.

"It's got a nice view. Big, open space. You'll see," I said, trying to sound casual.

Jean nodded but didn't say much, her eyes returning to the landscape passing by. I couldn't help but sneak a glance at her again. The way the light from the setting sun caught her hair, making it glow a brilliant red, had me feeling like a complete fool for waiting so long to ask her out. Why hadn't I done this earlier? Why was I so scared? I guess it was the fear of ruining what we already had, the easy-going friendship that made everything between us feel so natural.

The cab stopped in front of the new house. It was a bit away from the city life. After paying, we got out.

"This is it," I said, stopping in front of the gate. The property wasn't too big, but it was cozy—a two-story house with large windows and a small garden out front.

Jean looked around, taking it all in. "It's beautiful," she said with a smile. "It's peaceful. I can see why you'd want to move out here."

I nodded, feeling a sense of pride. I never owned a house before in my past life. So, this was something... I don't know. New.

As soon as we entered the property, I took out the keys and opened the lock on the front door. The inside of the house was still mostly empty, just the basics—a couch, a table, a few chairs. I'd ordered some furniture, but it hadn't arrived yet. Jean stepped inside and wandered around, checking out the space.

"Not bad," she said, admiring the high ceilings and the natural light flooding in through the windows. "It has potential."

"Yeah, once I get everything set up, it'll feel more like home," I replied, leaning against the doorframe as I watched her explore.

Jean made her way to the living room and sat down on the couch. "So, what's the plan for this place? Any grand renovations?"

I shook my head. "Nah, nothing too crazy. Maybe just a few personal touches here and there. Might redo the kitchen. Who knows? Time will tell. For now, I just need the right number of cushions and a comfy bed to spend the nights in. The rest can wait until I figure out what I want to do with the place."

She nodded, crossing her legs as she leaned back. Her green eyes met mine, and there was a soft smile on her lips. "So, were you serious when you said you wanted me to move in with you? I wasn't sure if you meant it or if you were just joking."

"Of course, I was serious!" I said without hesitation. "I mean, yeah, it's kind of sudden, but... Well, maybe I was kinda hasty. I mean, I don't have a proper job or income other than a few investments I made. Not to mention, I barely have anything left in my bank account after buying this place."

"You are broke," She smirked.

"Yup!" I gave her a thumbs-up for guessing the obvious fact.

"And you must be the first man to tell a girl that he's broke and all with an honest smile," she chuckled.

"There's nothing to hide from you. Besides, once I get a job and withdraw the profits, everything will fall into place," I said confidently.

Jean laughed, shaking her head. "You really are something else. You know that, right? Always so positive and confident."

"That's a good thing, I suppose."

"So..." Jean glanced toward the empty doorway and chewed on her bottom lip, seeming like she was hesitating. "Let's say you get back on your feet, and you do end up getting a proper job and income... You know, a stable life."

"Yeah?" I raised an eyebrow, encouraging her to go on.

She met my gaze again, her face softening. "Do you still mean it? Do you still want me to move in with you?"

"Sure," I answered instantly, grinning. "But what was that you said about following your road and all?" I teased.

"Because you don't know about my past and I'm unstable. I... My powers are different from what you know about and-"

I interrupted her. "Whoa, hold on, alright? One thing at a time. What happened in the past, well, it's past. Isn't that the point? Whatever it was, it's over now. And yeah, I know about your power. Heard it from the Professor about the Phoenix Force and all. At this point, it's just another thing that I think is cool. Actually, scratch that. There's nothing about you that I don't find cool."

Jean blushed at that, averting her eyes as she continued.

"It's dangerous. I might hurt you, worse, kill you in my sleep or-"

"Okay, okay. Calm down, alright? Have you already forgotten my mutation? I think I can handle a situation that might arise between us, even the Phoenix or whatever. I can absorb power, remember, and... I might have absorbed your power, well, copied to be precise," I said as I opened my palm, summoning bright flames swirling it into a vortex.

Jean blinked, surprised, as she looked back at me.

"You are controlling the Phoenix flames?!"

"Umm... Yeah. I was keeping it a secret. Didn't want anyone to freak out or anything."

"And you don't have any voices in your head or anything like that, do you?" She asked with a serious expression.

I snuffed out the vortex and shook my head.

"Nope, no voices or anything. Everything is fine."

"Dang! Do you have any idea how long it took for me to control a tiny wisp of her flame and then gain her trust, and I am still barely able to keep her contained? And here you are, tossing it around like it's nothing!" she said, throwing her hands up dramatically.

I laughed and shrugged. "What can I say, I'm awesome," I said smugly, puffing out my chest.

Jean narrowed her eyes at me. "We'll see about that," she said, before flopping back against the cushions and staring up at the ceiling.

There was another moment of silence.

"Doesn't it sound like I'm taking advantage of you if I start living with you after you do all the hard work and I just sit on my butt?" She finally asked, glancing at me, and I could see the concern written all over her face.

"Hmm... So, does it even matter? I'm doing what I want to do and what kind of man would I be if I didn't have enough to support my girl, eh?" I winked.

Jean laughed, the sound reminding me of wind chimes, light and melodious.

"Your girl, huh?!"

"What? Don't tell me Scott got to you before me?" I asked mockingly. "Then, in that case, let's forget it and just keep being friends. But you'd better not ruin it between us because it will be super awkward for me when you marry Scott."

"Shut up, already!" Jean said, shaking her head. "I'm sick of his advances. I don't even like him that way. He's just a friend to me."

It was my turn to smirk this time.

"And this one you like?" I said, pointing at myself. "Isn't he just a friend too?"

She stood up, walked up to me, and sat on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. Oh, God! I never expected this to happen... Jean was on my lap and it felt so good. Her chest was touching mine and my heart was beating like a jackhammer.

I didn't know where to place my hands. I looked at her pretty face, taking in her beauty.

Jean must have noticed my tension, and she decided to take advantage of the situation.

"Do I like this one?" She whispered, her face inches away from mine.

Her lips were close to mine, and I found myself leaning forward, just an inch away.

I was dazed. Is this real, or am I in a dream? I don't care. I moved my face closer. Our lips touched, and the sensation was electric. It was magical. It was so perfect. This was heaven!

We were kissing slowly as Jean slowly opened her mouth allowing me to take the lead.

For a brief moment, I was shocked. But then, I moved in and deepened our kiss, hugging her. We stayed locked like that for a minute before Jean pulled away, resting her forehead against mine.

"We should have done this long ago," I breathed as we separated for a bit.

"Yeah, we should have," Jean whispered, giving me a sexy little grin.

"You taste like strawberry," I said before pecking her lips.

"Someone said, your first kiss tastes like lemon," She kissed back.

"First kiss? Really? Wasn't that second... Wait! Third. Now," I kissed her again softly, before pulling back. "That makes it fourth."

"Seriously? You are actually counting, idiot!" She kissed me again.

"Seems like you are starting to lose count. That makes it the sixth one!"

"Pfft... Count all you like." We were kissing passionately and Jean was nibbling my lips, wanting for something else. Something deeper. But the fucking phone ruined the moment.

'Well, fuck! Who the heck was calling now!'

The loud ring was echoing in the otherwise silent space. I growled, letting the sound go on for another ring and another. Jean stood up and walked toward the window with a smile. I took out the phone and it was from that agent. I guess, he wants to ask me about finalizing the deal. Motherfucker! He just had to call right now... I picked up the call.

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[12 advance chapters] [No double billing]