Sameera Von Al Raven


Sameera Raven, the woman in black, introduced herself. "I'm your guide to this world."


Noel pondered for a moment and spoke, "Then tell me about this world, where am I, and what is your purpose for bringing me to this world?"


Sameera smiled. "This world is called Warhaven, which means land of War. You may not know this, but once, this world was one of the battlefields of War between Gods and Devils. Later, only a few were left intact after the impact of the war, and this world was one of those. The locals of this world call it Earthillia."


"The purpose is something I cannot answer, but my duty is to keep you safe and out of reach from the Gods and their minions."


Noel looked at her with a bewildered expression. "You mean Gods like Odin, Thor, Ares, Sun Wukong... then you are from the demonic side?"


Sameera nodded. "Indeed, I'm from the other side. As a human, you may have a good impression of gods, but remember, they all are not so righteous and good as portrayed by humans."


Noel looked at her warily. "So, you're saying Gods are evil, but demons are not? Do you think I'll believe that? No sane person can believe your words are true."


Sameera answered, "You may not believe me right now, but you'll soon believe my words when Gods find out about your existence. Then they'll come for you and hunt you down."


Noel couldn't believe her words. "What do the gods want from me, and why would they hunt me? Your words are too confusing."


Sameera sped up her car. "The man with white hair in the courtroom, he was sent by the gods to search for the anomaly birthed in this country, and that anomaly is you, Noel."

"He just doesn't know your true identity; otherwise, he would have crushed your skull and taken your life the moment he found out about you."


Noel remembered Andrew, and his anger grew. "Why would he? Is he a god?"


Sameera laughed. "Huh, no, he is not. He is just a hunting dog of the god, an Alabaster Moon werewolf, one of the sons of their Alpha, and him coming here means they are on the hunt."


Noel thought, "Where have I come? I'm still trying to digest that I got transmigrated to another world, inside the novel I was reading, but now I'm being hunted for no reason."


He looked at Sameera. "Why are they after me? I don't think I'm a threat to those people, especially to the gods?"


Sameera replied, "You may not be now, but maybe in the future, you'll become a threat to all existence in the world, and Gods want to eliminate you before you become a threat to them."


Noel asked, "Then what about demons? Why do you want to save me? Why aren't you doing the same thing as Gods?"


Although he didn't want to ask why they aren't hunting him like Gods, he needed answers before deciding his future plans.


Sameera asked, "That's how Gods do their things. If they feel threatened by your existence, they'll eliminate you, but demons are different. They believe your existence can change fate and future possibilities, as you are considered an anomaly."


Noel got answers to some of his questions: he was transmigrated, but didn't know why; Gods were after him, but they didn't know his identity.

while demons wanted to befriend him, but he didn't know their purpose. The most concerning thing for him was the end of the novel, where Gods won and Demons lost, and now the same Gods were after him, while demons wanted to protect him.



Soon the car reached the Villa, the Villa was luxury and there were many servants and Guards inside the villa.

The car stopped as Noel and Sameera got out of the car. There was a red carpet on the floor and maids and servants on both sides. As Sameera moved inside, Noel followed her.

He saw that every servant and guard bowed to her, and then she stopped in front of the middle-aged man, who was bowing like others but he looked like a butler because of his unique uniform.


Butler spoke, "Welcome back princess" and then with unison the other maids and guards did the same.


Sameera, "I'm back after so many years but this place didn't change" then she looked at the butler, "Uncle Henry, how many times I have told you to stop bowing in front of me, this is modern world now."


Noel looked at her but he couldn't comprehend her words, then the butler answered her, "Young Lady, this is my duty and I have been doing this for centuries, first I served your mother, the Queen and now you, doesn't matter how many years or what Era it is, this is my duty so please don't stop the lowly butler from fulfilling his duty."


Sameera looked at the butler and sighed, "You'll never change" then she looked at Noel who was comprehending their words, "Years, centuries, princess, Queen, what are they?"


Because of his current situation, he forgot to react even when he heard about gods and demons, he didn't even react when he got to know that Andrew was a werewolf and then the girl who picked him from the court, he didn't think about her identity but now he feels he knows who she might be.


Sameera looked at Noel's confused look, "What happened to you? Why are you so reserved."


Noel came back to his senses "You are... who are you?"


Sameera looked at him with a dumbfounded look, "Didn't I introduce myself earlier, I'm Sameera Raven, have you forgotten this already."


Noel spoke, "No, your real identity, like you said that Andrew was a werewolf then who are you?" He had speculation on his mind but he wanted to hear from her mouth.


Sameera smiled as Butler Henry moved forward, "You are in the presence of Princess Sameera Von Al Raven."


Soon as he finished his words, Noel can feel the temperature dropping, he can sense many eyes on him from darkness, he can hear his heartbeat.


Sameera smiled, "Oh Uncle Henry, stop introducing me like that," then she looked towards the darkness in the room as her eyes glow red, "Stop eavesdropping and do your work."


With that room's temperature became normal as prying eyes on Noel goes off.


Then she smiled, "Come sit" as she sits on the sofa while Butler served them drinks.


She continues, "I'm a night creature like that Alabaster moon Werewolf, we are called Darkshadow vampires."


She smiled as she introduced her origin but hearing her words Noel gulped as he looked at the drink Butler was serving to him.