Awakening (1)

Ares explained, "When you interact with supernatural beings, signs of Awakening emerge, especially if you're close to them. However, this process typically unfolds over time."


He chuckled, "But when a Supreme Being like myself chooses to share power with you, the dynamics change. That's why your Awakening has accelerated."


Ares' gaze turned intense. "Normally, you would succumb to excruciating pain, losing consciousness. Your consciousness would return here to this place."


His tone turned serious. "Even after your body showed signs of awakening, you didn't show any sign of pain. So, I had to force you into slumber."


"This is no small matter. It seems some power is interfering in your Awakening. Although there's no sign of a negative impact on you, it's concerning. There are powers in the Dark capable of accomplishing what even I, the God of War Ares, cannot comprehend."


Noel looked at Ares, "So you mean, I'm not feeling pain because some power is helping me? That's why I'm feeling numb. Isn't that a good thing?"


Ares said, "No, you won't understand. Pain during Awakening is a natural process. When someone awakens, their body undergoes significant changes. Every cell and tissue transform, making it a painful process. That's why it's a natural process, and interfering with nature never ends well."


Noel thought for a second. His life was already filled with unwanted surprises, and each day brought new challenges. He reasoned, "Even if I want to uncover the truth, it's impossible, especially when even a God can't comprehend it. Let's focus on the present and leave the problems of the future for the future."


he looked at Ares, "I understood that you're helping me in my awakening but why? why are you doing this?" he asked.


Ares said, "What do you mean, 'why'? I'm doing this for one reason only: I'm tired of waiting for you to grow stronger at a snail's pace. I want to fight a formidable opponent, not a mortal."


"No wait!" Noel exclaimed. "You're doing this just so you can fight me?" Noel couldn't believe his eyes; Ares, the God of War, lived up to his reputation as a war maniac.


Noel smiled, amused by the absurdity. A God wanted to empower him just to fight him? It was a free treat.


However, he understood that a war maniac like Ares, living in this place, might feel lonely. Noel's presence had shaken things up for Ares, and another reason for speeding up his Awakening was that Ares didn't want Noel to die outside in the real world due to his weakness.


Seeing the smile on Noel's shameless face, Ares spoke sternly, "Don't think of this as a free treat, mortal. You must prove yourself every time you wield my power. Remember this."


Ares spun his 'Doru' in his hands, his eyes gleaming with intensity. "As the God of War, I have never lost a fight. So, if you ever fall to someone, I will erase your existence from this world."


Noel can feel the intensity and the weight of Ares words but then a question arose in his mind, he asked, "if you have never lost to someone in fight then how did you came to this place, how did you die?"



Ares spoke, his voice laced with irritation, "Mortal, I didn't lose in a fight." He paused; reluctance evident in his tone. "I lost a damn fuc*ing bet."


Noel struggled to comprehend the revelation. The God of War, feared by all, had lost a bet to someone. And because of that, Ares was now confined to his own world, trapped inside his iconic weapon, 'Doru', which now resided within Noel's chest.


Noel struggled to supress a laugh, but Ares's stern expression kept him in check. However, Ares's keen eyes detected the flicker of amusement.


Ares thought to himself, his mind burning with anticipation, "Laugh all you want, brat. Let's see how long that smug grin lasts when we spar again. This time, you won't be so lucky."


Ares spoke, his smile gleaming with anticipation, "Let's begin then."


Noel's expression turned serious, his voice laced with caution, "What?"


Ares's grin widened, "Our fight."


In an instant, Ares sprang into action, lunging at Noel with lightning speed. Noel stumbled backward, but swiftly regained his footing. Ares landed precisely where Noel had stood moments before, his eyes blazing with intensity.


Alternatively, for a more dynamic narrative:


"Let's begin," Ares declared, his smile flashing like a battle sword.


Noel's eyes narrowed, sensing the ominous undertone. "What?" he asked, his tone guarded.


"Our fight," Ares replied, pouncing on Noel before the words had fully left his lips.


Noel stumbled backward, but his reflexes kicked in, and he steadied himself. Ares landed with a soft thud, standing at the exact spot where Noel was. The air crackled with tension as their eyes locked.



Ares taunted, his voice dripping with provocation, "What's wrong, Noel? Losing your nerve? Don't you want to become stronger?"


"Noel, are you backing down now?" Ares sneered. "Do you want to suffer a dog's death in the outside world? A pitiful, helpless mortal, unable to defend yourself."


Noel gazed at Ares with amusement. "Provocation won't work on me," he said, chuckling, "But yes, I want to get stronger—and I will."


With a swift jab, Noel aimed for Ares's face, but the he dodged effortlessly.


Ares smiled, "Seems I should show you what a real attack looks like."


He punched the air near Noel's ear, generating a shockwave that made Noel's head feel like pounding drums.


Noel's eyes widened, stunned by the sheer force.


Ares's grin grew wider. "That was just a warning."


Ares pulled back his hand and punched Noel on his face. Noel felt he couldn't move.


Ares's hand came close to blowing his head with one punch, but Ares stopped before his hand could touch Noel's face. Still, Noel could feel tension in every muscle on his face.


Ares spoke, "With this one punch, I can smash my enemy's head to smithereens. Maybe one day, you'll be able to do the same."


Noel didn't speak, he was still going through the impact of Ares's punch, although his body had become numb, but he could still feel like there were many small insects biting his facial skin.


Ares then made the copy of 'Doru' and throws it towards Noel, who somehow catches it

[Author's note]

"for every 50 power stone, there will be 1 extra chapter"