You are under arrest


After the call, sweat beaded on the manager's forehead and neck as he struggled to contain his anger and fear.


Meanwhile, Noel and his group finished lunch and headed downstairs.

As soon as they reached the lobby area, the assistant manager yelled, "It's them?"

He stood with four other people, dressed in police uniforms. The man in front looked at the picture in his phone and confirmed that it was the guy in black they were looking for.


Just as they came closer, he stopped Noel. "Mr. Noel, where do you think you are going?"

Noel had already noticed them but didn't think they were there for him. Noel asked, "What's the matter?"


The man in the lead said, "You have to come with us for swindling money from Miss Cynthia and the Charles family. You are under arrest with charges of theft."

Noel looked confused, "Swindling and me? Are you stupid or something?" He didn't say it loud and then tried to recall if the old Noel had done something, but to his surprise, there was nothing.


Mona came to his defense, "What proof do you have? Show us the warrant?"


The man looked at Mona, "So you are the lady he's trying to cheat after what he did with Miss Cynthia. Miss, you don't know, but he has done the same thing with many families. We don't need a warrant to arrest a criminal like him. Now, please move aside."


But then he looked at her hair, "But I was told that you have black hair?" Then Sameera came forward, "Are you talking about me?"

The man saw Sameera and her black hair, black dress, and asked, "Are you the woman who took him yesterday from the court?"


Sameera replied, "So what?"

The man thought, "I was told that he was with one woman in a black dress, black hair, but then who is the pink-haired one?" Then he looked at the butler standing at the back, who seemed unhappy due to the man's interruption.


The man asked Mona, "Miss, are you with him?" He pointed at Noel, who was glaring at him intently.

Mona nodded, "Yes." The man came to a conclusion, "Not only one, but you're trying to cheat two women at the same time." He looked at Noel.


Sameera lost her composure, "What did you say?" She was about to jump at the man to beat him up, but refrained from attacking a human.

Mona intervened, "If you don't have a warrant, then you cannot take him away. You are accusing someone without proof, mister."


The man looked at the two women, "Miss, what I'm doing is something good for you. There was intel that he works as a gigolo and swindles women of their money. Here, I'm just trying to help."

Supporting him, the assistant manager jumped into the conversation, "Yes, the officer is trying to help you two ladies. I can testify that I have seen this guy coming to this hotel many times with different women."



Someone slapped the assistant manager, attracting everyone's attention. The staff of the hotel bowed, "Sir, Manager!" The manager slapped the assistant manager and glared at him angrily.

The assistant manager looked at the manager, "What? Sir, why did you slap me?"


The assistant manager saw this as a chance to replace the manager who assaulted his subordinates. "Officer, you have seen this right. The manager has assaulted his subordinates."

Then he looked at the manager's angry face, "I respected you, but I didn't think you were this type of guy, assaulting your subordinates. Wait, I'll complain to the higher-ups."


The manager spoke, "You think I didn't see you yelling at our own staff and trying to break our hotel's rules? It seems you think you can do whatever you want because of your high position." Then he declared, "You are fired!" as he threw a paper at the assistant manager's face.


The assistant manager looked at the page, "Notice of firing the employee, ID No. xxxx." He yelled, "You can't do this to me! Who are you to fire me? You don't have the authority."


But then he heard, "But I do." Everyone looked at a woman.

Noel recognized her; she was the first receptionist who welcomed them to the hotel. The assistant manager yelled at her, "Who are you, bi—"


Before he could continue, the receptionist kicked him, and he fell to the ground in pain.

The manager bowed to her, "Miss." Everyone looked at her, including the assistant manager, who couldn't recognize her identity.



All he knew was that she was part of the team that weekly came to the hotel from another hotel to assist with operations. But witnessing the manager's deference towards her sparked his curiosity. "Who is she?" he murmured to himself.


Then, like a puzzle piece falling into place, the rumours he had heard began to make sense.


He recalled whispers of the President's Granddaughter visiting their hotel, but he had dismissed them as mere gossip. Now, the truth dawned on him: she was already here, hiding in plain sight as an ordinary employee.


Although his pain didn't subside, now all his pain was consumed by fear. He pleaded, "Miss, I'm sorry. Miss, please forgive me." But she didn't bat an eye at him as she ordered, "Throw him out."

He pleaded, crawling towards her feet in desperation, but before he could reach her, one of the hotel staff swiftly grasped his leg and dragged him away. The assistant manager's cries of apology were muffled as he was pulled across the floor.


Three more staff members stepped forward, positioning themselves strategically around her. Their imposing stance and expressionless faces exuded an aura of protection, leaving no doubt that they were her personal security detail.


Noel observed the scene unfold, recognizing the subtle cues that revealed her true identity and influence. Sameera and Mona exchanged knowing glances, their faces reflecting a mix of curiosity and caution.


The police officer, witnessing the sudden turn of events, lost his composure. "Stop!" he exclaimed; his voice laced with indignation. "What the hell are you doing in front of the police? Do you think we're non-existent?"


His eyes narrowed, focusing on the receptionist. "You better tell me who you are," he demanded, his tone oscillating between authority and unease.