Fiona Jakkalen Mark-Brown


The three men surrounding Fiona stepped forward, forming an intimidating barrier between the officer and her. Their gazes locked onto the officer, silently warning him to back down.


Manager intervened, his voice laced with deference, "She is the Granddaughter of Mr. Simon Mark-Brown, the owner of the SMB business empire, and the daughter of the renowned actress and movie producer, Angelina Mark-Brown."


Sameera's eyes widened as Mona exclaimed in shock, wanting to say out loud but refraining, "The daughter of the famous Hunter, Jake Jakkalen."


The manager continued, "She is Fiona Jakkalen Mark-Brown." As he introduced her, the police officer regretted raising his voice against her.


Sameera looked Fiona up and down, thinking, "So, Master was talking about her. I was wondering how to arrange their meeting, but it seems Master already knew about this."


The police officer thought, "Why is she here? Now, it will be hard to complete Sir Andrew's work."


Meanwhile, in Noel's mind, "Why are they still pestering me? I have already given divorce to their daughter; do they think I'm some pushover?" His anger rose, unbeknownst to him, his body began emitting a red hue.


Timely, the butler noticed this and stepped forward, standing before Noel. Seeing this, Sameera also noticed changes in Noel's body. "Wait, is he awakening? No, it can't be," she thought.


She approached him, "Noel, what's happening?"


Noel looked at her, and his anger subsided the moment he heard his name from her mouth. "Nothing! What happened?" Sameera pointed to his hands, "Look yourself." Noel noticed red marks on his skin, like his veins were popping out, but to his surprise, they were red.


He thought, "What's happening?" and looked at Sameera. "What is this?" Sameera replied, "I don't know, but probably signs of your awakening."


Noel looked shocked, then shifted his attention to the butler, who threatened the police officer, "You better tell me the reason you're after him, or even your department won't be able to save you today."


The police officer jibed, "You're threatening an on-duty officer. You think laws aren't meant for rich people like you?" His hand reached for his gun. "Don't force us to take measure actions."


Fiona felt surprised, looking at Noel, finding him cute and charming. "What crime has he done that you're so eager to arrest him?" she asked the officer curiously.


The officer, unaware of Sameera or the butler's true nature, treated them as ordinary rich people. but, knowing Fiona's identity, he couldn't take her words lightly.

He repeated, adding allegations, "He's a swindler, cheated innocent women and their families, dealt with illegal drugs and human trafficking. With these crimes, I must arrest him."


Fiona couldn't believe it, looking at Noel, who was controlling himself from jumping at the police officer, who has hand on his gun.

Again, body began reddening.


Fiona asked, "Can you show me the warran…?" But it was too late. Sameera swung her hand, and the officer flew into the glass door.


'Glass breaking sound'


"Aaaaahaaaaa" The officer cried out as the remaining three policemen retrieved their guns and pointed them at Sameera and the group.


Fiona's guards sensed Sameera wasn't a normal human, so they formed a protective barrier around Fiona. Fiona looked closely at Sameera, sensing she was a supernatural being or Awakener.


"You..." The police officer tried to get up, yelling at Sameera, but then vomited blood.


The people present were stunned, unable to believe their eyes.


Butler was also shocked, as Sameera had broken the rule of not attacking humans, which would have dire consequences. However, it was too late now. He felt anger towards Noel, thinking it was all because of him, but the real culprit was the police officer on the ground.


The butler took out his phone and dialled a number. Someone picked up, "Hello."


Butler spoke, "There are some officers of yours trying to arrest our guy without a warrant, and his allegations are fake. It seems he's doing this because of someone's order."


He then clicked pictures of the four police officers, one on the ground and three pointing their guns. The man on the phone looked at the pictures.


"Wait, don't tell me you attacked them?" His voice was serious. "You can't be serious, right?"


Butler sighed, "We didn't have a choice, but the situation is still in our hands. Talk to them." He handed his phone to one of the policemen.


"It's Carl Jackson," the butler said.


The policeman heard the name and felt fear in his heart. "Hello, sir?"


Carl Jackson yelled, "What the hell are you doing here? What reason do you have to point your guns at them? Tell me the whole story, without leaving a single detail."


His tone was serious and threatening. The officer told him about the whole incident.


"We were called by the captain to detain someone, and we don't know the details, but it's true the captain has no warrant against the man."


Carl yelled, "Are you stupid or something? Back off now and send that bastard to the hospital. I'm firing him now, and arrest him after that. Leave that man and forget about the incident."


The policeman looked at Noel, wondering, "What background does he have that even a senior captain is telling us to forget about the incident?"


He then returned the phone to the butler.


Carl spoke with a serious tone, "You should have called me. Why did you have to take things into your hands? If they find out you broke the rule, they'll come after you, even for this petty reason. Can't you control your temper?"


Butler replied, "I didn't think things would go this way. Not like I can't control my temper; it was not me but the princess."


As the butler ended his words, Carl Jackson felt a bead of sweat on his forehead.


He yelled, "You're joking, right?"


Butler's silence confirmed the truth. Carl Jackson thought, "Why is it her - the daughter of..." 


Butler cut the call as the policeman relayed the instructions to the others, "It's an order from Senior Captain Carl Jackson; stand down and leave."


The other police officers nodded, holstering their guns. However, the officer on the floor, still recovering from Sameera's attack, yelled in defiance.


"What are you doing? Are you going against my orders? How do these people know the captain?" He struggled to get up, his face reddening with anger. "Arrest them!"


The policeman in front spoke firmly, "You've been fired, and you'll be under supervision for misusing the law against innocent civilians. Your entire career will be investigated."


The officer's face paled as the reality of his situation sunk in. His colleagues helped him up, cuffing him before leading him away.