

Butler then drives a pitch-black luxury car, similar to a Rolls-Royce Phantom, and drives towards the hotel.


This time Noel decided to look outside and see how this world differs from his own world. In his memories, he saw things in this world that were the same as his own world, but past Noel wasn't well-travelled, usually staying in one place for long.


As the car moves forward, he saw the same buildings as on Earth: restaurants, malls, roads, vehicles, and even the atmosphere was identical.

 However, he didn't find any other species wandering freely outside, and even if they were, it's highly likely that they were in human form.


Looking at the sun hanging above in the sky, a question arose in his mind. "Sameera, aren't vampires weak to sunlight, so is it okay for you to travel during the day?"


Sameera replied, "What you said is true; our kind is weak to sunlight, but the level of weakness depends on the level and bloodline of the vampire, especially when it comes to sunlight."

She continued, "I'm from royal lineage, so unlike normal vampires, the sun can at most make me slightly weaker than my current condition. The same goes for non-lineage vampires who are elder vampires; for us, the effects are similar."


Noel thought, "If vampires here are immune to sunlight, aren't they one of the strongest here?" To clear his doubt, he asked.


Noel muttered, "So, here vampires won't die if they go out in the sun? In my wor… place, vampires usually vaporized just from sunlight touching their body." He refrained from saying "world," instead using "place".


Sameera explained, "It's the same here for normal vampires, especially those weaker than level B or lower, who can die from just coming into contact with sunlight."


Noel asked, "It means vampires are one of the strongest in this world if they have immunity over the biggest natural threat?"


Sameera shook her head. "It's not that easy. In my case, the longer I'm in contact with sunlight, the weaker I'll become. This varies for higher-level vampires differently. The higher their level, the longer they can stay under the sun, and the lower your level is, the more you'll be affected by the sun, so it's not real immunity."


Mona added, "If someone powerful attacks, then even having immunity, the vampire will still be at a disadvantage in front of its enemy."


Noel nodded, understanding how different it is from the tales he had heard about vampires in his world.


Sameera asked, "Why are you asking? Are you interested in vampires?" She teased. Noel flirted with her, "Well, just in a certain someone." He glared at Sameera.


Sameera smiled, but as usual, Butler didn't like it, and pressed the brake.



Noel tumbled onto the empty seat in front of him, hitting his head.

"Ouch, you damn old man," he cursed Butler.

Unlike Mona, who is an Awakener, or Sameera, who is a vampire, Noel was mortal and couldn't control balance of his body, and Butler had intentionally hit the brakes.


Sameera knew Butler did it intentionally. "Uncle Henry," she said.

Butler shamelessly smiled, "Miss, we are here at our destination."

The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel; Butler got off the car, then opened the doors. "Miss," he said, with a big smile on his face as he saw Noel's angry face.


Noel glared at him, "Wait for my turn, old man." Then he got off the car, followed by Sameera and Mona.

When hotel staff saw the black luxury car, they ran towards it and stopped in front of Butler. Then Butler took the car keys and gave them to the staff as he followed the group.


Onlookers looked at the trio, followed by the butler, and couldn't take their eyes off them. The three of them were young, followed by the butler, which meant they were from a second-class rich family, if not a first-class rich family kid.



Someone said, "Look at that man in black; how charming he is, and with that black dress, damn, he looks like my future husband."


Another said, "Look at that woman with black hair; how beautiful she is. I just can't stop looking at her."


"Yeah, that pink-haired beauty looks like some pop idol to me; how cute she is, especially with that matching dress." The onlookers were praising their looks as the trio attracted attention.


Some women were jealous of Mona and Sameera, either because of their beauty or because they were with Noel. Some men cursed Noel for having two beautiful women with him, saying, "Being rich is really something else."


Noel heard this and wanted to say, "Bro, you're misinterpreting things here," but he didn't dislike the attention, so he kept his silence as they entered the hotel building.


"Welcome to Hotel Mark-Brown, dear esteemed guests. Are you here to stay or dine?" the receptionist asked with a bright smile.


The butler moved forward. "We have a reservation for lunch," then he showed his VIP platinum card to her.


The receptionist smiled as she saw the card. "Sir, this way," she said, leading them to the VIP dining area.


As the elevator doors were about to close, Matthew entered the hotel and saw Sameera and Noel inside. He yelled, "Mom!"


Martha, who had entered the building later, was startled by his voice. "Why are you yelling?"

she scolded. "Have you forgotten where we are? Have some manners."

Matthew spoke with an eager tone, "No, Mom, he's here... he is here."


Martha thought it was Andrew, so she pulled her son aside and asked, "Where is Andrew?"

Matthew replied, "Not Andrew, Mom, but Noel. I just saw him and that woman going upstairs."

 Martha's mood changed. "That bastard is here. Where... where is that good-for-nothing thief?"


She looked at another receptionist, who told them not to behave unruly.

Martha got angry at her. "Who are you, a third-class salaryman, to teach me how to behave? Do you want to be fired?"

She added, as the receptionist lowered her head, "Now tell me where that bastard is. Bring him here."


The receptionist and other hotel staff looked at her. "Who are you talking about, ma'am? It's against our policy to disturb our guest," the receptionist replied.


Hearing her answer, Martha grew angrier. Just then, Andrew entered, accompanied by the hotel's assistant manager, he asked, "What's going on here?"