

Just as the couple finalized their divorce, Lana approached Andrew on the side, her eyes gleaming golden.


"Who are you?" she asked, her tone intimidating.


Andrew took a few steps back but didn't show fear. Instead, he chuckled, "Oohhh, what is a Valkyrie doing among humans, pretending to be a secretary?"


Lana stepped closer, her voice firm. "That's what I wanted to ask: what is an Alabaster Moon werewolf doing among humans?"


Andrew didn't budge, his eyes glowing as his aura rose, then subsided. "Aren't we allies? Why are you being so serious?"


Lana lunged for Andrew's neck, but he dodged, warning her, "Do you really want to fight among humans and break the Heavenly Rules of the Gods Council?"


Lana glared, "Aren't you doing the same by exerting your power against a mortal? Remember, you're just hunting dogs for the gods, nothing else."

He laughed, "Ha-ha-ha-ha."


Andrew smiled, anger on his face. "Just because you Norwegians don't consider us Werewolf as your allies doesn't make us different from you. Aren't you also dogs of Odin and his family?"


Lana's anger flared. "You dare take His Majesty's name with your dog mouth!" She swung to slap him as her hand was covered with golden Aura, but Andrew stopped her hand.


Sensing the divorce procedure was ending, Lana returned to Cynthia's side, warning Andrew, "Stay away from her, or I'll feed your dog meat to Garm."


[Garm: The best-known dog from Norse mythology is Garm (also given as Garmr), who guarded the gates of the afterlife realm of Hel]


Andrew's eyes gleamed with killing intent, but it subsided. He checked his hand, burned by Lana's golden aura.


After healing the burn with his own aura, Andrew joined the group.


Cynthia bowed to Noel. "Thank you for everything, especially helping me when I needed it." She handed him a bank card. "This is the promised 10 million from the contract. You can use it anywhere; the password is xxxx."


Martha snatched the card from Cynthia's hand. "How can you do this? He's already taken millions from us all these years, and now you're giving him this much money? Cynthia, he doesn't deserve it."


Noel controlled himself, but his anger was palpable as he was controlling himself from slapping Martha. Cynthia intervened, "Mother, what are you doing? This is promised money in the contract. We don't lack a few million, so please stop."


Noel smiled, thinking, "At least she's not as bad as her family. Now I understand why the original body fell for her - humble, beautiful, and knows right from wrong."


Noel spoke, "If she needs it, she can have it. After this, I hope you'll stop your blabber, or I'll slap the shit out of you."


Everyone was stunned by his words; they flet that he has changed.


Martha glared, "You... you..." but Noel thanked Cynthia, "thanks for everything, I hop we'll meet again. the he starts leaving the court room.


but Matthew blocked Noel's path. "Where do you think you're going? You wanted to slap my mother; you cripple bastard!" Matthew swung to slap Noel, but Cynthia stopped him.

"enough" sensing her anger, Matthew backed off.


"Noel, let me drop you at the hospital," Cynthia offered.


"No need, I can go myself," Noel replied.


then Andrew intentionally brushed against Noel as he goes towards Cynthia, who looked at him angrily. Andrew apologized with an amused smile, "Oh, sorry. Hope you're not hurt."


Andrew turned to Cynthia. "Cynthia, we just met after a long time. Why don't we catch up? Maybe lunch together?"


Lana interrupted, "Sorry, she has important work."


Cynthia politely declined, "Nice to meet you again, Andrew, but sorry, I'm busy. Maybe another time."


With that, she left the courtroom behind Noel.


As Cynthia left, her family followed, discussing Noel's bold words.


Samantha whispered to Martha, "Sister, how dare he speak to you like that? Let's wait until Cynthia's gone, and I'll teach him a lesson."


Martha seethed, "He thinks he can say whatever he wants, but he doesn't know how ruthless I am to my enemies." She planned to teach him a lesson, but not in front of Cynthia, the pillar of the Charles family.


As they exited the courtroom, Cynthia offered Noel a ride again.


"At least let me drop you at the hospital. Don't worry, I'll send your million dollars according to the agreement," she said.


Noel declined with a smile, "I'm feeling good now; I can go myself. You seem busy, so go and don't worry about me."


Lana chimed in, "Who's worried about you? She's just a kind soul who wants to help, but you've declined it twice."


She opened the car door. "Let's go, Cynthia; we have more work to do."


Cynthia nodded and left the premises.


Martha, Matthew, Andrew, and Samantha emerged from the courtroom, spotting Noel alone.


Martha saw her chance to teach him a lesson and approached him, followed by Matthew and Samantha as Andrew waited in far.


Just then, a pitch-black two-seater sports car stopped in front of Noel.


The window rolled down, revealing a woman with black hair and captivating features.


Noel noticed her, but when he saw her face, he felt a pang of pain as memories resurfaced – the woman who pushed him in front of the truck in early morning is now in front of him again.


Noel's confusion and anger grew.


The woman spoke before he could react, "Get in; I know you have many questions."


"If you want answers, hop in."


The door opened, and Noel hesitated briefly before getting in.


Martha yelled, "Where do you think you're going?" but the car sped away before she could reach it.


Martha and Matthew were stunned.


"How does that good-for-nothing, hired son-in-law knows someone so beautiful?" Matthew asked.


Martha's thoughts mirrored her son's, "Is this why he declined the 10 million? Has he stolen hundreds of millions from us?"


Their thoughts differed, but their resentment toward Noel was the same.



Noel sat beside the woman, who smiled and asked, "Are you Noel or Noel from the otherworld?"


Noel's expression reflected his bewildered thoughts. "Who are you, and how do you know…?"


The woman smiled. "I'll answer all your questions."


She pulled over, stopping the car, and bowed while seated.


"I apologize for what I did earlier. I hope you'll forgive me," she said, referring to the incident where she pushed Noel in front of the truck.


Noel's curiosity turned to anger. "Why would you do that?"


She replied, "To bring you back to this world."


Noel struggled to comprehend. "What do you mean? Why did you do that? What do you want from me?"