Power Level



Noel was in a flirtatious mood; he smiled, "I do."

Then, with a curious tone, "But what's the need to hire a human maid? You have many vampire maids here; why not them?"


Sameera laughed, "You don't know how human blood can cloud many vampires' eyes, especially a hot young human male's blood for a female vampire." She licked her lips.


Noel's body shuddered when he saw her make such a face. He still smiled asked, "Are you trying to intimidate me?"


Mona, looking at Noel, couldn't believe her eyes. "How carefree is this person? He's sitting with the daughter of one of the 7 Evils and chatting with her as if he owns the place."

There was only one thing that came to her mind: "Madman."


Sameera said, "Why would I? It's not like I couldn't assign a vampire woman to you as a maid, but you being human, I thought you'd want to know about humans more than us vampires."


Noel agreed with her; he needed to know many things about this world, and starting with humanity would be best for him. He smiled, "Well, I don't mind knowing about vampires, though, especially if they're women."


His eyes were on Sameera as he noticed the angry red eyes of Butler Henry behind her, but he ignored him.


Sameera smiled back, "Oh, really? Do you want to start with me, then?" She winked at him, and Noel felt his blood boiling from her charming smile.


Mona was shocked to see a human flirting with the Princess of Ravens', and she was even more surprised when she saw Sameera flirting back with him. She thought, "Will I regret taking this job?"


Then Sameera remembered something, "Oh, I forgot to ask, but have you awakened or not?"


Noel looked at her, "What awakened?" The answer was clear on his face; this was his first time hearing it.


Sameera explained, "Well, every human who came into contact with supernatural beings will awaken some powers, like your maid." She pointed at Mona, "She's an F-rank hunter, an awakened human."


Mona nodded as she spoke, "My parents came into contact with awakens, and then they awakened. I got my powers from them, although it's not something I'm proud of."

She then opened her palm, and a small plant grew on it, dispersing within a second as it grew. She sighed, "Here it goes."


Noel understood that Mona's power was related to earth and nature, but he couldn't understand why the plant in her hand dispersed as soon as it grew.


Sameera explained, "Every power has levels. Like hunters, they are divided into nine stages, from G as the lowest to SS as the highest. Though there are further stages, SS is the limit of current humans."


"Her powers are the weakest, as being a G-rank means when a human awakens, and then they advance level by level until you'll stop at a certain level, which will be your limit. For her, it's F-rank."


Noel understood, then a question arose in his mind, "What about supernatural beings, like demons and gods? Do they also have the same ranking stages?"


Sameera and Mona nodded, then Sameera explained, "Yes, every being has levels, but they are different from humans. If we compare to humans, a decent low-level demon will be C-rank or above, while hybrids are the ones you'll find lower than C level."


Noel noted every detail in his mind, "Unlike those novels I've read, the setting in the real world is different."


Sameera continued, "Like us vampires, there are three types of low-level vampires. First, child vampires, those are children born from vampire couples; they are also known as pure-blood vampires."


"Then the second ones are servant vampires; they are usually vampires who are willingly converted into vampires."


"And the last ones are hybrids; they are subspecies of vampires who are willingly or forcefully converted into vampires."


"Their level can vary, but the average lowest level you'll find them will be C-rank or above. Then we have young vampires above them, then adult vampires, elder vampires, grand vampires, and so on…"


Noel's eyes widened, "Wait! There are more than that?"


Sameera nodded, "Yes, do you want me to continue?"


Noel shook his head, "No, not for now. Let me digest this first." He wondered, "This is something new." Then he looked at Butler Henry and thought, "What would be his level?" In his mind, he was clear that the butler should be B-level or above.


A new question rose in his mind, "Aren't humans at a disadvantage, then? How are they surviving in this world?" This question was related to his own survival; he was human, and seeing humans at such a low level compared to other beings, he felt disheartened.


Mona cleared his doubt, "You don't know this, but humans have the most potential in the world. The current humans are stuck at the SS level, but that doesn't mean there's no one above that level. We just don't know about their existence."


Sameera nodded, "Yes, although humans are the weakest, they have many advantages compared to other species. Humanity has been protected by gods since ancient times."


"To demons, humans are a vital part of their power and existence. The breeding capacity of humans is also very fast compared to other species."


Mona continued, "And in ancient times, there were many demigods who could even challenge many gods. Don't think humans are at a disadvantage."


Noel listened to them, but a lingering doubt remained in his mind. All those were past things, and the current situation of humans didn't look good. Noel was still un-awakened, and then there was that novel that said, "Choose a side." He still didn't know what would happen to him if he chose any of the sides.


As if Sameera could sense his doubt, she said, "You can still awaken, but I have a better idea." She smiled, her eyes glowing with excitement.



Noel looked at her, and he could sense her excitement. He knew in his mind what she was thinking about.